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Both the origin and the meaning of the name Maryana turned out to be very interesting. In general, it is considered a common variant of the name Marianne. It is actively used in both Orthodox and Catholic faiths. The only difference is the date of the name day.

Origin of the female name Mariana

Anyone who decides to give their daughter the name under discussion will certainly be interested in studying its meaning and origin. To date, it is not known exactly how it appeared. According to one legend, the name Marianna became the female version of the family nickname Marianus - "belonging to Mary." It began to be given to girls at first within one large family. Then it actively spread around the world. The second version suggests that the name Marianne came from the addition of two others - Anna and Mary.

Since it was not easy to pronounce the original version, in the end another form was born - Maryana. It is considered simplistic and was rarely given to girls from wealthy noble families. And today it is a full-fledged independent name. Maryana in the church sounds like "Mariamna".

The meaning of the name for a girl

If we talk about the meanings of the name for the girl, then they will be able to meet several at once. For example, "tart", "bitter". There are other interesting options: "sad grace", "beloved grace".

Character and fate associated with the name

The chosen name in me affects the character of the girl. From a very early age, Maryana is calm and obedient. She is an excellent student at school, never deceives her loved ones, and, in general, rarely causes inconvenience to her parents. The baby with pleasure and very responsibly fulfills all the instructions of adults, is active, but in moderation, spends a lot of time with her dad.

Mariana loves to read, play with dolls and other toys, or just stare dreamily out the window. But her relationships with peers are not easy for her. It is difficult for her to find a common language with the guys, so the girl often simply avoids any communication with her peers and spends maximum time alone.

Already an adult girl is very attractive to the opposite sex. She hears compliments every day and literally fights off those who want to get acquainted. True, increased male attention gives Maryana only discomfort, because in childhood she often fails to learn how to communicate with boys. Only the most persistent and sincerely in love with her man can win the heart of a girl.

The first strong feeling radically changes Maryana's behavior. She is completely given to heart impulses and can quickly lose her head from falling in love. If her parents do not approve of her choice, the girl will easily leave home or simply immediately marry the chosen one. Even after two weeks of dating.

If Maryana loves a man unrequitedly, then she will do everything possible to become his companion. For a while, an enthusiastic girl will even forget about her pride. She will begin to seek the location of the man she likes by any means.

Adult Maryana is pretty, cunning, prudent, practical. If she failed to experience a strong sincere feeling, then a woman can marry by calculation. In any case, in a relationship, such girls behave very emotionally. Mariana is bored to live without scandals and tantrums. She loves to arouse jealousy in her man by flirting with other members of the stronger sex. Often she does this to check the feelings of her husband and wait for him to emotional outburst. So that after such tricks of the young lady the family does not break up, next to her there must be a strong person who can curb the ardent disposition of the beauty.

A truly happy career makes Maryana. Such women are not able to enjoy immersion in everyday life and motherhood. They constantly need to feel significant in society and prove their high professional level. It is not easy for Maryana to combine work and family. On this basis, she often has conflicts with her husband. Actively moving up the career ladder, a girl can completely abandon household chores, and entrust the upbringing of children to a nanny.

Mariana is very emotional. A calm life and harmony in her personal life are hampered by her frequent mood swings. This also affects the health of the girl. The weakest places in her body are the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. In order to protect herself from health problems, the owner of the name under discussion needs to learn how to cope with her emotions, control recurrent outbursts of aggression.

Mariana rarely has real friends. The girl does not know how to build close and trusting relationships. Especially with girlfriends. She easily blurs out any secrets and does not need anyone's advice.

In her sexual life, Maryana is passionate and sensitive. She loves unusual erotic experiments, long caresses.

When Maryana celebrates name day

Name day dates for Maryana will depend on her faith. Orthodox girls celebrate them on June 22 and March 2. And for Catholics it is June 12 and March 20. The name day (or Angel Day), which is dedicated to the heavenly protector and patron of the girl, can be celebrated at the family table by preparing a delicious pie. You should definitely invite Maryana's godparents to the celebration.

As a gift for a girl, it would be appropriate to choose a nominal amulet, any images of an angel, a book about a patron saint and other similar options.

Middle name compatibility

The name Maryana goes well with a variety of middle names. The simplest variations of the type Ivanovna, Petrovna, Olegovna also approach him. And with complex patronymics, this fabulous female name can be beautifully combined in the form of Gennadievna, Vladislavovna, Konstantinovna.

What male names will have a happy family life

There are several male names at once, with the owners of which Maryana will be able to build a happy family life. First of all, these are Leonid, Vladislav, Timofey, Sergey. Alfred, George, Fedor, Ivan will also suit the girl.

Mariana has minimal compatibility with Arthur, Timur, Dmitry, Stepan. It will be hard for her to build a harmonious relationship with a man named Ignat, Stepan, Andrey, Stanislav or Taras.

Talismans for the name Maryana

The patron stone for Maryana is carnelian, sapphire, emerald, lapis lazuli. Of the metals, tin is best for such girls. From colors - bright green, blue and blue. Given all these data, you can create the perfect talisman for the bearer of the name Maryana. It's great if it is such an ornament, such as, for example, a brooch in the shape of a flower or a bird. Among the important symbols for Maryana, a lily, a dahlia, a dove, a peacock are also noted. Well, if they are present in the decoration.

Other patrons of the name:

  • tree - maple;
  • season - autumn;
  • elements - water and earth;
  • planets - Mars and Saturn;
  • the number is four.

The name Maryana endows its owner with irreplaceable qualities - insight, kindness, bright personality, self-confidence. It sounds beautiful and goes well with any names and surnames. This name is well suited for both little girls and adult respectable ladies.

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What does the name Mariana mean?

Maryana appeared as a result of a combination of two Hebrew names Maria and Anna. Marianne is his more literary form. The meaning of the name Maryana has several versions of origin.

It is used both in Orthodoxy and in the Catholic faith. Church use - Marianne, known as the sister of the Apostle Philip, whose name day is celebrated on March 2.

Passion, mental anxiety permeate the entire energy of this name. Balance and calmness are given with great difficulty to Marianne. She needs a huge effort of will to be guided by logic and common sense.

Maryana constantly requires increased attention to her own person. Faced with the opposition of others, she will learn to be more restrained. Her pride will be fueled by determination and a desire to act.

The most important thing in life for Maryana is to find a compromise between her excessive emotionality and the people around her. If she does not focus only on her own feelings, it is in her power to free herself from unnecessary experiences and conflicts, to direct her energy on the right path.

Would you name your child by this name?

The origin of the name Maryana from a combination of two words Maria and Anna gives it the meaning - “rejected grace” or “sad beauty”. There is another version of the translation of this name - "outrage".

Many researchers share the opinion that Maryana came from the name of the Roman generic nickname Marianus, which means “belonging to Mary” in translation.

If we analyze even deeper, it becomes obvious: this genus takes its origins from the word Marius - "belonging to the god Mars."

Therefore, for many historians, the secret of the name Maryan is revealed with the help of the god Mars, widely known in mythology.

According to the third version, Maryana is the female form of the male equivalent of Marian, which means "sea" in Latin.

This name has many synonyms in different languages ​​- Marianna, Marian, Marianu, Mariano, as well as a wide variety of diminutives - Yana, Mara, Nana, Riana, which began to be used as independent names.

Name Forms

Simple: Mara Full: Maryana Ancient: MaryanaAffectionate: Maryasha

The secret of communication with Maryana is that with her you need to be guided by logic and as little as possible feelings. She is able to show compassion, but Maryana's passion is so all-consuming that her guardianship can simply tire.

The characteristic of the name Maryana from the standpoint of numerology is determined by the number 4.

Conscientiousness, stability, reliability are noted in the character of these people. In a difficult situation, Maryana will never let you down, but rather, on the contrary, she will show her best qualities. "Fours" are inherent in independence, in resolving all troubles and problems, they try not to resort to outside help.

Mariana has a lot of talents, so she should not be afraid to set ambitious goals for herself. With enough diligence and patience, she will be able to realize them.

According to the astrological characteristics of Maryana, she is patronized by the zodiac constellation Scorpio and militant Mars. This is not surprising if you remember what the name Maryana means. In crucial moments, it is better for her to wear green and blue clothes. From jewelry suitable - emerald, lapis lazuli and sapphire.

Maryana has a happy childhood, all thanks to her emotionality and charm. Both in character and appearance, she is an exact copy of her father. Her description is similar to the ideal child: obedient at home, diligent at school, attends circles in her free time, loves to draw and sing.

With age, her character remains almost the same. Having become the favorite of many, she does not seek to change anything in her own life. Maryana gets great pleasure from communication, attaches great importance to friendship, likes to have fun.

Maryana does not hide her feelings, she is sincere in her actions. Dangers can shock her, but the potential that she has is enough to cope with them.

This girl has a hot temperament. He will defend his point of view to the end, even if in the process he realizes that he is not entirely right. Her fuse is transmitted to others, if desired, she can lead.

Mariana questions a lot, she will not finally make a decision until she checks everything.

Her incredulity is also manifested in communication with people: she trusts her secrets only to those closest to her. Adhering to strict moral principles, she rarely deviates from them.

The name Maryana means "tart" in Hebrew. And there is also a popular version of the appearance of a female name as a result of the combination of two: Anna (translated as “beautiful”) and Mary (“sad”). The meaning is "sad beauty". Maryana is the folk form of the name Marianna. The third decoding is “sea” (literal translation of the Latin male name Maryan).

Name day according to the Orthodox calendar - June 22 and March 2. Name variations: Maryashka, Mariannochka, Maryusichka, Mara, Maryasya, Maryanka.

Parents who named their daughter by the name of Maryana will not have any special problems with raising a child, since the girl is very obedient and calm. She likes to carry out parental assignments, is moderately active, spends a lot of time with her father. Maryana is a father's daughter, she considers her parent to be her closest friend and trusts him with secret secrets, listens to his advice.

It is very important that the father showed Maryana a good example and instilled a love for art.

The girl diligently studies at school, happily does her homework and attends various circles. She is diligent and responsible, takes first place in school competitions, strives to learn new things and loves to read. Mariana finds it difficult to communicate with her classmates, she cannot find a common language with her peers, so she tries to avoid the guys.

The girl is very attractive to the opposite sex. From childhood, boys pay attention to the young beauty, but she does not notice her fans, devoting her free time to useful activities.

First love radically changes Maryana's behavior: she completely obeys her heart's impulses and loses her head from falling in love. A girl can commit impulsive acts, even leave home if her parents do not approve of her choice. Studying fades into the background, Maryana becomes uninterested in attending boring lectures, she wants to have fun and spend time in the company of her lover. If her chosen one does not reciprocate her ardent feelings, the girl will seek his favor by any means, forgetting about female pride.

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The life of an adult Maryana

An adult woman is smart, pretty, cunning and prudent. She likes to use men for selfish purposes. Fate is favorable to her, Maryana can earn money and open her own business. She is self-willed and stubborn, successfully leads people.

Mariana marries early, she needs a strong man who will be able to curb the difficult temper of the beauty and be able to satisfy her financial needs. If a woman truly falls in love, she is ready to completely surrender to her family and her chosen one. Maryana will make a good mother and a devoted wife, but a woman does not accept a calm and measured family life. She needs to constantly sort things out and roll scenes of jealousy. She likes to test her husband's feelings for strength by flirting with members of the opposite sex.

A woman can completely immerse herself in everyday problems and raising her children, forgetting about professional activities. But self-realization and a successful career will make her happy. Combining work and family is very difficult for Maryana, so prosperous ladies are most often lonely.

The secret of the female name

Personal characteristics of a woman named Maryana:

Temperament Choleric
Health There are problems with the nervous system, a high risk of heart disease
Main character traits irascibility, independence, good nature
Positive sides Purposefulness, independence, mercy
Negative sides Excessive emotionality, sudden mood swings
Moral In order to achieve her goals, a woman is ready to sacrifice spiritual values
Intuition Well developed sixth sense, she completely relies on her inner voice
Friendship She has many acquaintances, but no real friends. A woman does not know how to keep secrets and does not need the advice of her friends.
Business It can be both a successful business woman and a woman with big financial problems who is bogged down in debt
Sex The woman has a passionate and sensitive nature, loves experiments in bed and long foreplay
Hobbies Needlework, cooking, literature, theater, cinema, painting
Professions Designer, fashion designer, sculptor, artist, doctor, teacher, journalist, TV presenter, actress
Mental capacity Outstanding intelligence, well-developed creative thinking, excellent memory
Compatibility with male names Yuri, Vladimir, Maxim, Gennady, Stepan, Vladislav
Incompatibility Artem, Alexey, Ivan, Savely, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Mikhail, Edward, Rostislav

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The unusually beautiful name Marianna, translated from Latin, means "sea" and is the female form of the male Marian. Another version also relates the origin of the name to the time of the ancient Roman legionnaires, but believes that the secret of the name is hidden in the history of the noble patrician family Marianus (“Mariev, belonging to Mary”), which has roots from the family nickname Marius, that is, “worshiping or belonging to the god Mars” .

Some researchers interpret the meaning of the name Marianna as "bitter grace" or "sad beauty" and believe that it was formed by the merger of two Hebrew names Maria and Anna. Its folk form is Maryana.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Mars, Saturn
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, sapphire, emerald
  • Color: blue, bright green
  • plant: hellebore
  • Animal: camel
  • Favorable day: Saturday


The characteristic of the name Marianna hides a balanced, sensible woman, distinguished by her sociability, friendliness and sociability, but firmly standing on the ground with both feet and not hovering in the clouds of romantic dreams. She is easy-going and just as quickly converges with people, has a great sense of humor and is not afraid to make fun of herself, thanks to which she has many friends and buddies. With them, the girl maintains relationships throughout her life, since her calm, emotionally restrained disposition allows her to avoid conflicts even with very unpleasant people.

The character of the owner of the name is extremely independent: she never shifts the burden of problems onto the shoulders of outsiders, believing that they need to be solved by herself, and also does not listen to outside advice. At this moment, the main paradox appears, which hides the name Marianne - lively in words, the woman does not hide from life's troubles, waiting for everything to calm down by itself. The belief that “everything will be fine” gives her enviable optimism, which she does not lose over the years.

Another “plus” of Marianna is responsibility, the ability to fulfill her obligations, as well as her willingness to support friends in difficult moments of their lives, for which she is especially appreciated both at work and in the family. She, as a rule, does not have a luxurious catchy beauty, but she is damn attractive. He knows his strengths well, knows how to emphasize them with the help of fashionable clothes and makeup.

Interests and hobbies

Marianne's hobbies are distinguished by a "masculine" character. She is attracted by football, extreme driving, mountaineering, long trips, and not to the most fashionable resorts in the world, but “to her native outback”.

It is difficult to blame a woman for being too sentimental, so she bypasses the traditional bachelorette parties on the tenth road, preferring mountain bike outings or songs around the campfire. Marianne also likes active outdoor games, from team games with the ball to tennis. Therefore, from an early age, it must be given not to one, but to several sections.

All her life she develops intellectually, reads a lot, listens to classical and popular music, spends hours at opening days of young artists, attends fashion concerts and private film screenings.

Profession and business

Marianna's natural talents, as well as good knowledge, taken out of the walls of the school and the institute, allow her to achieve great career heights, and not with "backstage intrigues", but with her professionalism. She is loved in the team, and she knows how to maintain a healthy atmosphere in it, even as its leader. But, despite the external democracy, the management style of a girl with this name is really iron.

With her talents, Marianna can easily find herself in the field of a manager and economist, teacher and animator, lawyer, lawyer, stewardess. She makes a great model and designer, stylist or makeup artist, fashion photographer or other representative of the fashion industry, because according to everyone around her, she has some kind of unique “fashion sense”.


Marianna is not in good health, so she needs to strengthen her immune system and nervous system. In adulthood, problems with the musculoskeletal system and kidneys may arise, perhaps as a consequence of too hectic student life.

Sex and love

Marianne can have many connections, so sometimes she seems frivolous. But it is in this way that a girl chooses a suitable man for herself. In relations with the stronger sex, she tries to dominate, but only at the initial stage - she does not need weak and ready to submit "princes". Therefore, we can say that a woman finds happiness only in that union, which is based either on partnership or on the leadership of a young man.

This is a temperamental and passionate nature, not thinking of life without good, high-quality sex. She is able to get several discharges in one intercourse if she comes across an intelligent and skillful man who is able to “wake up” her natural sensuality. Born in winter, Marianna is colder, therefore, getting a certain amount of pleasure in bed, she misses the climax itself and only after giving birth begins to discover all facets of sex.

Family and marriage

For Marianne, the family always comes first, so her marriage, as a rule, resembles a monolithic rock - just as strong and reliable. The girl's natural sociability, non-conflict, respectful attitude towards all household members without exception help to survive even the most critical periods of family life.

The owner of the name Marianna is not only a hospitable, hospitable and skillful hostess, skillfully coping with the whole house, she is also a wonderful mother, able to devote her life to raising children, developing their talents and skills.

The name Maryana is a common variant of the female name Marianna, the origin of which has at least two versions. According to the first of them, it comes from the Roman personal (or generic) nickname Marianus("Mariev, belonging to Mary"), derived from the family name Marius- "belonging to the god Mars." Ancient Rome also had a related female cognomen marianilla(Marianilla), which arose as a diminutive form of Mariana. In medieval Latin, the possessive Marianus/Mariana was also interpreted as "Mariin/-a, belonging to/-th Mary (Virgin Mary)".

According to the second, most common version, this name has Hebrew roots and it was formed from the addition of the meanings of the names Maria - "bitter, sad" and Anna - "beautiful, pretty") - a sad beauty.

Church form (Orthodox saints) - Mariamne.

The name is used in both the Orthodox and Catholic faiths, so name days are celebrated on March 2, June 22 and January 23, June 12, April 30, respectively.


  • Common name variations: Mariana, Maryan, Maryana, Mariamna, Marian, Marianu, Mariano.
  • At diminutive forms: Mariannochka, Marisha, Masha, Marusya, Manyusha, Maryasha.


A girl with that name grows up, does not cause much trouble to her parents. This is a classic "daddy's daughter": she looks like her father both in appearance and behavior, and she is drawn to him more than to all other adults. Sociability and charm make her attractive in the eyes of her peers, so she has many friends.

Mariana is an optimist, but prefers not to face problems head-on and always hopes that they will disappear on their own, persuading herself and others that nothing much is happening. However, if it is not possible to get out of the problem, then she tries to cope on her own, without asking anyone for help. However, if someone supports her on her own initiative, she will gladly accept this support. The girl loves and knows how to dress beautifully, always takes care of herself, goes to theatrical performances. She has another addiction - it's delicious food, and extra pounds often become its consequence.

Success in studies and sports

She has a lively, sharp mind, the ability for extraordinary thinking, for the sciences and, in general, for everything new. At school, the girl shines with success. She has time in all subjects, studies with enthusiasm and happily runs home to show off her good grades. In addition to the school curriculum, she often finds herself a lot of additional activities, ranging from sports sections to a theater group.

Fate in love, marriage and family

Usually Maryana begins to be interested in relationships closer to her twenties, but young people attack her much earlier. Sometimes a girl consciously suppresses her sensual nature. A sense of security is of particular importance to her, therefore Maryana always chooses a real knight as her companion, who can be a reliable support and protection for her. She will be happy only with a calm, balanced man who is older than her. Her marriage can be very early, and she does not consider it necessary to consult with anyone about her future chosen one.

Her family union is particularly strong. The only exceptions are the marriages of women born in the autumn months. The rest of Marianne knows how to keep her family and personal happiness, despite all life's problems and upheavals. It is the woman who is the undisputed leader in the family, but behaves in such a way that her dominant role does not humiliate anyone. The owner of this name becomes an attentive, caring wife and mother, an excellent hostess.

Name Compatibility

  • Excellent Compatibility: Leonty, Timofey, Vladislav, Pantelei, Alfred, Benjamin.
  • Bad compatibility: Dmitry, Ignatius, Stepan, Taras, Stanislav, Timur, Artur, Dasy.

Characteristics in a career

Often Maryana finds herself in childhood, being engaged in numerous circles and sections. The origin of the name affects the presence of a penchant for music: she can become both a famous performer and a successful composer or even a music producer. Many types of art are open, because the very energy of the name inclines it into this area. For her, activities related to beauty are also close. She can achieve great success in fashion design, modeling business.

Other close professions that suit her are makeup artist or make-up artist. Even if she chooses the path of a consultant in a clothing store, her employer will idolize her employee: the girl is well versed in fashion. At the same time, she has the ability to learn languages, so she can make a professional translator. Fate will be successful in any case - but the reason for this will not be luck and luck, but her hard work and ability to enjoy work. Her character will make it easy to say goodbye to any business that begins to seem boring, but if she has already found a job to her liking, she will become a real professional in it.


Marianne's health is good, but she can undermine it with a too busy life in which she strives to have time to do everything and even more.

How to choose a name for a girl in accordance with the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Scorpio, Libra.
  • Ruler Planet: Mars, Saturn.

Mystery of the name

Marianne's secret can be called her ability to manipulate people. She is good at manipulatively getting her way, but does not like to resort to it. Only unfavorable circumstances will force Marianne to resort to her innate skill. She is extremely negative about such actions from other people, and she does not allow herself even more so.


  • Stone, mineral, metal - lapis lazuli, sapphire, emerald, green jasper.
  • Color - blue, bright green.
  • Plant - hellebore, dahlia.
  • Totem animal - peacock.
  • The most successful day is Saturday.

Notable people with this name

  • Marianne Cope - Blessed of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Marianna Bernatskaya - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr.
  • Marianne of Austria - Queen of Spain, second wife of Philip IV, mother of Charles II, the last Spanish king from the Habsburg dynasty.
  • Marianna Tavrog is a Russian film director, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.
  • Mariana de Gonich is a Russian-Cuban singer and music teacher.
  • Marianna Veryovkina is a Russian-Swiss artist, a representative of the expressionist movement in painting.
  • Marianna Ionesyan - Soviet actress, known for her role in the film "Guest from the Future".
  • Marianna Vertinskaya - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Marianna Longa is an Italian skier, world championship medalist, winner of the World Cup stage.
  • Marianna Maksimovskaya - TV presenter.
  • Marianne Faithful is a British singer, musician and actress.

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