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We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article on the topic: "a dream book to put your head on a man's shoulder" on the pages of the most relevant reference book on dreams in 2018.

What does it mean if you dreamed of Shoulders:

You dreamed of Shoulders - self-confidence. For a woman to bow her head on a man's shoulder is a desire to lean on her life partner or get married.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

I dreamed of Shoulders - what does sleep mean?

What does Shoulders mean in a dream - Naked - to losses. Imagine that you are throwing a beautiful silk cape over your shoulders (see Cape).

Why dream Shoulders in a dream?

You dreamed of Shoulders - Broad shoulders are associated with strength, and drooping shoulders are associated with fear, depression and humility. What is the dream about: Did something press on you in a dream, as if you were carrying the whole world on your shoulders? Or did you shake someone's hand off your shoulder? In the first case, your subconscious may warn you that you need to find a way to relieve the stresses that overcome you in real life. In the second - maybe you feel uncomfortable in the company of this person? Can you identify why?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Shoulders dreamed, why:

Shoulder - you dream of a woman's bare shoulder - happy changes in your destiny and you will be changed; a person who was indifferent to you cannot help but notice the radiance of your eyes. You see in a dream that you have ugly thin shoulders - you will actually depend on someone's whims; you will have to, reluctantly, fulfill the whims of an unintelligent person.

What does sleep mean by day of the week

  • Had a dream about Shoulders from Sunday to Monday?
  • Had a dream about Shoulders from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If Shoulders dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday?
  • I dreamed of Shoulders from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
  • If you had a dream Shoulders from Thursday to Friday?
  • If Shoulders dreamed from Friday to Saturday, why?
  • What was the dream of Shoulders from Saturday to Sunday?

Had a dream Shoulders? Share!

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Shoulder according to the dream book

To understand what the shoulder is dreaming of, you should carefully study the dream books. But first, remember whose it was, how you contacted it, and indeed, it was a part of the body or a device for clothing. Analyze every detail seen in a dream with special care.

Miller's dream book

The interpretation of sleep offered by this dream book says: in a dream you see bare hairy male shoulders - expect happy changes that will change your worldview.

And if you dreamed of your bony little hands, then this means that luck will depend on the whims of others. A shawl thrown over the shoulders of a beloved in a dream can mean both the dreamer's desire to protect her, and inner strength girls.

In a dream, did you see a tick on your forearm? Someone wants to profit at your expense. And if in a dream you felt a syringe prick or a nail scratching on your skin, then be prepared for the unexpected.

Part of the body of a beloved man as a reflection of relationships

A girl who dreamed of her head resting on her lover's shoulder should think about how to change the established situation in which she "plays" a secondary role, obeying a man in everything.

Particularly acute attention should be paid if the head on the man’s shoulder was uncomfortable: the bones were crushed, the skin was cold, the belt of the bag interfered, etc., suggests Medea’s dream book.

In a dream, does your beloved hug you by the shoulder, kiss you, and at the same time you bow your head on his shoulders? This is a good vision, symbolizing equality in relationships, dream books assure.

Random fellow traveler - a sign of new acquaintances

Do you want to know what the plot promises, in which, having fallen asleep in transport, you bowed or laid your head on the hand of a neighbor? Pastor Loff's dream book predicts an interesting and useful acquaintance. Did a fellow traveler put his head on your shoulder in a dream? Someone will take you under their protection.

And if in a dream you unashamedly put your head on the shoulder of a stranger sitting next to you, about to sleep, then this means you will have a chance to strengthen your relationship with a new colleague or friend.

Examine yourself in the mirror, or Be vigilant!

Do you dream that you are looking at your shoulders in the mirror? To understand why this is a dream, you should clarify a few nuances, dream books suggest.

If in a dream you like the reflection, then you can hope that you will be able to realize the ideas that you so zealously defended. And if in the mirror you see your open shoulders, which are either too thin or covered with ulcers, then this is a sign that serious trials will fall to your lot.

Had a dream that you cover your emaciated hands with a handkerchief? Remember what color it was: black prophesies more big problems, but white promises a quick improvement in the situation. A green handkerchief thrown over is a sign of excellent well-being, the dream book broadcasts.

Tattoo on the forearm: From an unpleasant conversation to admiration

According to Muslim dream book, the dreamed shoulder symbolizes a person who is under the care of the dreamer: a wife, a child, an elderly family member. And a tattoo on this part of the body can tell you how the relationship will develop.

Remember, if you dreamed of a spider, then be prepared for the fact that a serious and, most likely, unpleasant conversation awaits you. Interested in why the devil is impaled on the forearm in a dream? Remember on which hand it was stuffed: on the left - the reputation will suffer, on the right - to wounded pride.

Dreamed of a turtle? You admire your kinsman's ability to concentrate. But the coffin promises health problems in the household.

Wear on backs - Both under protection and against patterns ...

Why dream of a dream in which you are carried around your neck? According to the dream book of the White Magician, such a vision speaks of the dreamer's desire to be protected and protected. Did you dream that you were being carried on your shoulders, and shoulder straps were bothering you? This is a signal that you should not speculate with the guardianship of a person in power.

A girl on her backs for a guy is identified by dream books with attempts to take on other people's chores. But for a girl to sit and command where to carry her is a sign of extremely inflated ambitions.

To carry a gun on your shoulder in a dream - to decisive action, moreover, hasty. But to carry a jacket, throwing it over your shoulder, is a sign of unwillingness to adapt to generally accepted standards.

Bird on the shoulder: From wisdom to bickering

A dreaming bird sitting on your shoulder can tell a lot, dream books say, but for this you need to remember what kind of bird the village is.

If it was a dove, then you will find reconciliation with those with whom you are in a quarrel. Especially if the dove was of a light color. But the parrot prophesies petty squabbles and squabbles. The eagle is a sign of great willpower, and the owl sitting on the shoulder is a symbol of wisdom.

Why dream that a crow shit on you? Your unwillingness to listen to advice will let you down. And if a sparrow pooped on his shoulder, then a small but constant income awaits you.

Animal on the neck

When interpreting what the animal nestled around the neck is dreaming of, also do not be too lazy to clarify who it was in the dream. For example:

  • rat - symbolizes enemy aggression;
  • mouse - means cowardice and fear of making a mistake;
  • snake - is identified with a wise opponent who should not be underestimated;
  • a cat is a sign of lulled vigilance.

"Shoulder" troubles - a sign of temporary difficulties

Unraveling what dreams of all sorts of troubles that happened in a dream with your shoulders, specify what kind of misfortune happened, dream books advise.

Have you been stabbed in the shoulder joint? Something will happen that will undermine the implementation of plans. Was the wound in the dream not deep? You will quickly correct the situation.

And if you dreamed that you were wounded by a shot from a pistol, then remember whether the bullet that hit the body came out of it or not. If it comes out, then the troubles will not linger for a long time, but a stuck bullet promises a long period of difficulties.

Let's analyze another plot: you dreamed that a lioness put her paws on her shoulders. She licked you and left? Get rid of obligations. Bitten or left bruises on the skin - you will suffer because of your incontinence.

Hangers - From failure to the rebirth of a dream

If you are interested in what clothes hangers dream of, then by looking into Modern dream book, you will get the following answer: empty trempels promise the collapse of plans and illusions, but hangers with clothes, on the contrary, symbolize the revival of faded hopes.

Other visions

For those who set out to find out why a kiss on the forearm is dreaming, dream books will tell you that this is a symbol of the fact that you recognize someone else's superiority. Of course, in the event that you had a chance to kiss in a dream.

Seeing your hands on the shoulders of a stranger in a dream is a signal of the need to make new idea to a stalled project. But the hair on the shoulders means confusion and uncertainty about what to do next.

Falling asleep in a dream on a friend’s shoulder is a sign that you completely trust him. And lying on your own or seeing that your husband is lying on the shoulder of a stranger is a prediction that you should refuse someone else's help.

Any action performed with the shoulders of the enemy: hug, pat, stroke - a symbol of an attempt to reconcile with him.

Why is Shoulder dreaming

Modern Dream Interpretation

If you put your hands on the shoulders of a breathtaking man, spinning with him in a dance, then in real life such a dream will turn into a profitable deal, profit and new business acquaintances. If at the same time you see yourself in a dress with seductively bare shoulders, it means reciprocity between lovers.

Seeing in a dream the powerful, steep shoulders of a bodybuilder is a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. Thin, bony - portend that your own recklessness will bring you a lot of trouble. Tanned to black - means that your ideal of a real man is waiting to meet you in the very near future and you feel it.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

Women's shoulders in the neckline beautiful dress, including those belonging to the dreamer - a romantic date, love relationship, New acquaintances. A shawl thrown over the shoulders of a beloved in a dream can mean both the desire of a man to protect her and the inner strength of a girl. In a dream, a loved one hugs you by the shoulder, kisses you, and at the same time you bow your head on his shoulders - this is a good vision, symbolizing equality in relationships. A stranger hugging you in a dream is your dream of an ideal man. Looking over your shoulder - you will see something imperceptible at first glance, perhaps someone with whom you will have a strong relationship.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Shoulder in a dream - symbolizes strength and confidence. See your shoulders strong and strong - good sign portending serious success in a difficult matter. If in a dream yours look weak or sick, this means that some business at the moment may be unbearable for you. Perhaps you are trying to solve too many problems at once, or maybe you need to take a break and relax. The dream in which you carry a heavy load on your shoulders has the same meaning. The strong shoulders of another person means that in a difficult moment you can count on someone's support.

Family Dream Interpretation

Shoulders in a dream are a symbol of strength and the ability to survive in any conditions. If in a dream you feel pain in the muscles, then great difficulties and experiences await you. If it is unbearable, then misfortune and failure will fall upon you, which will break you. Not seeing one of your shoulders in a dream portends an eye disease, due to which you really cannot see one shoulder, or the loss of the person whose help you were counting on. To dream that you have bony shoulders is a sign that you will have to endure a lot of life's trials.

Miller's dream book

Seeing your shoulders thinner to bony - such a dream indicates the dependence of your life on the whims and whims of others. To see bare shoulders - you have to look at the world with different eyes, and the "culprits" will be happy changes in life. Spit over your shoulder - you will resist temptation. Break it yourself - a dream says that you will become famous person. To see that one shoulder is larger than the other is a clue: you are too carried away by one side of life, forgetting about the others.

Loff's dream book

Shoulders are a part of the human body that is associated with strength, reliability, self-confidence. This word is included in many idiomatic expressions, for example, "turn the shoulder", "not on the shoulder", "shoulder on the shoulders", "chopping from the shoulder", which reflect the ability to perform a difficult task, as well as help others. Bare female shoulders look very erotic and are associated with love experiences, and touching someone else's shoulder is a sign of attracting attention and friendly support.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

The shoulder is the wife. The harm or benefit that touched him in a dream will touch his wife in reality. Sometimes a shoulder in a dream is a brother or friend of a person or his partner or deputy. The shoulder also indicates travel. They also say: developed and broad shoulders, seen in a dream, indicate the enormous capacity of their owner. Seeing their own sick - to the illness or death of a brother. Trying to see your shoulder with both eyes in a dream and not being able to do it - to the loss of vision in one eye.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a shoulder, then again you will turn to your partner for help, despite the fact that your inability to solve problems on your own annoys him terribly. And soon you yourself will feel aggression from your other half.

Chinese Dream Interpretation

Throw a raincoat over your shoulders, cover yourself with clothes from the weather - there will be a great mercy. Coming home, carrying a tree on your shoulder - joy in connection with material gain, acquisition.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Shoulders in a dream mean that the dreamer is very strong both spiritually and physically, he is able to find a way out of any situation.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

The dream where you saw the shoulder means that those around you love you for loyalty and selflessness.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Shoulder in a dream - fate has prepared for you a test of strength.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Shoulder - help, support; bony - failure, adversity.

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I didn’t understand something, this is a forum who wants to answer who doesn’t want to answer. Why should I bother anyone? The more demanding. In a dream, it seemed like you wrote in the wrong place.

nadya89, hello, it’s not customary for us to strain and demand, 3 hours have passed since the question was written, you are already making claims.

All communication and interpretation takes place in discussions, with the obligatory independent work with a dream book, usually a day or two, the maximum expectation may be, but more often they will answer you on the same day, and if you missed your topic without attention, you need to ask in a polite manner.

If you write your dream in detail, add your analysis, you will be happy to comment and add your vision, and while your question is on the waiting list, you can read the dream book, it is based on dreams that have come true.

Moonflower, Thank you for your reply. Thank you. The shoulder belonged to a person I didn't know. So this person is not in my life yet.

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Dream Interpretation to put your head on a man's shoulder

You can decide what the shoulders are dreaming of based on information received from various interpreters. The difficulty lies only in the fact that the search for the correct information can take a long time, and therefore it is so important to choose the most authoritative sources.

Where to begin?

As the dream book prescribes, the shoulders, no matter whose they are, must be carefully deciphered.

Dreamed of a male hairy body

In every dream there is a certain set of factors interacting with the sleeper, and therefore they must not be forgotten. You will have to show all your care and perseverance before the final version is received.

What do the experts think?

It is better to start your work by reading the interpretations of authoritative authors.

Miller's dream book

Turning to the psychologist Gustav Miller for help, you can find the rationale for the symbol you saw, and therefore it is so important to remember what condition the shoulders were in:

  • hairy male shoulders - to happy life changes that change the worldview;
  • bony and thin - other people can influence your luck.

Throw a shawl over the shoulders of your beloved - your craving for care should please the chosen one. It can also be directed to her inner strength.

Muslim dream book

According to the dream book, a man’s shoulder has sacred meaning, and therefore it is so important to pay attention to its condition. In the Muslim interpreter of dreams, you can see a reference to the fact that a sleeping person likes to take care of his family and friends.

Seeing a tattoo on a dreaming part of the body, try to remember it in all the details that can make up a portrait of the current relationship. What is the dream of a man's shoulder covered with various patterns?

Seeing a tattoo on the forearm in a dream

To answer this question, you will have to remember on which hand they were seen:

  • on the left - to the appearance of people who want to spoil their reputation;
  • on the right - to the occurrence of events that affect self-esteem.

body part of a lover

The dreaming shoulder reflects the quality of the relationship built, and therefore the fair sex needs to pay attention to whether it was convenient to cling to her lover.

If you dreamed about how a gentleman shows signs of attention, and you slowly bow your head to your shoulder, then such a dream can be considered favorable. It symbolizes equality in existing relationships, and therefore your union will remain strong.


Fall asleep in a dream in the arms of a loved one

The girl, located on the shoulder of her beloved, should also think that the secondary role in the relationship will get bored sooner or later, and therefore some steps will have to be taken to overcome it.

If you feel that lying on your shoulder becomes unbearable for a number of reasons, whether it is a bag buckle, cold skin or a strongly protruding bone, then try to start working on yourself now.

What's happened?

As it was possible to understand from the above, the dreaming part of the body hides a lot of new information.

If during a trip in public transport you bowed your head, resting your neighbor on the shoulder, then, according to Pastor Loff, interesting adventures await you on the personal front. To feel how your fellow traveler bowed to your shoulder means that in real life there is a person who wants to provide free assistance.

A young girl who rests her head on the shoulder of a stranger without hesitation can count on strengthening relations with an old friend or colleague at a new job.

Seeing a beautiful female body in a dream


If you decide to show off your own shoulders in front of a mirror, then do not forget about the emotions you experienced. Dream Interpretations focus on the fact that the interpretation can change dramatically.

Enjoy seeing your own body parts - you will be able to translate into reality all your secret desires. No matter how difficult it is on the way, always remember that the end result will justify the effort.

If thin and ulcerated shoulders were seen in the reflection, then such a dream predicts the beginning of a serious life test. Surrounding, finally, will be able to know you from all sides.

cover up

Dreaming about how you hide your thin shoulders under your clothes is an ambiguous symbol that depends on the color:

  • black - to the appearance of big problems;
  • white - to improve the life situation;
  • green tones - to improve health.

Unusual guests

If there is a bird on your shoulder, then try to remember it. Oddly enough, but she will be able to tell quite a lot about upcoming events.

It's nice sometimes to hear the unpretentious babble of a parrot, but if he sits on his shoulder and says something, then try to listen. The bird can warn you against minor troubles and scandals.

A majestic bird landing on your shoulder means great wisdom and willpower that can be used to achieve your goal.

This representative of the feathered world is interpreted ambiguously. If he shits on your shoulder, then it's time to listen to the advice of others. A raven sitting on you predicts the emergence of a small but stable source of income.

Night troubles

If some troubles happened to the dreaming part of the body, then try to remember them in all details.

Get wounded with a knife - to the appearance of envious people who want to undermine plans. If the depth of the wound turned out to be insignificant, then the situation can be quickly corrected.

Seeing an animal attack in a dream

A pistol shot that hits the shoulder does a lot of damage, so you need to remember whether the bullet came out or not. If she left, then no troubles are terrible, because you have a reliable team of like-minded people with you; if left - to the beginning of a long period of difficulties.

Animal attack

If a large predator appears in front of you, showing an unhealthy interest in the shoulder, then do not forget about what happened in a dream. Bite and bruises on the skin - your incontinence will lead to big problems.

Atypical transcripts

A stranger putting his hands on your shoulders signals that it's time to take on an old project. An activity that seemed unprofitable hides great potential.

Girlish hair on the shoulders is a symbol of ambiguity and confusion, and this can be correlated with the current relationship. It is not clear to you what to do next, since spending time together only leads to discomfort.

Lying on the shoulder of a friend and falling asleep is a sign of trust. If your love partner decided to shelter a beautiful stranger on his shoulder, then in reality you will have to solve the problem yourself. Outside help will only exacerbate an already difficult situation. What do coat hangers mean? In the Modern Dream Interpreter you can find the answer regarding your plans:

  • without clothes - to the collapse of all expectations;
  • with clothes - to the revival of extinct relationships.

Any actions that you want to perform with the shoulders of the enemy - you want to reconcile with him.

Shoulders in a dream are a symbol of strength and the ability to survive in any conditions.

If in a dream you feel pain in your shoulders, then great difficulties and experiences await you. If the pain is unbearable, then misfortune and failure will fall upon you, which will break you. Not seeing one of your shoulders in a dream portends an eye disease, due to which you really cannot see one shoulder, or the loss of the person whose help you were counting on.

To dream that you have bony shoulders is a sign that you will have to endure a lot of life's trials.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Male striptease

As stated modern philosophy, male striptease is a very young phenomenon in human culture.

After all, its consumers are women, and for many centuries, until the end of the last century, they played the role of a model and an object that a man contemplates, but they themselves never played the role of a beholder.

And yet, male striptease not only takes place in real life, but sometimes appears in our dreams.

If a woman saw a dream with similar content, this can be considered as some reflection of the processes of emancipation taking place in society and everyday life.

What was previously exclusively the privilege of men is now becoming available to women. And striptease here is a typical example of this trend.

Seeing this type of entertainment in a dream means the desire to free oneself from male oppression.

Apparently, you consider yourself a woman born for freedom, and not to be crushed by the authority of the strong half of humanity.

However, liberation is one of those problems for you that is difficult to solve without sacrificing something dear.

But such is our life: you have to pay for everything. The only question is that the result will justify your sacrifices. So before taking appropriate action, you should think carefully about your actions.

If a man dreams of a striptease, in this case the dream has, of course, a different interpretation. Classical psychoanalysis will probably declare the latent homosexuality of such a person.

But we, going in line with a balanced interpretation of dreams, will assume that the plot of night vision expresses some degree of dissatisfaction caused by the fact that in your work the practice does not correspond to the results that you originally expected.

Interpretation of dreams from

Throw a raincoat over your shoulders, cover yourself with clothes from the weather - there will be a great mercy. Coming home, carrying a tree on your shoulder - joy in connection with material gain, acquisition.

Look over your shoulder - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Finally notice the person who loves you very much.

Dreaming "Look over your shoulder" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To doubt.

Dreamed - Shoulder

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Shoulders in a dream are a symbol of strength and the ability to survive in any conditions. If in a dream you feel pain in your shoulders, then great difficulties and experiences await you. If the pain is unbearable, then misfortune and failure will fall upon you, which will break ...

The meaning of sleep about Shoulder

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Help, support. Bony - failure, adversity.

Dream Interpretation: why the Shoulder is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Help, support; bony - failure, adversity.

Dream Interpretation: why the Shoulder is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dream about Shoulder

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Ears, shoulders and knees - marks brothers and sisters;

If the Shoulder is dreaming, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dream of bare shoulders, it means that happy changes will make you take a fresh look at the world. If you dream that your own shoulders have become bony, it means that in life you will depend on the whims and whims of other people.

Shoulder (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you see bare shoulders, then in your life there will be changes for the better that will change your outlook on the world. If you dreamed that your shoulders were too thin, then in reality you are too succumbing to the influence of other people who often abuse your ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Hand is dreaming of (hand, shoulder, forearm)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:


Dream Interpretation: why the Shoulder is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A bountiful harvest.

Dream Interpretation: why the Shoulder is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The eagle sits on the shoulder. Patron.

Dream interpretation online - Shoulder

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dreamed that your shoulders became bony, then you will depend on the whims and whims of other people.

Dream Interpretation: why the Shoulder is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dream of bare shoulders, it means that happy changes will make you take a fresh look at the world. If you dream that your own shoulders have become bony, it means that in life you will depend on the whims and whims of other people.

See shoulder in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dream of bare shoulders, it means that happy changes will make you take a fresh look at the world. If you dream that your own shoulders have become bony, it means that in life you will depend on the whims and whims of other people.

Dream Interpretation: what the Dog is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It's no secret that a dog is man's best friend. She personifies such wonderful qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many popular expressions related topics or otherwise with this pet: “A dog is a constant friend to a person”, “It is a sin to call a dog ...

Shoulders in a dream are a symbol of strength and the ability to survive in any conditions.

If in a dream you feel pain in your shoulders, then great difficulties and experiences await you. If the pain is unbearable, then misfortune and failure will fall upon you, which will break you. Not seeing one of your shoulders in a dream portends an eye disease, due to which you really cannot see one shoulder, or the loss of the person whose help you were counting on.

To dream that you have bony shoulders is a sign that you will have to endure a lot of life's trials.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Lie down

If in a dream you see yourself lying on a sofa or couch, this means useless expectations, you should be more energetic and active if you really want to make progress in business and fulfill your hopes.

Lying in bed, being seriously ill - such a waking dream portends malaise and a decline in mental strength.

If you lie naked in a dream, posing for an artist or sculptor, this portends a profitable marriage with a wealthy contender for your hand and heart.

Lie down in a hammock fresh air- keep peace of mind in misfortune.

If you lie on the street, like a homeless tramp, this is a sign of separation from a loved one.

Seeing a cat lying on your lap is a quarrel and petty insults.

Animals lying on the ground are a harbinger of weakness and ill health.

If you lie in an ambush on a hunt or in a war - in reality this means that you will not hesitate to go for forgery without notifying your partners about it.

Seeing yourself lying in a coffin portends quarrels, a serious illness.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dream of bare shoulders- it means that happy changes will make you take a fresh look at the world.

If you dream that your own shoulders have become bony- it means that in life you will depend on the whims and whims of other people.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Shoulder in a dream- symbolizes strength and confidence.

See your shoulders strong and strong- a good sign, portending serious success in a difficult matter.

If your shoulders look weak or sore in your sleep- this means that some business at the moment may be unbearable for you. Perhaps you are trying to solve too many problems at once, or maybe you need to take a break and relax. The dream in which you carry a heavy load on your shoulders has the same meaning.

Strong shoulders of another person- mean that in a difficult moment you can count on someone's support.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Shoulders- soon there will be good changes in your life, and you will be happy and contented.

See your bare, beautiful shoulders- new meetings, new work, new friends and new love.

See your shoulders bony- circumstances will put you in a dependent position, you will worry about this, but for some time you will not be able to change anything.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that your own shoulders became bony- you will depend on the whims and whims of other people.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Shoulder- a reflection of responsibility in general. The need to take responsibility. Reflection of the situation "turn the shoulder."

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

look over your shoulder- to observation.

Hang clothes on hangers in a dream- you will have the right shoulder to lean on.

Carry a load on your shoulders and very heavy- put the burden of worries on your shoulders.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

look over your shoulder- finally notice the person who loves you very much.

Hang clothes on hangers- to a new tenant.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you put your hands on the shoulders of a mind-blowing man, whirling with him in a dance- then in real life such a dream will turn into a profitable deal, profit and new business acquaintances. If at the same time you see yourself in a dress with seductively bare shoulders- means reciprocity between lovers.

To dream of powerful, steep shoulders of a bodybuilder- a sign of future unhealthy desires and a wrong lifestyle. Skinny, bony shoulders- portend that your own recklessness will bring you a lot of trouble.

Shoulders tanned to black- mean that your ideal of a real man is waiting to meet you in the very near future and you feel it latently.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you see someone's bare shoulders- happy changes will make you take a fresh look at the world.

If you dream that your shoulders have become bony, emaciated- in life you will depend on the whims and whims of other people.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Are you hiding behind someone else's shoulder?- Do you feel that you should turn your shoulder to help your neighbor? Do you feel like you are putting too much on your shoulders? Life is not an eternal struggle at all. Cheer up. Enjoy life. Find time for fun.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Shoulders to be strong and lofty- more than usual for a prisoner portends boredom, sorrow and punishment, and signifies to others- bodily strength and well-being; have swollen shoulders- portends illness, and women leading a dissolute life- promise to purchase the estate.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Shoulder- help, support; bony- failure, adversity.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Have large shoulders- victory over the enemy; swollen- disease; carry someone on your shoulders- he will ask for help.

Collection of dream books

Shoulders- acceptance of responsibility.

Substitute shoulder- to help

look over your shoulder- to doubt.

Hang clothes on hangers in a dream- legitimize your marriage.

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