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Quickly and from scrap materials.

Let’s not argue about the benefits of order and trust the wisdom and experience of people of different eras and generations:

It is necessary to restore order while there is still no turmoil. - Lao Tzu

Order saves time. – Johann Goethe

Order frees thought. – S.P. Korolev

It is impossible to put everything in order, let's start with ourselves. Many of us spend most of the day at our desk with a bunch of necessary and unnecessary junk. We are literally entangled in wires, chargers, adapters and other electronics. Why not organize it all?

To solve the problem, I suggest making a simple organizer. Each of the available means can do it. You may have to buy something extra, but spending a penny is not comparable to the benefits that our product will bring.

What do we need

  • base for the organizer (any flat object of suitable size);
  • elastic band for clothes (we will calculate the length below);
  • threads, needle, scissors, tape (optional);
  • up to an hour.

The basis

1. First you need to decide on the size of the future organizer. I recommend making it so that it fits easily in a drawer or on a specific shelf.

We are looking for a place for the future organizer, measuring the length and width of the space.

2. Now we need a base that will fit in the allotted space without any problems. As a frame, you can use a board, a very thick piece of cardboard, chipboard/kragis/plywood. A metal plate or plexiglass will do; you can use a DVD box or an old vinyl record (cutting a square out of it) as a base.

There is only one condition for the base - it must ensure the rigidity of the structure and not bend. For example, I found a suitable piece of galvanized steel in the pantry.

3. To make the finished product look beautiful, I covered it with black tape (to match the color of the rubber bands used). Those who do not strive for aesthetic appearance organizer may skip this step.


4. More likely, required quantity If you don’t have an elastic band at home, you’ll have to go to a fabric store to get it. There you can choose a ribbon of any color and width.

  • divide the length of the base by the width of the tape - we get the number of vertical stripes (we take into account only whole stripes);
  • multiply the number of stripes by the width of the base and multiply the resulting length by two (the stripes will encircle the frame on both sides);
  • Now we similarly divide the width of the base by the width of the tape - we get the number of horizontal stripes (we take into account only whole stripes);
  • multiply the number of stripes by the length of the base and multiply the resulting length by two (the stripes will encircle the frame on both sides);
  • we add the two numbers that were obtained in the second and fourth steps and get the required length of the tape.

5. Now the elastic band needs to be cut into strips (vertical and horizontal). We have already counted the number of stripes, the length of the vertical ones is equal to twice the width of the base, and the length of the horizontal ones is twice the length of the base. In other words, each strip should encircle the frame without overlapping.

6. The most painstaking process is sewing rings from strips. Pre-singe the edges of the tape on the fire and you can start making rings.

We make a small overlap of 3-4 mm. and sew the ribbon together with a ring. You can ask your wife for help, especially if she has the skills to operate a sewing machine.


7. When all the elastic rings are ready, we begin to put them on the base. First we put on all the vertical stripes.

8. Now we begin to put on the horizontal ones one by one. They need to not just be put on top, but threaded through one vertical one.

Each subsequent strip is threaded in a checkerboard pattern.

9. The result is a beautiful checkered organizer.

Fill in

This product can be filled with any small items stored in the table. Place wires, adapters, batteries, memory cards and flash drives, chargers and headphones in the organizer.

All the elastic bands stay in place quite confidently, but you can additionally stitch them around the perimeter. This process is quite painstaking; I would not recommend starting it right away.

While the elastic bands are not sewn on, you can try to change the shape of the organizer so that not only small objects, but also large ones fit into it.

To do this, in a certain place when weaving the elastic, we skip the required number of intersecting rings. The size of such loops is determined by the dimensions of the device that we will carry in the organizer.

A few days later, when the final weaving pattern has been approved, you can sew elastic bands around the perimeter or glue them with Moment glue. If the organizer will not be used in the most active way, you do not need to stitch or glue the elastic bands.


Our organizer can be stored not only in a desk drawer, it will perfectly cope with its functions on the road or travel. Determine the size of the product in advance so that it can then be placed in a bag or backpack.

A simple and elegant way to organize a place to charge a smartphone is with a rail and a hanging shelf-basket. It will not be difficult to repeat such a solution in your own home, while the costs will be minimal, and the result will definitely please you.

2 In a drawer

A slightly more labor-intensive option, which, however, allows you to completely hide all charges and wires from view, is a station for gadgets in a drawer ( desk, chest of drawers or kitchen set).

If you have quite a lot of different electrical appliances that require recharging, choose a larger drawer. A very elegant, and most importantly, practical solution to the problem of wires, isn’t it?

3 On the shelf

Those who like to place their phone to charge at night - and certainly next to their bed! - another neat solution will please you: a bedside mini-shelf with a connector for connecting gadgets. Such a shelf clings to the side of the bed and provides an opportunity (say, a remote control for a TV or air conditioner).

However, you can also choose a very compact option, like this mini-shelf, which is mounted directly on the wall next to the outlet.

Shelf for a smartphone. Price: 98 rub. Photo: AliExpress

4 On the docking station - organizer

Modern manufacturers understand perfectly well that a modern person can’t live without a smartphone, and therefore they offer a lot stylish solutions to organize a stylish and convenient station for charging gadgets.

There are various docking stations with organizer functions that allow, in addition to your phone, to neatly arrange your watch, rings, business card holder and other important little things.

5 For the pots

Another clever trick that allows you to hide smartphone chargers in the interior is docking stations in the form of flower pots with succulents.


Look how stylish this decorative thing is, and most importantly, no one will guess that it hides a lot of wires.


6 In a stylish case

Another idea that helps is a stylish case that hides all kinds of chargers and disguises them as a decorative accessory.

Design: IKEA

7 In a special box

However, there are also stylistic neutral boxes for wires that help neatly organize a place to recharge gadgets.

Design: IKEA

Take a closer look at this option from AliExpress. You can hide an entire extension cord in it and use it to recharge various devices.

Box for wires. Price: 838 rub. Photo: AliExpress

8 Wireless technologies

Modern solution- a neat and stylish docking station for wireless charging of a smartphone or tablet. Of course, this solution is unlikely to be suitable for those who have a whole arsenal of gadgets that require recharging. But it will help out those who need space on the bedside table - and solve the issue of wires from the telephone charger.

9 On the shelves

The most ordinary shelves can also help out in organizing a place for phone chargers.

The advantages of this solution:

  • shelves can be placed almost anywhere (by choosing the actual length and width);
  • finding models that match the color and style of your interior will not be difficult;
  • the cost of such a solution is very democratic.

Everyone has a lot of wires, cords, chargers for gadgets (phones, players, cameras, navigators, etc.). And often this category of things, compared to such things as clothes, shoes, accessories, is in complete disarray. Our new author, professional space organizer Nadezhda Avvakumova, has already started talking about the practically “forbidden” - cleaning wires and various other male devices. In this article we will continue the topic and look at several ways to store and organize wires, cords, and chargers.


Boxes, be they cardboard or plastic, are a great place to store anything. And if you think through their internal space wisely, it will be a good idea to organize all the wires, cords and chargers in the house. Here are a couple of ideas on how to do this:

If you divide a simple box into compartments using cardboard, sign each cell and put the wires there, then it will not be difficult for you and your household to find the one you need. You can even allocate a separate drawer for some gadgets, as Eteri did, giving the name to one of them - “Computer Accessories”. The main thing is to send the cord back to its cell after use. No time to do handmade things? Ours with many small cells will also do a great job of storing wires.

Budget and environmentally friendly option - do it in toilet paper tubes or cardboard tubes Each wire has its own “house”. To make them look nice, decorate them with decorative tape or cover them with paper. It will be possible to give a second life and cups. Any kind will do - plastic, plastic. Simple, convenient and budget-friendly.

box can also be used as storage for phone chargers. Do it in the side walls small holes. On one side there will be plugs that you can plug into a tee or socket, and on the other there will be a plug. Such a box can become a decorative element.

But an important note - it's not entirely safe. An alternative could be special boxes. So, all gadgets that require additional network connection will not create chaos. This primarily applies to long cables that endlessly curl and hang from the desktop and create an unkempt appearance.


Organizers do not take up much space and allow you to keep some important things, such as headphones and charging cable, safe and sound.

For needlewomen - a couple of ideas on how to sew pockets and pencil cases for wires and chargers.

There are many options on the market. You can store everything you want in the pockets, even the TV remote control.

An indispensable accessory - . They can be used both when traveling and for storing wires at home.

Budget option - store infrequently used cords in the cosmetic bag how does it do it Elena. Since rarely does anyone use various wires in the house, they are stored with store-bought wire. Another organizer for transporting cosmetics adapted for storing wires Julia. It’s beautiful - and you can see what’s there, but the only drawback, perhaps, is that “no one puts anything back.”


For those who are too lazy to put wires in organizers, take them out, and then put them back in place, there is a solution - try hanging them on , holders. If you wish, you can even install them away from view, for example, on a cabinet door.

How to secure wires for convenient storage

If you have a specially designated box for wires, then no matter how carefully you try to fold them, they will definitely get tangled together. The following organization methods will help you decide this problem, and the drawer will always have order and extra space:

Binders (stationery clips). Easy to attach, easy to remove. Can be used for fastening wires both at the workplace and in a box, like Anastasia.

For those who prefer store-bought options, they are now on sale. and holders for compact storage and placement of large cables and wires.

Rubber bands(for hair, for creating children's bracelets, for money) are very convenient and affordable. Evgenia uses them to store cords, chargers, and Anna He also additionally wraps them with a net and stores them in a container.

Special Velcro will help you clean up the tangled wires in your workplace.

Plastic ties. There are disposable and reusable ones on sale. Useful for collecting wires and cables scattered throughout the house, as in the example in the photo from my colleague Elena.

A budget option is to wrap the wires with self-adhesive colored bookmarks, so you can easily find the one you need.

Ideas on how to hide wires in the house

How to make sure that the wires are behind computer desk didn't create chaos? Very simple! Use one of the ways to fasten them above!

And to ensure that the chargers are in the same place, organize their storage in one of the drawers of the chest of drawers.

Disguising wires can also be a highlight of your decor!

What tricks and ideas do you have for storing wires, cords and chargers? We are very interested to know! Share your photos in our groups

The age of technology and new gadgets, along with convenience, sometimes cause inconvenience. For example, a large number of tangled chargers, cables, headphones, long wires and constantly breaking and bending contacts. It's time to get rid of all this and sew an organizer-case for storing chargers and wires.

And here are some more cover topics:

Preparation of tools and materials

For work we will need: half a meter of two types of fabrics in contrasting colors, a zipper, threads, pins, sewing machine, a piece of felt, scissors, a belt fastener, etc. Also, such an organizer can be sewn by hand without a sewing machine.

The process of making the case in the photo

We begin work by cutting out two pieces from two types of fabrics, each measuring 23x15 cm. We sew them facing each other while simultaneously sewing a zipper between them.

For density, you can add a few more layers inside, as well as a layer of padding polyester or felt. We sew all the layers together, adding elastic bands for the wires.

Sew on the fastener

Ready organizer

And this is how our organizer turned out. It allows easy access at home and takes up little space in your bag. And nothing will get confused.

Hello everyone! Often, when trying to organize our home, we forget about details, both very important and not conspicuous. First of all, we start thinking about storing clothes, kitchen utensils, books or cosmetics. But the wires from chargers, adapters, and headphones continue to be in disarray. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to give you an idea that will help you choose the best cord storage method for you.

How to organize wire storage: the best ideas

It's very simple, I tell you. You can create some of their organizers with your own hands, or you can not work hard, but just go to the store and buy them at very low prices. By the way, I saw a lot of similar things on Aliexpress, this is just a godsend for housewives.

If you constantly lose your phone headphones or camera charger, then immediately start reading the post. And then create a place that will become a permanent refuge for them.

Toilet paper rolls. An unexpected decision, right? A cheap and very easy way to collect wires, twist them and put them inside. By the way, you can store them not only in a basket, but also in a drawer, like an organizer. If you don't want to wait until it ends toilet paper, you can buy cardboard and make such bushings yourself. To make them look decent, decorate them with decorative tape or cover them with paper.

Boxes. The second and very simple way to eliminate clutter is to make storage out of boxes. The photo above shows the most best option, when the inside of the box itself is divided by partitions, each cell is beautifully decorated and signed. Now you will never get confused in wires, chargers and headphones. And never throw away shoe boxes!

If you don’t have hands with hooks, you know how to sew and have a desire to create something, then this option is for you. A simple organizer made of fabric for storing wires with elastic bands can not only be twisted, but also hung on a hook, for example, under a table.

Well, for those who are not familiar with sewing, a ready-made organizer bag is suitable. This is a great way to collect and neatly organize chargers, cords and other accessories for equipment. In addition, it is very convenient to take with you.

In one of the articles I wrote about how to use . So, I really liked the idea of ​​putting cords there. Agree, a very convenient option.

There should be order both on the table and under it. It is not only beautiful, but also safe. Chaotically scattered and disorganized wires create a fire hazard. Therefore, take this issue seriously.

The best way, in my opinion, to connect the wires together is to use Velcro or office clips. And adapters and power supplies in special containers that you can buy or make from a shoe box.

A special solution has been invented for headphones - cut out a rectangle from thick paper, make two longitudinal cuts on top, and cut out circles at the end. Insert the speakers themselves into them, and wrap the rest of the wire around the workpiece. Now you won't have to constantly untangle knots.

Sockets on the walls often also accumulate various kinds of wires and charges. Organizing them is quite easy. There are special devices that are attached together with charger or wires next to it and are safely used without creating a feeling of clutter.

This is how I suggest you organize the storage of wires in your home. Share your ways! See you again!

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