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Many people like to delve into their past. This is neither bad nor good, we still cannot change the past. A senseless waste of time, leading to introspection and often self-abasement, which is unhealthy.

Each of us has positive and negative qualities. And among them there are those that we accept and those that we would prefer to get rid of. In other words, there are qualities that we do not even want to admit to ourselves. Life calls to explore and reconcile the opposites in ourselves, and not to try to remove or change them. Understanding and reconciling both sides of his nature, a person becomes a single whole, not in conflict with himself. The task is difficult, it is important not just to recognize the existence of different traits. It is necessary to understand that those traits that you do not approve of are necessary for continued growth.

Opposites are not necessarily good and evil. Opposite features in ourselves, or in another person with whom we are trying to establish a connection, are a mirror image of each other, mutual complement and support. Here you need to achieve unity of these opposites, make them work together, overcome conflicts and create a whole - more than the sum of parts.

The reward for reconciling the irreconcilable elements within is an increase own strength and will. No more wasting time and energy on the struggle - always useless! - with those qualities in oneself or others that irritate. Instead, to combine them in oneself and use them to strengthen one's own power over circumstances, situations and events is aerobatics.

Clearly - an example with a butterfly. If you write qualities that, in your opinion, are good on one wing, and bad on the other, you can tear off a bad wing. Butterfly will live, she will even be able to eat, drink, move around, but will she be a whole person? But butterflies can fly...

The most difficult thing is to forgive yourself... To allow yourself to be a man, not a saint!

Accept - Understand - Forgive - Let go. A simple bunch, but it can be very difficult to apply. Accept yourself and your past as fact. To understand that at that moment they behaved this way only because they felt this way, thought this way, and that's all. Forgive yourself and all-all-all the mistakes made. To let go means to change the attitude towards the past (the past itself cannot be changed).

"The past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is bestowed" - a phrase from a children's cartoon, and in fact, what do we do? We care about what was and what will be, but what are we doing now to improve our lives? Digging for shortcomings? Here are just the qualities they are like a knife: they can be used by holding on to the blade or holding the handle, in which case it is safe and useful.

Only the human mind imposes restrictions, then it was painful and not pleasant. But who came up with the idea that this is how it will always be? The main task is to move, to build our bright, warm, wonderful future right now, and this requires faith.

The best way to develop anything, including faith, is action. It is important to understand that you already have faith. It is impossible to strengthen it, you can only eliminate the restrictions that your mind imposes on it.

If you act on the basis of faith, that is, take risks in spite of your fear and at the same time know that everything will work out, any restrictions will disappear.

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The butterfly effect is a unique phenomenon that managed not only to become another boring discovery, but also to get into the cinema and the press. He confirms the correctness of popular sayings that an insignificant act can lead to serious consequences, unimaginable at first glance.

Butterfly effect - what is it?

This phenomenon may not occur in every system: only in the one that is called chaotic. It is based on the famous chaos theory, which says that any complex system is unpredictable and its details can mix with each other in a way that is unexpected for itself. The butterfly effect is a phenomenon capable of comprehending a biological system at any level. It is also subject to a person who is influenced by positive and negative factors that determine his health throughout his life. There are several points of view on it:

  1. In differential equations, you can slightly change the conditions and this will significantly affect their solution.
  2. The butterfly effect determines the behavior of a roulette ball in a casino, because its fall depends on a lot of circumstances.
  3. In a world of chaos, it is impossible to predict the behavior of systems, but the likelihood of them getting out of control is steadily increasing.

Why is the butterfly effect so called?

The name was coined by the American mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz. He was the first to suggest, giving it a bizarre form of metaphor. Edward figured that the flapping of a single butterfly's wings in Iowa could trigger an avalanche of other actions, such as causing a storm during the Indonesian rainy season. The Butterfly Effect is a concept so named because of its association with the plot of Ray Bradbury's short story "Thunder Came".

Butterfly effect - psychology

The phenomenon ceases to be boring as soon as it enters the sphere of the humanities. The butterfly effect in psychology echoes Lorenzo's belief, but complements it with the ability of the individual to influence collective reality, like a raindrop filling a bowl. A person is arranged in such a way that it is easier for him to deny the possibility of influencing the outcome of the war, the growth of the population of homeless animals, public opinion. Knowing what the butterfly effect is, how to understand and apply its action to your advantage? The use of the phenomenon for the purpose of personal development consists of the following stages:

  • awareness of positive and negative in detail;
  • accepting traits with which there was no desire to put up before;
  • a reward for finding a balance between irreconcilable qualities;
  • connection of all internal forces to strengthen the fight against difficulties and circumstances.

Butterfly effect in real life

In the real world, you can find non-fictional cases of the influence of a small event on the course of history. About what the butterfly effect is, what each of its consequences means, such personalities as:

  1. Resident of Stockton, California. In 2003, he failed to repay a $250,000 mortgage loan, triggering a global banking crisis.
  2. Norman Bolog - breeder who created unpretentious varieties fruits and vegetables that saved a huge number of people from starvation during droughts and crop failures in the 20th century.
  3. Catherine II - her husband, Peter the Third, was such an uninteresting interlocutor that she spent all her time in the library. Deep knowledge helped her to fairly rule the country for many years.

Butterfly effect - interesting facts

The butterfly effect is a phenomenon that became the main character of the Hollywood movie of the same name. The hero of Ashton Kutcher with enviable regularity uses his memory to travel into the past in order to change the events that led to the chain of tragedies in the future. The painting itself has become a symbol of the butterfly effect. Either because of the rental of higher-grossing films, or because of the illness of the actors, its premiere was postponed for one year.

Butterfly effect and chaos theory

This pattern really appeared thanks to the theory of chaos and became one of its signs. This teaching is based on the mathematical concepts used in the modulation of systems. The media, cinema and scientists have created the wrong image for teaching: for example, thanks to Jurassic Park, people know that society should be seriously wary of the unity of chaos and nature. There is no such second phenomenon as the butterfly effect, the chaos theory that would make the world famous, so people are afraid of the unknown. In its most primitive form, its postulates can be revealed as:

  1. It does not deny the very essence of ordering. Systems can be programmable, but no one can give guarantees.
  2. It focuses its efforts on the consequences of misfortunes caused by chaos.
  3. It does not obey the expected periodicity. Time delays and feedback prevent the system from adjusting to the schedule.
  4. It works on the principle of bifurcation. Taking bizarre forms and breaking all the rules, chaos is guaranteed to return to order.

What is the butterfly effect?

The term "butterfly effect" was coined by Edward Nolan Lorenz. It was with this concept that he described the sensitivity of complex systems to initial conditions in his works in 1961. However, the dependence of the system on the initial conditions was noticed long before the work of Lorentz. It was believed that there is a certain critical point at which even the smallest events acquire special significance and lead to an unpredictable outcome.

What is the butterfly effect?

Describing what the butterfly effect is, talked about predicting the weather. He came to this concept by realizing that by rounding the input data for making a weather forecast using a digital model, he received completely different results than when he took numbers with all decimal places.

Thus, Lorentz came to the conclusion that it is impossible to make a long-term weather forecast, since a lot of natural phenomena have a tremendous impact on weather conditions in individual places and on the climate of the whole Earth. That is, even the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one part of the Earth can lead to a tornado in another part of it or prevent it.

Lorentz shared his discovery with other scientists. One day, he received a suggestion that the butterfly effect could bring about massive changes in the Earth's climate. To do this, it is only necessary to make small changes in nature under the control of man. However, Lorentz thought differently: we can make nature behave differently, but we can never predict where this will lead. We will know for sure that this will entail changes, but what these the changes will be - positive or negative - we cannot know.

The term "butterfly effect" is especially applicable to chaotic systems. It is in them that it is difficult to predict what even the smallest impacts will lead to in the final result. If the butterfly did not flap its wings, then nothing in the system would change from the original version, and the course of events would be completely different than in reality, where the butterfly flutters.

If we speak in simple words, the concept of the butterfly effect suggests that any minor action can cause serious consequences in the future or elsewhere, both for the entire system and for its individual participants.

Butterfly effect in our lives

Often the butterfly effect is used in science fiction or cinema and is associated with time travel. So, according to the concept of the butterfly effect, any action in the past triggers an avalanche of consequences in the present and future, which can lead to an unpredictable result. Thus, a person traveling into the past can exclude the possibility of the birth of himself if his actions entail the death of his ancestor. In this case, he will not be born at all, which means that he will thereby destroy his present.

If we are not talking about science fiction, but about our everyday life, then we see the butterfly effect everywhere, we just do not pay attention to it. Consider what the butterfly effect is, using specific examples for clarity.

Student Example

A student at a medical university, by pure chance, passed the entrance exams. However, he is learning hard. There are many options for the development of events, here is one of them: he can be expelled. And then, perhaps, they will save a lot of people whom he could ruin by becoming a certified doctor. Or they can leave to study, and he will receive a diploma instead of someone truly gifted and able to change the world or the lives of several people for the better.

An example of a disaster

A drunk driver is heading from one city to another. It can cause a huge accident that will change the fate of dozens of people, who, in turn, will affect the lives of hundreds more of their relatives and friends. But he is stopped by the police, thereby breaking the chain leading to disaster.

So, one snowflake that fell in the mountains can lead to the death of several cities and thousands of people, causing an avalanche. The fall of a snowflake is a minor event. The death of thousands of people is a tragedy. The avalanche will also affect other nearby areas in terms of weather, disrupting the normal course of life.

The actions of one person or a group of people can cause conflict between entire peoples and countries, lead to global military actions, which can then lead to the destruction of life in vast territories, and in modern conditions - the entire planet.

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Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart just perfectly played in the sensational film "The Butterfly Effect". According to the story, the protagonist, having inherited a certain illness from his father, did not remember some moments of his life - those moments in which unusual, and sometimes even terrifying events took place. Then, having matured and entered college, Kutcher's hero discovers in himself amazing ability- in the process of his diary entries, which he made at the insistence of his doctor, he can return to childhood and change the future by changing his actions.

So, some, sometimes even insignificant actions, had a huge effect on the events of the coming time. This, in fact, is called the butterfly effect. But a film is a film, and the characters of Amy Smart and Ashton Kutcher, having managed to unravel the mystery of changing the future, made it so that it was acceptable to them and all the people around them. You and I, in our lives, cannot look into the future to see how our current actions affect it. However, no one has canceled the butterfly effect, and today we will try to understand in more detail what kind of phenomenon it is, and whether it exists in the world of reality, and not just cinema.

What is the butterfly effect?

The concept of "butterfly effect" is used, as a rule, in the natural sciences, and it denotes a special property of some chaotic systems, according to which, even a small impact on the system can have the most unpredictable and large consequences in some other place and at another point in time.

Such systems, in which all processes occur as if by chance, despite the fact that they are conditioned by certain laws, are especially sensitive to insignificant influences. In a world where everything happens chaotically, it is very difficult to predict what changes can occur at a particular time and in a particular place, and uncertainty increases exponentially as time passes.

The presented phenomenon was called the "butterfly effect" by the American mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz. It is defined as follows: a butterfly that flaps its wings, for example, in Iowa, is capable of initiating an avalanche of other effects that can reach its climax in Indonesia during the rainy season.

By the way, if you think about it, you can find a description of a similar phenomenon in the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "The Flea and the Flea", in which the burn of the main character causes a global flood, as well as in the story "And Thunder Came" by Ray Bradbury, in which the death of a butterfly in the past radically changes the world of the future. And the French mathematician Henri Poincare said that minor changes in the initial conditions give rise to large changes in the final phenomenon, and the prediction becomes possible.

But let's step aside from the scientific field of knowledge, filled with opinions, theories and hypotheses, and think about life - is there a butterfly effect in it?

Butterfly effect in people's lives

Have you ever thought that from time to time an accident, to which we do not attach any special importance, can turn our whole life upside down? Remember the words of Edward Lorenz again, and then do a little analysis of your life. It is likely that you will be able to recall at least one case when the butterfly effect took place. If we philosophize, we can conclude that our everyday life is quite chaotic, like, for example, the life of the world around us and nature, and we ourselves are part of them, and, therefore, we can be called one whole.

Just imagine how you would not have met your real life partner a few years ago if at a certain moment you had taken a different bus, gone on other business, returned home by a different way. What would happen in your life now? And what would happen if you decided not to answer the question that your future second half asked you at the meeting? How would things have been if life had not brought your parents together many years ago? What would you be doing now if you hadn't read this article?

In our life absolutely everything is connected with each other; there is nothing in it that should not be; All events have a cause and all events are the effects of something. Based on all this, “accident”, which we initially do not attach importance to, can cause our whole life to change dramatically, and those events that we could not even think about will begin to occur.

First story

For example, here is a little story that we found on the Internet: one girl met a young man for several years, and really wanted to marry him. But no matter how much she talked about it, and no matter what hints she made, the young man was in no hurry to make an offer. But one day the girl's grandmother fell ill, and the very next day the young man offered his beloved a hand and a heart.

But do not think that the guy, fearing that the grandmother would no longer be able to recover, wanted to have time to make sure that she could see her granddaughter under the crown. The situation was as follows: a young couple went to the village to see their granny in order to take care of her and help with the housework. When the guy was chopping wood, he accidentally cut himself on the blade of the ax, and his passion gently and carefully treated the wound and bandaged his hand.

So what's the connection?

And the connection is that in childhood the guy was already in a similar situation, and then his mother treated the wound for him. When the girl showed concern for the guy, he immediately presented a picture from the past in all details, and he realized that next to him was exactly the girl with whom he wants to live his life.

This can be explained by the fact that the “picture” of a happy family was formed by young man even in childhood, and the attitude of his mother towards him was firmly imprinted in the subconscious. Having met his chosen one, a “puzzle” automatically began to assemble in his mind, and the guy was not even aware of how what happened in the past could manifest itself in the present.

Second story

One more example can be cited, which we also found on the Web: one woman, being always a responsible and accurate employee, for some reason regularly her boss, who, at every opportunity, tried to reproach her for something, humiliate, scold, make remark, etc. But one fine day, the son of this woman made a plasticine figurine in kindergarten, after which the boss stopped her attacks.

One can ask a logical question: why did this happen? Perhaps the woman decided to give the figurine to the boss, and she appreciated the deed and decided to change her behavior? However, things were completely different.

When the woman took her son from kindergarten, he constantly played in the car on the way home with his figurine, which is why he left plasticine crumbs. The next morning, when the lady went to work, she sat down on plasticine and soiled her skirt. At work, she was constantly nervous about this and embarrassed. When the boss asked her to come into the office for a conversation in order to arrange another “debriefing”, our heroine, instead of worrying, as usual, paid all her attention to how to make sure that no one saw the stains on the skirt.

Some bosses, to the category of which the boss of this woman belonged, have a need to command and push someone around all the time. And it is very important that it has the proper effect on the object of influence. Constantly “bullying” her employee, the boss got what she needed, because the first one gave her her energy, because. worried and nervous.

Indifference, as you know, neutralizes the ardor of power-hungry, and on that day a woman, preoccupied only with her skirt and appearance, showed absolute indifference to the attacks of the boss. As a result, the boss did not get what she usually received, stopped clinging to the woman and found a new employee whose reaction caused the desired effect for the boss. The woman began to receive only pleasure from work and that she would again have to endure bullying.


Everything we talked about today indicates that the butterfly effect is always present in a person's life, and each time it manifests itself in one form or another. And if you have an insatiable desire to make changes in your life, you don’t need to start everything with clean slate because you can change one thing so that it entails changes in another.

Just remember that your life is in your hands, and what and how to change in it is up to you and no one else!

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