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Wormwood cigar, or moxa, has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. It treats the most various diseases. Moxibustion is one of the most effective procedures in China and is called jiu therapy. This method of treatment is based on the knowledge of Eastern doctors about biologically active points and the unique properties of wormwood.

What are wormwood cigars?

Wormwood cigar is made from wormwood. This herb for jiu therapy was not chosen by chance, because the leaves of the plant in the process of combustion create the temperature regime necessary to influence the biologically active points of a person. It does not create a spark, which eliminates the possibility of a burn. In addition to heat, moxa emits smoke, which has antibacterial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body. This procedure is carried out strictly according to the indications, and you can do it by contacting any center of Chinese medicine.

More about chiu therapy

In oriental medicine, there are several types of thermal effects on acupuncture points, including distant thermopuncture, which is carried out with a wormwood cigar. Here, the heat emitted by moxa is aimed at stimulating the bioactive points of the body. With this exposure, the skin area heats up to 43-45 ° C, without the formation of a burn. Today, any center of Chinese medicine is able to offer several types of moxibustion.

Cauterization with a cigar is divided into contact and non-contact. In the first case, the smoldering end of the cigar interacts with the patient's skin. The procedure here is carried out both with the formation of a scar, and without it. With the scarless method, smoldering moxa is placed on the surface of the dermis. With a slight burning sensation, a burning cigar is changed to a new one. If cauterization is performed with the formation of a scar, then the moxa on the body burns out completely, and after it remains a local hyperemia. Upon completion of the procedure, the remains of ash are removed from the body, and the epidermis is smeared with butter mixed with salt.

With the non-contact method of cauterization, a slice of garlic or ginger is placed on the patient's skin (in some cases salt is poured), and a smoldering cigar is already placed on it. The lining material is selected depending on the disease.

Moxibustion can also be carried out at a certain distance (3-5 cm) from the human body. Here, the impact on active points occurs not only with pleasant heat, but also with combustion products. Such treatment has a positive effect on the skin and muscle tissue.

With the above methods, not only the “longevity point” is cauterized, which can be found under kneecap both legs, but also other biologically active parts of the body. Acupuncture points are determined by the doctor by palpation. They feel the strongest pulsation and soreness. They are located on the surface of the entire body (on the head, limbs, torso) and are responsible for the work of a particular organ.

Ancient Chinese medicine assumes that each disease is caused by a series of events, so when this method treatment is the impact on the cause of the disease. First of all, immunity increases, the full work of all organs is restored.

Indications for the procedure

Wormwood cigar is used for diseases of "cold" and "insufficiency". Moxa is used for colds, to eliminate pain symptoms in the abdomen, stomach and joints. It also treats ailments in the back and lower back. Thermopuncture helps to relieve pain during menstruation, and is also useful for defective work of the "qi" of the spleen and blood.

Moxibustion is indicated for skin diseases, pathologies gastrointestinal tract. Wormwood cigar is prescribed by Chinese doctors for gag reflex, diarrhea and arthritis. Jiu therapy helps with tuberculosis and the presence of pulmonary nodes. Sometimes cauterization is carried out after a sunstroke, especially if it is accompanied by loss of consciousness.

There are many indications for the implementation of this event, and only a specialist decides whether it is necessary to carry out the procedure, based on the state of the body, the degree of development of the disease and the presence of contraindications.

Cauterization with wormwood cigars: contraindications

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to resort to distant thermopuncture. So, a contraindication to the procedure is fever and fever in the patient. In this situation, the urine turns saturated yellow and the stool becomes excessively dry. There is a rapid pulse, and the tongue acquires a bright red hue with a yellow coating. Do not do the procedure in the presence of acute inflammation and poisoning.

Do not carry out cauterization with wormwood cigarettes on the head, around the nose and eyes, in places where fresh wounds, scars and other injuries appear. Moxa is not used in the area of ​​the lymph nodes and on points - sanmigah. The procedure is prohibited for people with high blood pressure and pregnant women in the abdomen. Cauterization is contraindicated for persons with diseases of the blood and blood vessels, with the heat of bile. You can not use this technique in violation of the sensory organs.

If the event is carried out using a wick, then it is positioned in such a way that it does not roll down and does not burn the patient. When using ginger or garlic, the wick should not burn for a long time, in order to avoid a blister on the body.

When performing chiu therapy, experts look at the weather. Moxibustion is not done with wind, snowfall and rain. The ban on the implementation of this event applies to 1, 15, 18 and the calendar. In addition, the active points located on the right ribs are not cauterized in the fall, on the left - in spring time of the year. In summer, acupuncture points in the navel area should not be touched, and in winter the lumbar region is not treated.

If the cause of the person's malaise is not established, then a trial session of jiu therapy is performed. If the state of health worsens, the procedure is not done in the future.

biologically active points

Cauterization with wormwood cigars is carried out on acupuncture points of two types, these are:

  • Zones that directly affect the disease. In this area, there are pain when pressed. They are located in the area of ​​arthritic lymph swirls on the bone tissue. These include areas near wounds, malignant tumors, swelling and various kinds of growths.
  • Biologically active points, which only a doctor knows about. As a rule, they are located in the places of circulation of the bile ducts, lymph, wind, blood and mucus.

A positive result directly depends on the point chosen for the procedure. A correctly chosen place has a beneficial effect on the movement of blood and wind, helps to eliminate and remove clamps, pain, strengthens memory, and improves the functioning of the mind. Saturates the stomach, kidneys and the whole body with heat. A positive effect is also observed in dead tissues.

According to Eastern science, the first vertebra, if you look at the European scheme, it will be the seventh, is the point of the wind. If the wind is in the life channel, then the patient may be disturbed by headaches, heart palpitations, and arrhythmia. There is confusion of thoughts, hysteria, trembling in the body, tinnitus, deafness, dumbness and sleep disturbance. The most beneficial effect is observed when this point is stimulated in old age.

The second vertebra, also called the bile point, is used in the treatment of jaundice. This area helps to stabilize blood pressure, reduce the formation of bile and blood. Cauterize this place is useful in the presence of goiter.

The third vertebra is considered the point of mucus. His work is stimulated for the treatment of diseases of the pulmonary system and heart. Cauterization of this zone is indicated for poor mucus production, if nausea occurs and there is a malfunction in the stomach. Stimulate this point with nasal congestion, swelling.

Affects the work of the anterior lobes of the pulmonary apparatus. Activation of the point has a beneficial effect on "heavy" breathing, wet cough, asthma. Stimulation of the point eliminates the swelling that occurs due to the unstable functioning of the pulmonary system.

The fifth vertebra affects the pathology of the posterior lobes of the pulmonary system, and the sixth is called the "vessel of life." Stimulation of the seventh vertebra improves activity of cardio-vascular system. Next in a certain sequence are the points of the diaphragm, the hepatic organ and the spleen, as well as the active stomach, kidney system, intestines, organs, both dense and hollow, Bladder, menstruation and sperm.

Cauterization technique

Moxotherapy has been used to treat many diseases for centuries. Wormwood cigars do not always consist of 100% wormwood, sometimes others are added to their composition. medicinal plants. The therapy with wormwood cigars is based on infrared rays emitted by the smoking end of the moxa. The length of their wave ranges from 1-5.5 microns, and the combustion temperature of wormwood cigars fluctuates around 825 °C.

First of all, a wick or wormwood cigars are prepared for moxibustion. Wormwood leaves are thoroughly dried, dust is removed from them. The remaining parts of the plant are rolled up in the form of cigars with a diameter of 2 cm, a length of 20 cm. If the treatment is carried out with a wormwood wick, then they are rolled from dry grass into a small ball. What to choose for treatment - a wick or a cigar - is decided by the doctor, based on the patient's state of health.

The “zu san li” point and other active zones are usually cauterized with moxa at a distance of 3-5 cm. At this time, the patient feels warm. If the procedure is performed with a wick, then it is placed directly on the skin and wait until the patient feels pain. One point is affected by only one wick or cigar. A ginger (garlic or salt) pad is placed under them.

Cauterization with a wick has a greater therapeutic effect than the procedure performed by cigars.

Methods for remote cauterization with moxa

Wormwood cigars have found their application in the treatment of many diseases. This procedure is aimed at stimulating thermoreceptors, which are located in a particularly sensitive area of ​​the skin.

Moxibustion is carried out by three methods. It is thermal, pecking and ironing.

In turn, thermal cauterization can be carried out in several ways, these are:

  1. Wormwood cigar is located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the skin, where it is aged from 5 to 30 minutes. In this way, neuralgia, diseases of the dermis and pathologies of the digestive system are treated.
  2. In a piece of ginger 0.5 cm thick small hole, whose diameter is 0.5 cm. This plate is applied to the active point. The cigar is set on fire and removed at a distance of 1.5 cm from the ginger slice. If a burning sensation occurs, moxa is removed from the body for thirty seconds, and then the therapy continues. The signal for the end of the session is red and wet skin. This therapy treats diarrhea, arthritis, and vomiting.
  3. Cut a plate from a clove of garlic and place a smoldering cigar at a distance of 1.5 cm from it. The session is carried out until slight reddening of the skin. This is how tuberculosis is treated.
  4. Fill the navel with salt to the surface of the abdomen. Place a slice of ginger root on top. Above it, carry out the ritual of cauterization at a distance of 1.5 cm. Recommended for coma, diarrhea, strong gag reflex, sunstroke.

Ironing cauterization with a wormwood cigar is carried out directly over the diseased area of ​​​​the skin, at a distance of one centimeter from it. The duration of the session is up to 15 minutes. This method is safe and does not injure the skin. It is prescribed for paralysis and diseases of the dermis.

Before performing pecking jiu therapy, the patient should give a sign if there is a tingling or burning sensation. When such symptoms appear, the cigar is taken up with the burning end for a couple of seconds, and then the procedure is continued. Pug during the session moves up and down. The duration of the procedure is 2-5 minutes. With this method of cauterization, it is possible to act on two points alternately, transferring the wormwood cigar from one active area to another.

About the benefits of using wormwood cigars

Moxotherapy has the most beneficial effect on the human body. During the session, the patient feels a slight pleasant warmth. As a result, blood circulation improves and lymph flow increases.

During the procedure, each bioactive point (including the longevity point) is stimulated purposefully, which positively affects the vital channels. Energy and strength are activated. There is a restoration of the work of internal organs.

In addition, wormwood, when exposed to the body, emits not only heat, but also smoke, which has antiseptic properties, which is very useful for skin diseases and muscle tissue diseases.

This procedure helps to cure many diseases. These are pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders, tumors, epilepsy, various wounds, as well as infringement of the spine. Moxa is also effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as in violation of the reproductive functions.


Moscow has become widespread. The cost of cauterization with a wormwood cigarette in clinics:

  • "TAO" - 1200 rubles.
  • "Yellow Emperor" - 1600 rubles.
  • "AVS-medicine" - 540 rubles.
  • "Capital" - 1200 rubles.
  • "Amrita" - 500 rubles.
  • "BISS" -1200 rubles.
  • "Euromedservice" -1150 rubles.

Chinese medicine in Moscow is the cheapest in the clinical hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, here one cauterization procedure will cost the patient 330 rubles.

Thermopuncture (cauterization, moxibustion)- this is one of the methods (cauterization or heating), which consists in a thermal effect on the biologically active points of the body. This practice originated many years ago in Eastern medicine and is called "zhen-jiu" treatment in Chinese (where "zhen" is acupuncture, and "jiu" is thermopuncture).

This method involves the use of such heat sources, when the thermal effect may be limited in area. Thermopuncture is carried out in various ways: non-contact or remote, contacts or remote, as well as stimulation with hot needles or by heating the needles already installed at the acupuncture point.

When is thermopuncture used?

Along with other methods, thermopuncture can act as in an independent way treatment, and auxiliary - in combination with other practices or in addition to drug therapy.

Influencing the meridians and biologically active points, this method is well suited for the treatment of various chronic ailments, as well as individual critical conditions. In addition, thermopuncture is quite effective. prophylactic and is widely used in rehabilitation activities.

Thermopuncture helps in curing a wide range of allergic syndromes, various kinds pain, many neuroendocrine diseases of the skin, some psychosomatic and neurogenic disorders. Also, this practice is resorted to to normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation, in order to rejuvenate the body, calm the nervous system and for problems associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In accordance with the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, the effects of thermopuncture are excellent for symptoms that have arisen due to a lack of energy or cold (regular colds, inflammatory diseases of bones and joints).

The essence of the thermopuncture method

The method of thermal exposure is based on the principle of gradual prolonged heating of the skin at reflexogenic points and tissues adjacent to these points. Thermopuncture with the use of low temperatures over a short time period produces a weak stimulating effect.

By changing the temperature and duration of irritation, a therapeutic result occurs. The therapy is carried out due to the activation of the functions of various systems and internal organs, which are interconnected with acupuncture points that act as objects of manipulation.

In ancient times, sulfur powder, a burning wick, and red-hot metal sticks were used to perform the thermopuncture procedure. Smoldering moxas have always been widely used in Eastern countries. They were made from various dried herbs (juniper, wormwood, other medicinal plants), folded into a tube and wrapped in thin paper, forming a kind of cigar. In this situation great importance play not so much healing properties herbs, how much their ability to create the required temperature (about sixty or seventy degrees) during the smoldering period.

Thermopuncture procedure

After a thorough diagnostic examination, and in accordance with each specific ailment, the specialist determines the method, number and duration of procedures. Doctors from China say: the longer the course of moxibustion therapy, the more effective it is.

The minimum period of treatment with thermal exposure is about ten sessions, the frequency of which is from a daily procedure to two sessions per week. The duration of each exposure is approximately twenty minutes or about half an hour.

When carrying out therapy by the method of thermopuncture, it is necessary to strictly observe some rules:

  • do not expose the cauterized areas of the body to getting wet for ten days;
  • do not drink alcohol for two months;
  • do not overcool;
  • don't overeat.

Types of remote cauterization:

  • Until reddening of the affected area. During stable stimulation of the acupuncture point, the heat emitter is placed at such a distance from the skin that the patient feels a strongly perceptible heat in this area of ​​the body. The duration of this procedure is from two to five minutes. In this case, the irritation of biologically active points occurs gently.
  • Before blister formation. The ironing action involves heating not just an acupuncture point, but also a fairly large area of ​​the skin due to the non-stop movement of the heat emitter at a close distance from the skin in parallel to the area of ​​the body that is subjected to heating.
  • Until the burn. Direct contact cauterization is used quite rarely due to the risk of burns. This type of thermopuncture consists in placing various substances on biologically active areas, which provide thermal stimulation during combustion.

The more significant the lesions of the skin in the area of ​​acupuncture, the more tangible and effective the result of therapy. Cauterization is performed using balls of wormwood, which have a different size, which is determined by a specialist. The impact on one point is carried out from five to ten times and is determined by the type and degree of a particular disease.

After the session, water bubbles begin to form around the acupuncture zone for about half an hour, which disappear in three days. After ten days (rarely twenty, but no more than twenty-seven), redness forms around the biologically active point - this indicates that the place has become inflamed and will soon ooze.

There is nothing to worry about, and everything happens as it should. Allocations can be in the form of an ichor or be purulent in nature. This process is determined by the severity of the disease and lasts one or two months. From the moment of the onset of inflammation, a bactericidal patch should be applied to this area one to two times a day and do this until the wound closes. A keloid scar may remain in its place, which persists for approximately ten years.

“Diseases that are not cured by herbs can be cured with the help of needles, and, in turn, those ailments that are not cured by needles can be cured by cauterization,” say Eastern experts in jiu therapy.

Technique of cauterization with a wormwood cigarette

Today it is widely practiced convenient way thermal exposure to biologically active points using tiny wormwood cigarettes (about five millimeters in diameter, about ten millimeters long) connected to heat-resistant pads, the thickness of which is about three millimeters.

The end of the cigar that smolders exudes infrared radiation(wavelength from one to five and a half microns), which is directed to specific biologically active points. Such thermal irritation entails a local increase in the temperature of the skin up to 43-45 degrees Celsius, while the burn does not form.

There are three main ways to perform cauterization:

    1. Sedative (soothing) - static heating. The end of the cigar, which is smoldering, is brought to the skin of the patient until a feeling of warmth arises. The duration of the procedure is from fifteen to twenty minutes.

    2. Exciting (toning) - stabbing effect. The smoldering end of the cigar is then brought to the surface of the skin, then removed from the acupuncture point. The duration of the session is two or three minutes.

We have already noted that moxibustion treatment is associated with acupuncture, both in modern literature and in extant sources, and that both methods are often combined and used simultaneously. This explains why the clinical trials we referred to in the previous chapter also included moxibustion treatment.

The cauterization process is also known by the older name of moxibustion. This word comes from the name of the Japanese plant mogusa (the Latinized form is moxa (moxa), similar to Chernobyl (artemisia vulgaris), a type of wormwood, and the Latin word yoke (burn or burn).

As follows from the origin of the word, acupuncture points used to be simply cauterized with “moxibustion grass”, that is, medicinal herb. At present, the points being treated are simply warmed up, although the term moxibustion is still widely used. In my opinion, the term moxibustion is more appropriate in this case.

According to Prof. Yuar, this method of treatment is likely to have more early origin than pricking with stone needles, although the opposite view is found in modern Chinese publications. Traditionally, therapeutic moxibustion developed mainly in the northern regions of China. South Africa concludes from this that Stone Age man used cauterization to alleviate rheumatic pains, more often arising in a damp cave that served him as a dwelling, and in colder climates.

Of course, the healing power of warming fire has been known since the earliest times. And in the oldest compendium of medical knowledge, The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, we find references to the cauterization method as a well-established procedure.

In addition, any method of treatment with heating requires knowledge of the points of influence on the body of humans and animals. Some points are excluded from moxibation treatment; they can only be used for acupuncture and vice versa. Both ancient and modern works provide a list of these "forbidden" points.

In the old days, the points chosen for therapeutic effects were also burned with red-hot iron rods. Today, this procedure is used only in veterinary surgery. In addition to iron rods, other means of cauterization were also used, usually from twisted leaves of medicinal plants (mulberry, ginger, aconite, wormwood, etc.). Points of irritation were either cauterized or heated with smoldering leaves twisted in the form of sticks.

Nowadays, various warming procedures are practiced. For example, a medicinal plant is crushed and wrapped in special paper, set on fire and held over a point that needs to be heated. Dried and powdered medicinal plant can also be shaped into a ball or cone and then placed directly on the point of treatment. Then such a cone is set on fire, and it remains at a given point on the surface of the body until there is a danger of burns or overheating, as soon as this moment comes, the cone is removed.

In certain cases, a medicinal plant cone or ball is placed on a special base; this will be discussed later.

In modern Chinese clinics, Chernobyl leaves are most often used, usually in the form of 10-12 cm sticks or cones or bean-sized balls. The purpose of the procedure is to warm up, causing a pleasant sensation, and not a burn.

For cauterization, the Japanese developed a special device consisting of small tubes equipped with a handle. They burn the medicinal plant in the form of a powder. Similar devices can be found everywhere in China.

Top left: the moxibustion cone is placed directly on the skin. Top right: heating with a cautery stick. Bottom left: moxibustion cone on stand. Bottom right: application of the moxibustion cone on the stand

The following details regarding therapeutic moxibustion are taken from contemporary Chinese publications.

1. One session requires three to five wormwood cones or balls; they can be set on fire and applied simultaneously to different points on the surface of the body, or they can be set on fire and applied one after the other to the same point. In cases of chronic diseases, the dosage may be increased.

2. The stick burns for 4-5 minutes. If you want to get the effect of sedation, the stick is held over the corresponding point on the surface of the body. This procedure can be used, for example, to develop protective inhibition in the cerebral cortex. To achieve a tonic effect, the surface of the skin is lightly tapped with a smoldering stick, preventing overheating of the point on which the therapeutic effect is exerted. This is the so-called "pecking method".

3. In the case of cauterization treatment with a cone on a ginger base, a ginger leaf is first placed on the treatment point, and then a cone is placed on top of it. If the ginger leaf dries out, it must be replaced with a fresh one. Generally speaking, this method is used for pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting, and rheumatic pains in the limbs.

4. In the case of treatment by cauterization through garlic, a clove of fresh garlic is placed on the points subjected to therapeutic irritation. A small hole is made in the garlic clove and the cone is placed on top. Generally speaking, this method is used as an anesthetic and in certain cases for the treatment of lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis).

5. When treating with cauterization through salt, the point of application of the therapeutic effect is covered with table salt, and the cone is placed on top. If the salt overheats, it is replaced. This method is commonly used for abdominal pain, nausea and diseases caused by organic hypofunction. The purpose of the procedure is to compensate for the "lack of energy" in the affected organ.

Cauterization with cones and sticks should be dosed, it depends on the part of the body on which the therapeutic effect is exerted. For example, in the case of irritation of points on the head, the usual dose is for warming up for 3-5 minutes using only sticks, not cones. Other recommended dosages are as follows: on the chest - 3-5 minutes of constant heating with cones or 3-10 minutes with sticks; on the body - 5-20 minutes of constant heating with cones or the same amount of time with sticks; on the back - 3-10 minutes of constant heating with cones or the same amount of time with sticks.

When carrying out moxibation, the correct position of the patient's body is important to provide optimal impact on the surface points of the body. Modern publications warn against burning the patient's skin, and thus the old, scarring method is now rejected, as is cauterization with sulfur. Care must be taken to ensure that no sparks fly during the treatment session; windows should also be opened to prevent accumulation of smoke when the cone or wand is lit. The fact that sometimes smoke appears is the only drawback of this method of therapy.

After the session is completed, all visible traces that may remain on the surface of the skin, in the worst case, a slight reddening, soon disappear. Even if a blister appears, it is pierced with a sterile needle and lubricated with a healing ointment.

The direct cauterization method used in the past left ugly scars on the skin, traces of which can still be seen today among the older generation in China and especially in Korea.

Modern medical science considers therapeutic cauterization as a method of stimulating the skin as a result of its heating and, probably, exposure to chemical compounds contained in medicinal plants(garlic, ginger, etc.). This opinion is shared by many old-school doctors, including Wang Xiaotai, who was trained in both traditional and modern methods treatment.

We already know that the vasodilating effect of skin stimulation is responded to internal organs. This is due to the close relationship between these organs and specific areas of the skin: any disease of the internal organs is given by pain in the latter. On the contrary, any stimulation of certain areas and points on the surface of the skin excites the muscles and blood vessels and affects the corresponding internal organs. This functional relationship explains the effectiveness of cauterization from a therapeutic point of view. The only slight difficulty is to link the traditional cautery points with the theories of modern medicine and combine them into one common system.

Cauterization is the application of chemical, thermal, electrical and radiation burns for therapeutic purposes.

Cauterization is used to destroy small skin tumors, excessive granulations, moles, warts, calluses, mucosal growths, etc. acids, care is needed: the acid is applied with a glass rod, the surrounding healthy tissues are protected with a sterile cloth or lubricated with lanolin, petroleum jelly, zinc paste. Instead of a solution of silver nitrate or carbolic acid, you can use a stick of a crystalline preparation.

Thermal cauterization with hot metal is performed with a Paklen thermocautery or a galvanocautery. Moxibustion in combination with acupuncture is one of the widely used methods of Chinese traditional medicine.

For cauterization with electricity, current is used high frequency, which through special tips gives limited tissue destruction (see). This method is used to remove small superficial tumors of the skin, mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, bladder, and also to stop bleeding from small vessels (see).

Cauterization with the application of radiation burns of the first degree in the form of quartz is used as a distraction for inflammatory diseases (see).

Cauterization (cauterisatio) - application for therapeutic purposes of burns - thermal, chemical, electrical or radiation. Cauterization is used to destroy small pathological formations - hypertrophied mucous membranes, warts, excessive granulations, etc. In these cases, in addition to diathermocoagulation (see) and cauterization with hot metal - the tip of the Paquelen apparatus or the galvanocautery loop (see Thermocaustics), you can sometimes use chemicals - silver nitrate, copper sulfate, fuming nitric acid, etc.

By means of diathermocoagulation, tissue dissection is also performed instead of their incision with a knife (see Electrosurgical methods of treatment).

As a reflexotherapeutic event and a distraction, the application of extensive burns of the first degree is widely used: chemical, with the help of mustard plasters or radiation - quartz erythema (see Ultraviolet radiation). Distracting cauterization with second-degree burns is one of the common means of oriental (Chinese, Japanese) medicine (see Acupuncture).

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