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Magic signs: what does meeting with animals mean

Determining the meaning of this or that sign associated with animals, insects, fish, etc., the reader should remember that it is absurd to expect some kind of prediction in the area where they are widespread. To attach importance to meeting an animal where it occurs very often is simply stupid. Another site where you can read about the meaning of meeting animals.

Donkey- To meet a donkey - unfortunately, especially if the animal comes towards you.

Bat- Hear squeaks or screams bat during the flight - expect failures.

Cat- It is widely believed that a black cat brings good luck, although some argue the opposite. Killing a cat means incurring the worst troubles (in ancient egypt it was considered a crime and punishable by death); stepping on her tail is also not good. If a cat suddenly leaves the house in which it lives, then its inhabitants should expect misfortunes.

Dog- If a dog howls at the moon or outside the house, then this portends death somewhere in the neighborhood. In the East, a black dog is considered the embodiment of the devil, and students of classical literature will surely remember the passage from Horace in which he says that a black dog with puppies was a bad omen. Some people think that killing a dog is just as bad as killing a cat.

Ferret- To meet a ferret - to ensure success in the planned enterprise.

Goat- A lucky sign, portending prosperity and acquisitions.

Hare- In general, this animal is considered unfavorable; at one time it was even believed that witches were hiding in the bodies of hares. If a hare crosses your path, then this is unfortunately and disappointing. If a hare runs past the house in the countryside, then you need to beware of a fire. In some countries, the prejudice against hares is so great that messengers with important messages even turned back when they accidentally met a hare on the road, because they were sure that they would not be able to complete the task.

Hedgehog - A happy animal. To meet a hedgehog is good, especially if he comes forward.

Horse- To meet a pinto - fortunately, especially for the player, but if the tail catches your eye first, then some person dear to you will have a hard time. If lovers meet a white horse, then they can hope for happiness.

Lamb- To meet one lamb - to a quiet life, happiness and love.

Mouse- If you were presented with a white mouse, then this is a sign of success and happiness in love, unless the donor suspects the meaning of his gift. A brown or reddish mouse is also favorable, although not to the same extent; but the gray mouse portends misfortune and danger.

Mule- An unlucky animal, meaning financial loss and betrayal of business partners.

Bull- A chance meeting with a bull on the road promises prosperity and the acquisition of money.

Pig- The pig is a very unlucky animal, and to meet it by chance is to provide yourself with cause for concern. If the wedding procession on the way home meets a lost pig, then the life of the newlyweds together will be difficult.

Rat- One of the animals that the Roman augurs attached importance to.

white rat- a favorable sign, but black has a bad meaning. The damage caused by rats speaks of misfortune for those in whose house they settled. Roman historians talk about how rats predetermined the outcome of battles by chewing on the shields of warriors. If your personal belongings have been gnawed by rats, then put aside all your plans.

Sheep- To meet unexpectedly a flock of sheep is a good sign, especially if they are heading towards you.

Squirrel- To meet a squirrel - fortunately.

weasel- Seeing affection - to family disagreements and worries.

Since ancient times, the hedgehog has been treated with great respect and love, since this animal is, in fact, harmless and very cute. In addition, our ancestors believed that it was the hedgehog that could protect against thieves, from evil spirits, and also bring prosperity to the house, because with the advent of the hedgehog, mice would disappear from the house, and snakes would disappear from the yard. Accordingly, pets will be in order, as well as cereals in the bins.

Signs about a hedgehog

It should be noted that the appearance of a hedgehog in the house should be voluntary, because in captivity it cannot become a family talisman and, therefore, lead to well-being. Also, do not lure the hedgehog into the house on purpose, for example, with the help of the same saucer of milk, since the animal must come into it on its own, of its own free will. Only in this case, all the signs that are associated with this cute animal will come true.

You also need to know that the hedgehog does not enter the first house that comes across, but chooses exactly the one in which the owners will greet him kindly. In response, he will not only get rid of mice and vipers, but also protect against evil thoughts and envy of enemies, and also ward off evil spirits.

The appearance of a hedgehog in the house, as a rule, is associated with material wealth and well-being. Therefore, if a hedgehog wanders into the house, you can’t kick him out, but it’s best to treat him with the same milk or raw egg, which, by the way, hedgehogs love. Let him stay for a short time, but he will contribute to the future increase in finances.

As a rule, a hedgehog can wander into the house with the onset of cold weather, because he also wants to warm himself, as well as profit from something tasty. Such a visit of the animal for the owners will promise the appearance of a new tenant, who will be very dear and loved by everyone living in the house, and in the future for the family the next year will be full and happy.

Also, the appearance of a hedgehog in the house will mean dramatic changes in the future, since this cute animal is a symbol of renewal and happiness. Accordingly, after his visit, you can safely begin new project or get a job, create a new family and wait for the appearance of heirs in the future.

The appearance of a hedgehog in the house may not always be associated with the residents themselves, because, like any animal, this animal is well aware of changes in the weather. That is why some regard the appearance of a hedgehog in the house in a completely different way. In particular, they say that the hedgehog comes in anticipation of the rain, which will be clear and water the whole earth to its full. It is also said that the hedgehog comes to a warm house before the onset of cold weather, because, in this way, he is looking for a warm and cozy place for himself for the winter.

In the culture of many peoples, animals were identified with some kind of human character, endowed with positive and negative features. Almost all animals for different houses were amulets.

The hedgehog, with all his external data, was considered a positive character for the majority. And the signs in which the prickly animal participated were most often in a positive way.

Hedgehog in different countries and cultures

In England, the attitude towards this animal was twofold, and was most likely formed from some patterns. Hedgehogs love milk - this is a known fact. It was believed that at night the hedgehog comes to the house in order to take milk from the cattle. Pregnant women were afraid of meeting him for the same reason - if you meet a hedgehog, milk for the baby may disappear.

In Bulgaria, a small animal was considered cunning and smart, and endowed it with such characteristics as:

  • efficiency,
  • bravery,
  • frugality.

Many merchants considered it an honor to meet him and give way, because after the meeting, trade and a steady income would certainly improve.

In China, seeing a hedgehog, especially for a military person, was considered a great happiness, as it symbolizes a warrior, practically a protector of light, fighting the forces of darkness and decay. Until today, this sign is viable, and the more needles an animal has, the more successful life will be.

The Slavs considered the prickly guest to be positive, and moreover, they attracted small animals to their home. It was believed that he protects from crop failure, waste and disease.

Families with small children gladly noticed such a guest and did not let the kids offend him.

It was believed that he guards the family, protects children, symbolizes healthy offspring.

If a hedgehog wandered into the house, they always treated him and tried to keep him in the house as long as possible. In fact, he destroyed pests, both domestic and in the field, saved the crop. If in some year their livestock increased, it always meant one thing - life is getting better, as the gods send their helpers to people.

The sorcerers used his skin to create a talisman against the forces of evil.

Symbol of protection

Protecting the house is the main task of the night prickly hunter, and if you hear the clatter of legs in the silence, do not rush to get up and drive such a guest. Mice and vipers are his favorite delicacy, which means that the house in which such an assistant has settled or comes to visit needs protection. Rodents and snakes bypass such houses, which is what a caring owner needs.

And given the aura of a different protection, such a guest is supposed to be revered better than another.

Previously, the hostesses treated them with gifts, goodies left for the night, and sentenced:

“Yozh Yozhikovich, come and drink milk, drink milk, and scare away evil. Take away the mice and rats, help the kids out of the snakes, but don’t touch us.”

by the most the best sign was to see how such a guest relieves himself. This meant that the house would be rich and hospitable. Many housewives kept hedgehog droppings as a symbol of prosperity. It was dried in canvas bags and kept in the place where the money is. Merchants took such bags with them for transactions, it was believed that they could not be deceived with the quality of the goods, and it would be possible to buy goods much cheaper.

On the walls in the corner they painted a small prickly pet, which was supposed to attract living amulets home.

  • If several hedgehogs, and as a rule, this is a mother with babies, began to systematically visit the garden, the owners of the house were waiting for offspring, it could be like the birth of children in a family, or calving of cattle.
  • Such guests were treated and sentenced to the house, the doors were left open so that they could take all the negativity out of the house.
  • needles from dead hedgehogs were used to spoil and send illness. If the hedgehog died on its own, it was believed that the dark energy remained in it.
  • The collected needles were stored, they were not touched by hands, so that, God forbid, they would not receive a portion of evil.

By sticking such a needle into the clothes of an enemy, one could make him ache.

What does the meeting with the hedgehog symbolize?

In literature, fairy tales, beliefs, the animal is endowed with positive features, and most likely, this comes from the time when people believed in otherworldly forces and lived by the laws of nature. Even today, all children's films and animation endow him with the traits of an honest and noble person, a defender of the weak.

What does the prickly baby that you met by chance symbolize, what to expect after such a meeting, and what to fear?

hedgehog in the forest

To meet this animal in its natural environment is a great success. They are secretive and only hunt at night. In the afternoon, a hunter who meets a hedgehog will definitely come home with prey, the main thing is not to touch the prickly oracle. Gribnikov is also waiting for a good harvest of mushrooms. Meet in the forest for a walk - you will definitely be waiting good time, you will not need neither joy nor attention and money.

Meeting on the doorstep

If in the morning you met a little guest when leaving the house, right on the doorstep, a good day awaits you, both management and relatives will come to meet you. Feel free to offer your options for this or that case - you will be heard.

If at the sight of you the hedgehog froze and curled up into a ball, some important matter will be decided by itself.

If the animal was frightened of you and ran away from the threshold into the grass, your affairs will be resolved if you apply your strength and patience to them.

If the same animal systematically comes to your doorstep, be sure to treat it. It can be milk, sour cream, a piece of meat, or a slightly dried-up pie.

An animal pleased with your treat will bring good luck and warmth to the house. Do not let the children offend him, explain how small children are useful prickly hedgehogs and offer to watch them.

Meet the hedgehog on the road

If you meet a prickly animal on the road, do not scare him, let him continue on his way. Your fear at a meeting means only one thing - an unexpected good offer awaits you. It could be a promotion, or a marriage proposal.

If you saw to your right, get ready to meet people on whom your financial situation depends, do not hesitate to ask for a raise, money in debt, for any help. You will definitely be helped. This also applies to business.

A hedgehog running to your right is good luck in matters of love and family. On such a day, you can go for broke, and offer your options - you will achieve what you want. For a woman who wants to get married and a man who is looking for his other half, this guarantees a chance to find love.

A hedgehog that crosses your path signals that you should not rush and make decisions. You will most likely regret them. Think over all the steps, or freeze if the choice is difficult - everything will be decided by itself. Avoid new people and acquaintances, they may not be what you would like.

  • If you see on the road dead hedgehog, or a crushed hedgehog in a car, do not step on or drive over it, so you will take on all the negative energy that it absorbs from a person.
  • It used to be believed that the needles absorb all the black essence that is invisible to the human eye, and the animal gives this blackness to the ground. When he dies, he leaves a part of this energy in himself, and you should not touch him.

On such a day, it is better to abandon serious cases, and even more so, treatment - it will not bring results, but only additional aggravating diseases. Do not lend money - they will not be returned to you. Do not quarrel with loved ones - you will be wrong.

If the animal died through your fault, you can take on some of its energy, and you need to be very careful in the next seven days. Try to drive less often or pass through the place if you were in a car and crushed it, wash the car before driving home, and do not use it for a couple of days.

Do not trust people who these days may ask you for help. And if you see that someone needs, be sure to help yourself.

hedgehog in the house

Having found a curious nozzle at home, do not doubt that happy days have begun for you. The animal brings peace and harmony to the house. This means that relations with loved ones need to be improved, to make peace with those who have been offended. Don't wait for it to happen by itself, take the first step.

A hedgehog in the house is a very good omen, and try not to disappoint him, because the longer he stays with you, the more benefit he will bring. Don't try to delay him, leave the door open.

  • When the animal begins to go to your house systematically, it is believed that he comes for the negative energy that unkind people brought with them, and not just for rodents, which is also not bad.
  • If children unknowingly brought a hedgehog into the house and want to leave it, explain to them that it is impossible to keep a wild animal at home, it is very active, despite its external slowness.

The hedgehog is a totemic animal. His strength is in freedom, and he comes only when the family really needs it. If you delay him by force, it will be on your conscience, and among other things, he may leave an external negative in the family that offended him.

The evening guest must be let out into the street, treated, and saying the following: "Hedgehog, hedgehog, do not touch us, there is a mouse in the field, in the garden, eat them." In the morning, put a treat for him on the threshold from the street for clearing your house of troubles and misfortunes.

This cute, albeit prickly, furchalka and stomper can bring a lot of joy if you watch him in nature. This animal carefully takes care of its offspring, the place where it lives, attracts goodness and comfort there. A family of hedgehogs living in your garden will bring a lot of positive things to both children watching them and adults.

The animal comes to your house exactly at the moment when your house needs it, therefore, do not hold it by force, treat it, wish it health, thank you for everything, and let it go. It will bring you much more.

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Russian hero folk tales and old Soviet cartoons, a good-natured and hard worker hedgehog is simply not able to scare. No matter how much he bristles his needles, the sight of the animal running about its business causes a smile, but not fears for the future. And yet the signs are not so simple. The prickly animal also has its secrets.

Signs about hedgehogs

In Western Europe - especially in England - some hundred years ago this animal was terribly disliked. The peasants were sure that at night the hedgehogs suck milk from sleeping cows, and therefore considered it their duty to destroy the night robbers wherever possible. There was even a sign that prophesied misfortune to anyone who met a hedgehog, and it was possible to take trouble away from your head only by immediately killing an innocent animal!

The prickly forest dwellers were treated without sympathy in Bosnia as well. They believed that only the devil could create such a strange creature: he combed unclean hair from the top of his head, threw a hard tuft under the deck, and the first hedgehog in the world got out from under it with a sniff.

Things were quite different in the East. In the teachings of Feng Shui, the hedgehog appeared as a mighty warrior, tearing apart the world of eternal darkness with his needles, and his image served as a symbol of kindness, sincerity and repulsive forces.

In Bulgaria, the hedgehog is considered the wisest and oldest animal. According to local beliefs, God himself listened to the advice of the prickly animal, arranging a heavenly tent above the earth! Another legend, also known in Macedonia, makes the hedgehog the savior of the world. If at one time the animal had not come up with a tricky move to upset the wedding of the Sun and the Moon, the offspring of the two heavenly bodies would simply incinerate the Earth.

In the view of the Slavic peoples, the hedgehog acted as a real defender of the human race. Amulets with a prickly hedgehog coat, real or symbolic, saved from the evil eye and damage, dispersed evil spirits, treated diseases, endowed with prosperity, strengthened the family. And the animal itself at that time hunted small pests in the garden or cellar, so it was considered a great success to get a tenant covered with needles in your yard. So judge, could a hedgehog be considered a bad omen?

See on your way, crossed the road

It's always nice to meet such a cutie, isn't it?

We will immediately forget European signs so as not to offend a cute animal. The hedgehog is a kind and positive creature, and a meeting with him portends an exceptionally good one.

  • If you notice an animal off the road, there will be no significant changes in your life. But you can count on small pleasant surprises from fate.
  • If a hedgehog crosses your path, something interesting should happen soon. Perhaps a period of stagnation has begun in your life, which a prickly passer-by decided to stir up. Don't worry, you'll love the changes!
  • A truly happy omen is a hedgehog running towards.

Settled in the yard

Hedgehog, settled on suburban area or in the courtyard of a private house - a great sign. And protection from bad people, and a living amulet from evil spirits, and an environmentally friendly remedy against pests. Previously, the peasants tried to lure useful guest to his yard, and he came to you himself! The sign is clearly good. Try to greet the baby: pour milk in a saucer, break an egg or crumble boiled meat (yes, these prickly balls are real predators!), put it in the grass not far from the hedgehog and sit quietly on the side so as not to frighten him. As soon as the incoming animal takes up a treat, whisper:

“Hedgehog-ezhovich, drink milk, get saturated as soon as possible, drive away evil spirits, don’t let us be offended!” It is believed that after that, a guard armed with needles will defend your house and no enemy will be able to break through to it.

Vipers, mice and rats are also run by the hedgehog. To keep such an animal on your site to a minimum, test the power of another conspiracy: “Run after a rat and a mouse, eat them, save the master’s supplies!” It should be recognized that the conspiracy somewhat exaggerates the fighting qualities of hedgehogs, and the animals do not so much catch their prey as they pick it up from the grass. But sometimes they can really intercept a small vole and are not afraid of viper venom. So the pests will really start to bypass your site. If only the hedgehog ate and agreed to stay!

It is believed that a person who sees how a hedgehog hunts a mouse will soon be tried to use for their own purposes. Thank the animal for the warning and keep your eyes open.

It is better to take only domesticated animals in your hands.

It is not recommended to take a wild animal in your arms once again: prick your finger on a hedgehog skin until it bleeds - to be slandered from scratch. And from a realistic point of view, contact with a needle that climbed somewhere and which microbes picked up does not bode well. Maybe they came up with a sign to protect overly curious individuals from health problems?

A poignant detail. If, during your naturalistic observations, you see how the animal relieves itself, the belief promises you great happiness. And don't ask why. Mystery of fate!

Comes to eat on site

The animal spotted a saucer of milk that you regularly leave for him, and every evening he visits for dinner, but lives somewhere outside the yard and is not going to “transfer his little things”? In this case, signs advise you to take a closer look at a new acquaintance who might have recently appeared in your environment. Just as a hedgehog can stab someone who inadvertently grabs his prickly back, so this person can hurt you. It doesn't have to be conscious! Do not rush to refuse him communication, just be careful.

Bring from the street to the house

It is wrong and inhumane to leave a hedgehog caught in the wild in an apartment: he has his own life, affairs and, possibly, hedgehogs there, and here you are with your unsolicited hospitality! And also recklessly, since cute hedgehogs spread rabies, tetanus and ticks no worse than other forest animals. Now, if you buy a domesticated baby in a pet store with all the necessary accessories and food, both problems will be removed at once, and you will have a funny and unusual pet. Your house and in the mystical plan will only benefit! The hedgehog will bravely expose its thorns to meet all possible adversities and will diligently drive them away from the home. Peace and tranquility will come to the apartment.

Watching prickly pets is pure pleasure

The mobile animal suffers a lot while sitting in its enclosure, so from time to time it will need to be let out for a walk around the apartment. But remember that the hedgehog is a nocturnal animal. If you leave him at will in the evening, a light clatter will be heard in the rooms until the morning.

Find a dead, step on or crush a hedgehog

  • Crushing a hedgehog with a car is a bad sign. In the best case, the event prophesies serious financial expenses to the killer, in the worst case, a collision with a person. If you are seriously fond of superstitions and are not averse to delving into a pile of signs, then quickly look for the same warning about any downed animal. And their meaning is simple: be careful driving in the morning and in the evening, at any time of the day, otherwise one day a real disaster will happen! In general, the killing of a living being, even if you inadvertently stepped on a small hedgehog you met along the way, is undoubtedly a bad omen. Be careful, especially in the forest.
  • But the hedgehog, who lost his life through no fault of yours, literally means the following: just as his thorns will no longer harm anyone, so your enemies from that moment have lost their strength and retreated from you. The place does not particularly matter: whether he died in a bathhouse or a barn, or maybe outside the threshold of the house. It is difficult to say how true the sign is. But if it inspires you to act bolder, it will definitely bring benefits.

Neutralization of negative signs

We hope to kill innocent animals right and left just because English farmers once did this, aren't you going? And great! It remains to decide what to do if the animal suffered from your hands not intentionally.

If you get into an accident involving a hedgehog, take a short break. Let the car sit in the garage for a couple of days, and you will calm down. After that, drive away your vehicle to the sink to remove the remnants of the negative, and forget about what happened. Just try to continue to behave more responsibly on the road, it is in your own interests.

There is no better remedy for a hedgehog injection than running water and an antiseptic. We wash away the fear of getting caught on the tongue by unknown slanderers with water, we destroy a possible infection with an antiseptic. Perfectionists and especially exciting personalities are not forbidden to observe the wound for several days to make sure that it does not fester and does not become inflamed. And you will be happy!

Being afraid of a hedgehog is ridiculous and funny. Wherever you meet a funny snorting baby, follow him with your eyes and wish him a happy journey. Your own path will only benefit from this, because it is easier to walk with a light soul.

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