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Meeting with a cockroach at home or in a cafe will cause a lot of negativity in any person. But there are people who are not just unpleasant cockroaches, but the mere thought of these insects scares them. What is the name of the fear of cockroaches, why it arises, and how to get rid of fear - psychology will tell.

Blattophobia - what is it

Blattophobia is the fear of cockroaches. Insectophobia is the general term for the fear of insects. There is an opinion that it is more characteristic of women, but in fact the phobia occurs with the same frequency among both sexes.

On the one hand, the negative attitude towards cockroaches is justified. They carry diseases, spoil things and soil food, create unsanitary conditions, and are a source of allergies. Pests must be controlled for health reasons. But you need to do this rationally, and not in a fit of panic, burn your own house or poison insects, yourself and your neighbors with poison.

It is interesting! During the reign of Peter I, cockroaches were considered an indicator of the well-being of the house. No one thought to fight them. But Peter himself was afraid of cockroach-like insects.

Reasons for fear of cockroaches

There are several general prerequisites for the development of a phobia:

  • children's psychotrauma, stress (life in a house with cockroaches, a dysfunctional childhood, falling into a pit with insects, punishment or bullying by peers in the form of a rash of cockroaches on the head, etc.);
  • copying the reaction of adults (not all cockroaches are dangerous, but children do not understand this, but blindly copy the reactions of their parents);
  • fear due to children's horror stories or fairy tales (for example, the work "Cockroach" can scare a young child);
  • fear of becoming infected with something from insects (insects carry deadly infections, contaminate food);
  • fear that the insect will bite or crawl into the ear, nose;
  • suggestibility (media and horror films tell scary stories about the meeting of a person and a cockroach).

Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of the formation of fear as such.

Freud's Psychodynamic Theory

According to Freud's theory, irrational fear is the result of transferring anxiety to a neutral object. Man has been using defense mechanisms and suppressing his desires for so long that he has driven them deep into the subconscious. Influencing from there, they cause anxiety, the subject of which the person himself does not understand. It soon finds an available object to which the alarm can be linked.

Suppose a child was born into a dysfunctional family. Alcoholism of parents, scandals between parents, violence against a child, poverty, unsanitary conditions and, as a result, cockroaches. The child was afraid of his parents (or one of them), but the subconscious transferred the fear to cockroaches.

Behavioral behavioral theory

According to behavioral theory, fear is the result of learning along the modeling path or the classically conditioned path.

Conditioned path

The classically conditioned path implies that a person at the moment of discomfort saw some object and perceived it as the cause of negativity. That is, a person was scared, hurt or disgusted at a specific time in a specific place, and a cockroach (or its image, a toy, something else) suddenly appeared there and the person concentrated on it. In the future, each time seeing an insect, a person will expect the same negative emotions and sensations.

simulated path

Fear is passed down from parents to children or from movies and books. That is, a person sees, hears and imagines how an insect harms another person.

Manifestations and signs of blatophobia

The phobia of cockroaches has four characteristic manifestations:

  • irrational actions (frequent pest control at home, frequent hand washing, attempts to destroy cockroaches in any way);
  • obsessive ideas and thoughts (about killer cockroaches, about infection of products, about the night penetration of an insect into the human body);
  • autonomic signs (tachycardia, sweating, breathing problems, dizziness, nausea, trembling);
  • panic at the sight of an object of fear (screams, sudden movements of the hands, running or jumping, etc.).

Some people at the sight of a cockroach fall into a stupor, others begin to cry, others try to run away (they can run out of the house). If it seems to a person that an insect has crawled into his ear, then the blattophobe will run to the hospital or try to get (poison) the insect himself. The latter is very dangerous, because in a state of panic a person can harm himself.

The danger of blatophobia, which is what neglected cases lead to

In the advanced stages of the disease, even viewing photos or advertising cockroach remedies can cause a panic attack. In uncontrolled attempts to kill an insect, a person can harm himself or other people. And another panic attack can result in a heart attack, stroke, paralysis, or death.

How to get rid of fear

At an early stage, you can deal with fear on your own. With a moderate phobia, it is better to consult a doctor; in a severe stage, you may need drug treatment. But first things first.

Help from a psychologist

For professional treatment, one of the following methods can be chosen:

  1. Hypnosis. The psychologist introduces the client into a trance and reprograms the mind, changing the negative attitude to a healthy attitude towards cockroaches. This method is suitable for suggestible people without secondary mental disorders and at a mild stage of phobia.
  2. Virtual approach to the object of fear. Using a virtual reality helmet, the client is immersed in the world of cockroaches, the psychologist helps to control the condition, reminds them that these are virtual insects. This method can only be used under the supervision of a psychologist, at a mild stage of the disorder. At an advanced stage, such therapy will cause shock, severe fright and a panic attack.
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The client and the psychologist make a list of frightening situations. After that, they are played back in turn. For example, first the patient looks at a photo of cockroaches, then a video, then at live insects behind glass, etc. At each stage, the specialist reminds about the methods of self-control and new (previously developed) response models.
  4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming. During the sessions, the client realizes the irrationality of his perception, together with the specialist he creates a new picture of reality.

For the treatment of children, art therapy and fairy tale therapy are used. You can make up your own story. It is important that the cockroach is described there in a positive way. But as part of art therapy, you can depict how a child conquers his fear, defeats an evil cockroach. When working with school-age children, you can study the encyclopedia, get acquainted with the characteristics of individual insects, and approach fear with the help of illustrations. And, of course, parents should control their reactions, not react with screams to cockroaches.

It is important! The method of treatment is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the client and the medical history. Sometimes a combination of several methods of psychotherapy is used.

Condition correction methods

As an additional treatment for the rapid correction of the condition with severe anxiety, sleep problems, hallucinations and panic attacks, the psychotherapist prescribes antidepressants, beta-blockers, tranquilizers, psycholeptics.

We independently get rid of the fear of cockroaches

As part of self-help, you can use auto-training. First you need to relax the body and brain, take a comfortable position, turn on soothing music or retire in silence and repeat the setting for self-hypnosis: “I conquer my fear”, “I created my fear myself, now I let it go”, “I am not afraid of cockroaches ".

It is recommended to consider auto-training as an auxiliary means of self-treatment. The main method is a gradual approach to the object of fear. Only busting yourself and looking fear in the eye, you can get rid of the phobia. Do auto-training, and then look fear in the eye. If it gets bad, repeat the affirmations and breathe deeply. You can invite a person who does not have blattophobia to visit, and with him look your fear in the face.

It is interesting! In some countries, certain types of cockroaches are considered a delicacy. Why don't you bite the head off your fear, literally?

What are your earliest memories of insects? The very thought of a cockroach crawling up a wall is terrifying. At the time when the child first sees this creature before his eyes, it may seem like a real monster to the baby. Tactile contact with cockroaches is always unpleasant. Women at the sight of these creatures usually squeal loudly. Why do insects in our house inspire us with panic fear? Let's try to figure it out.

Dating stress can turn into a phobia

If the first “acquaintance” with an insect became a real stress, a person from now on does not stop thinking about cockroaches as an abomination that he would like to meet again, except perhaps under torture. This phobia does not allow you to live in peace. Every time the poor fellow takes a towel from the hanger in the bathroom, he will draw an imaginary encounter with a monster. Over time, hostility to these creatures only increases, as the number of meetings with them increases.

Dislike is formed in the mind

Cockroaches are just insects that cannot bring physical harm to a person. But in the imagination of a person, this is not just an insect, it is a psychological barrier that is simply impossible to cross. Otherwise, how to get all these incidents associated with them out of your head? A string of terrible sensations stretches from a very early age: there is the first childhood impression, and the feeling on the skin of vile paws uninvited guest, and watching a whole gang of critters spread from kitchen table All you have to do is turn on the lights at night.

insect invasion

There was a time when insects roamed from apartment to apartment in high-rise buildings. What only sanitation did not suit the poor tenants. As a result, neither grandmother's proven products nor strong chemicals helped. It is useless to fight them alone. More radical solutions are needed, for example, sanitation of basements. Now all this is in the past. However, sometimes they do return. Not in flocks, but singly. However, everything also terrifies the residents of apartment buildings. Particularly impressionable persons think: “What if they breed again?”

They invade our homes and feel like full owners there.

The very idea that someone without your knowledge can exist in your home is deeply unpleasant. These small and nimble insects can crawl into the most secluded corners of the apartment. But even more disgusting is the thought of how many microbes and bacteria are on cockroach bodies and paws. They seem to challenge a person, clearly demonstrating that all these defensive redoubts, cleanliness and health care are actually in vain.

When things get out of hand

Psychologists say that a person wants to completely control the state of his home. And if things get out of hand, real panic can develop. We hate them so much, but we can't help the fact that our very existence allows them to thrive. What is the true nature of this irrational fear? Let's try to find out from scientists involved in the study of insects.

world domination

If you delve into historical knowledge, then hostility to cockroaches goes back to the heyday of cockroaches. ancient egypt. The ancient Egyptians even cast spells addressed to the gods, asking them to expel these creatures from their lives. In history ancient rome records have been found of the "repulsive nature of these pests". Penetrated on the ships of emigrants to the New World, they quickly bred there. So, John Smith Jamestown complained at the time about the "unbearable smell of manure" that came from these insects. Therefore, we can assume that in the 19th century, cockroaches achieved world domination.

Is there any point in being afraid of them?

Existing with them for such a long time, each of us can guess that there is no reasonable fear of cockroaches. We have already studied so much information and learned that, unlike mosquitoes, ticks or fleas, cockroaches are not carriers of diseases. They also never bite our skin or feed on our blood. The funny thing is that when we see a mosquito on our skin, we simply kill it, but do not even think about screaming in horror to the whole world. Yes, cockroaches crawl in the dirtiest places and could potentially cause food poisoning person. Only here such cases, perhaps, science has not yet revealed.

Tens of millions of people suffer from blatophobia

However, one of the most common insect-related phobias is the fear of cockroaches (blattophobia). Despite the fact that these insects do not directly harm people, according to experts, there are several tens of millions of people in the world suffering from blatophobia. However, the true extent of the tragedy remains a mystery shrouded in darkness. Scientists say that most of the population that has such fears will never admit it. These people will do their best not to even say that terrible word "cockroach".

Psychologists say that people cannot stand either casual physical contact or the sight of cockroaches. Most people who are afraid of them will never go to the kitchen at night. They know that in the dark these creatures become especially bold. Many people traveling to exotic countries often encounter insects right in the hotel room. Did you know that a female Madagascar cockroach can reach a length of 10 centimeters? What will you do if you see such a creature right on door handle your hotel room?

Some people, noticing a cockroach, fall into a stupor. The reaction of a person who does not have such a fear will be instantaneous: a sharp bang with a heavy object, and the problem has disappeared. If a person suffers from blatophobia, he can gather his strength for two hours, but still does not dare to take a step towards the insect in order to kill him.

It's all about biology

Psychologists say that the things we find so repulsive about cockroaches lie in their biology. This aversion to fat, smelly, and slimy creatures has been passed down from generation to generation. We are afraid of their unpredictable movements and phenomenal speed. If we compare their size and speed of movement, cockroaches are considered one of the fastest land creatures. Their unpleasant odor is also biologically explained: cockroaches store uric acid in their body, which promotes food processing. And finally their nasty appearance and glossiness are achieved thanks to secreting waxy lipids, which save cockroaches from moisture loss. Purely visually, none of the listed features evokes positive emotions.

They are incredibly prolific.

As we said earlier, these individuals are unusually prolific, and it is not so easy to get rid of them. So, a pair of German cockroaches, breeding in conditions of affordable and plentiful food, in a few years is able to increase its number to three million creatures. They eat everything that comes across to them, and are able to exist in any conditions. However, none of these features shed light on the cause of the panic of human fear.

It turns out that this phobia begins in childhood, around the age of four or five. And this fear is formed by the reaction of parents. Therefore, if you do not want to instill real horror in the mind of your child, do not scream at the top of your voice if the next time you find a cockroach in the apartment.

Cockroaches are rather unpleasant insects, but they do not pose an immediate danger to humans. However, some people experience a strong fear of these creatures. This fear is a mental disorder and is called blatophobia. Another name for this disease is catsaridaphobia. Let's see what this pathology is, the causes of its occurrence and how to deal with it.

Causes of fear of cockroaches

Fear of cockroaches is a fairly common problem. These insects live in apartments and houses and multiply rapidly. In appearance, they are rather unattractive, therefore they cause hostility, disgust and disgust. But for some these negative emotions turn into real horror.

It is believed that women are more prone to blatophobia, since their skin is more delicate and sensitive, and the touch of an insect causes a lot of discomfort. In fact, men also often experience a fear of cockroaches.

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons why this phobia occurs. Psychotherapists identify several of the most common causes:

  • Negative experience. Most often this happens in childhood. If a child is very frightened of some cockroach-related situation, negative memories of the event can become fixed in the mind and develop into a phobia. Small child does not know that the cockroach is a harmless insect and perceives it as a dangerous aggressor.
  • Upbringing. If parents themselves are afraid of insects and panic when they appear, then the child can adopt a phobia.
  • Fairy tales. A small child who is read fairy tales, where cockroaches appear as negative characters, may think that these are very dangerous insects that you should stay away from. A prime example of such a story is famous work Korney Chukovsky "Cockroach".
  • Horror films. Modern cinematography often injures a fragile child's psyche, especially when it comes to horror films. The directors of such creations often expose insects in a terrible light, thereby causing negative emotions in the viewer. These include the films "Invasion of cockroaches", "Hominovores". If a child watches such films, he may develop a fear of cockroaches.
  • Unattractive looking insect. Cockroaches look rather unattractive and even repulsive, and few people are sympathetic. In some individuals, hostility to these creatures can reach panic fear.
  • Spread infections. Cockroaches, like many other insects, not only spoil food, but also spread dangerous infectious diseases. Fear of contracting a serious illness can cause fear.
  • Symptoms of blatophobia

    The phobia of cockroaches manifests itself in the form of a whole complex of symptoms. Blattophobes are not just afraid of these creatures, but experience the strongest uncontrollable horror at the sight of them. In addition, there are other symptoms of the disorder:

  • a feeling of panic, a desire to scream, to run away at the sight of one or more cockroaches;
  • trembling in the hands, weakness in the legs, dry throat, dizziness, rapid heartbeat;
  • inadequate behavior, inability to control their actions when confronted with a cockroach.
  • It is noteworthy that blattofobes can be quite calm about other insects, as well as snakes, lizards, spiders. They experience panic horror only in relation to cockroaches.

    A person suffering from a fear of cockroaches may experience fear even at the sight of a photograph or drawing of an insect. Many blattophobes try to keep their home in perfect cleanliness in order to protect themselves from the invasion of cockroaches. They acquire and keep on hand all kinds of pesticides against domestic insects.

    Methods of dealing with a phobia

    Real blatophobia prevents a person from leading a normal life. Cockroaches are found everywhere, so a person suffering from a phobia is in constant tension, knowing that at any moment he can encounter a frightening creature.

    As a rule, a person is not able to overcome fear on his own. This requires the help of an experienced psychotherapist. The specialist will understand the causes of the disease and select the most effective method treatment.

    Hypnotherapy has proven itself in the treatment of various phobias. The essence of the method is as follows: the patient is introduced into an altered state of consciousness and work with his fears. By removing destructive programs from the subconscious, the hypnotherapist helps the patient, and he ceases to be afraid.

    Another method that gives good results is cognitive therapy. The psychotherapist teaches the patient new patterns of behavior, thereby helping him to take control of his fear, learn to manage it, and then completely get rid of it.

    Exposure therapy or desensitization method involves the impact of the object of fear on the patient. Naturally, this happens under the strict supervision of a specialist. First, an indirect effect is used, and when the patient adapts to it, then a direct effect is used, that is, contact with the object of fear. The patient learns to manage his emotions, control the manifestations of the phobia and gradually overcome his fear.

    Reading 17 min. Published on 18.08.2019

    How to get rid of myrmecophobia - fear of ants: treatment

    Among the factors provoking the development of blattophobia, the following can be distinguished:

    • Stressful situation. This is more for small children. After all, they are more prone to stress, as they are very susceptible to the world around them. A child may be frightened by a certain situation in which there were cockroaches. After that, the baby begins to treat the insect as an aggressor.
    • Upbringing. Some parents who suffer from a fear of cockroaches also instill this attitude towards insects and their children. When a child sees that his mother is horrified at the sight of a cockroach, then in the future he begins to show the same reaction.
    • Literary works for children. Of course, the characters in children's fairy tales are very different from real ones. So, for example, Chukovsky's poem entitled "Cockroach" shows the insect as a frightening hero that everyone was afraid of. The developed imagination of the baby can form during the reading of this work a not very pleasant image that is capable of many not positive things.
    • Watching movies with cockroaches. Currently, there are many film projects, the main characters of which are such insects. It is horror films that are capable of forming a misconception about cockroaches. In them, such small insects are shown as huge monsters, destroying everything in their path.
    • Bad appearance. Of course, cockroaches cannot boast of their attractiveness. Often people are afraid of them because of this.
    • Infections. Insects are often carriers of a variety of infections. People who are terribly afraid of picking up something try not to run into them. A fear of cockroaches is even more likely to develop in a person who has already suffered any disease after contact with insects.

    Fear of cockroaches is a fairly common problem. These insects live in apartments and houses and multiply rapidly. In appearance, they are rather unattractive, therefore they cause hostility, disgust and disgust. But for some, these negative emotions turn into real horror.

    It is believed that women are more prone to blatophobia, since their skin is more delicate and sensitive, and the touch of an insect causes a lot of discomfort. In fact, men also often experience a fear of cockroaches.

    First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons why this phobia occurs. Psychotherapists identify several of the most common causes:

    • Negative experience. Most often this happens in childhood. If a child is very frightened of some cockroach-related situation, negative memories of the event can become fixed in the mind and develop into a phobia. A small child does not know that a cockroach is a harmless insect and perceives it as a dangerous aggressor.
    • Upbringing . If parents themselves are afraid of insects and panic when they appear, then the child can adopt a phobia.
    • Fairy tales . A small child who is read fairy tales, where cockroaches appear as negative characters, may think that these are very dangerous insects that you should stay away from. A striking example of such a fairy tale is the famous work of Korney Chukovsky "Cockroach".
    • Horror films. Modern cinematography often injures a fragile child's psyche, especially when it comes to horror films. The directors of such creations often expose insects in a terrible light, thereby causing negative emotions in the viewer. These include the films "Invasion of cockroaches", "Hominovores". If a child watches such films, he may develop a fear of cockroaches.
    • Unattractive looking insect. Cockroaches look rather unattractive and even repulsive, and few people are sympathetic. In some individuals, hostility to these creatures can reach panic fear.
    • Spread infections. Cockroaches, like many other insects, not only spoil food, but also spread dangerous infectious diseases. Fear of contracting a serious illness can cause fear.

    Fear of cockroaches is a very complex disease, because it is difficult to correct. Treatment of blatophobia can take a short period of time, if you approach this issue with all responsibility.

    With mental pathologies of any nature, one cannot do without the use of medicines. Therapy for getting rid of blatophobia usually consists of the use of the following miracle pills:

    • Tricyclic antidepressants. When they are taken, certain substances in the human body are activated, which in medicine are called neurotransmitters. With blattophobia, the psychotherapist usually prescribes Sertraline, Moclobemide, or Fluoxetine to his patient.
    • Benzodiazepines. These developments in medicine are considered tranquilizers of weak potency. At the onset of a panic attack, these drugs should be taken. Phenazepam, Imipramine or Alprazolam have proven themselves in the treatment of blatophobia.
    • Beta blockers. First of all, they are used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. However, panic attacks make a crushing blow to this area of ​​the human body. Therefore, they are essential in complex treatment blatophobia.
    • Psycholeptic drugs. The use of voiced drug therapy necessary to relieve increased anxiety at the sight of cockroaches. Buspirone is one of the best medicines when it comes to fear of insects.

    Any specialist will immediately tell his patient that one medication is definitely not enough. Tranquilizers and antidepressants will only help temporarily relieve tension if you do not undergo the following therapy:

    1. Method of "virtual cockroaches". With this method of dealing with blattophobia, a situation is created in which the patient is alone with the object of his fears, while being completely safe. A helmet is placed on the patient's head, which is equipped with displays and video cameras. Therefore, a person who is afraid of cockroaches is simply surrounded on all sides by these insects, which are just virtual objects.
    2. Hypnosis Therapy. With any phobia, the therapist will advise the affected party to release their “inner beast” out. This happens best when the patient is in a trance state. In the future, only blattophobia will decide on the appropriateness of the announced event, because most people are simply afraid of it.
    3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This method allows us to understand the model of reality that a person has created for himself. During NLP sessions, the so-called “reprogramming” of consciousness and the creation of a new attitude to the surrounding reality take place.
    4. Cognitive Therapy. During practical classes, the so-called simulation of situations is carried out. After finding out the cause of the problem, the patient begins to learn to control the ongoing unpleasant and frightening events in his life.

    Cockroaches are rather unpleasant insects, but they do not pose an immediate danger to humans. However, some people experience a strong fear of these creatures. This fear is a mental disorder and is called blatophobia. Another name for this disease is catsaridaphobia. Let's see what this pathology is, the causes of its occurrence and how to deal with it.

    Fear of cockroaches is a fairly common problem. These insects live in apartments and houses and multiply rapidly. In appearance, they are rather unattractive, therefore they cause hostility, disgust and disgust. But for some, these negative emotions turn into real horror.

    It is believed that women are more prone to blatophobia, since their skin is more delicate and sensitive, and the touch of an insect causes a lot of discomfort. In fact, men also often experience a fear of cockroaches.

    First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons why this phobia occurs. Psychotherapists identify several of the most common causes:

    • Negative experience. Most often this happens in childhood. If a child is very frightened of some cockroach-related situation, negative memories of the event can become fixed in the mind and develop into a phobia. A small child does not know that a cockroach is a harmless insect and perceives it as a dangerous aggressor.
    • Upbringing. If parents themselves are afraid of insects and panic when they appear, then the child can adopt a phobia.
    • Fairy tales. A small child who is read fairy tales, where cockroaches appear as negative characters, may think that these are very dangerous insects that you should stay away from. A striking example of such a fairy tale is the famous work of Korney Chukovsky "Cockroach".
    • Horror films. Modern cinematography often injures a fragile child's psyche, especially when it comes to horror films. The directors of such creations often expose insects in a terrible light, thereby causing negative emotions in the viewer. These include the films "Invasion of cockroaches", "Hominovores". If a child watches such films, he may develop a fear of cockroaches.
    • Unattractive looking insect. Cockroaches look rather unattractive and even repulsive, and few people are sympathetic. In some individuals, hostility to these creatures can reach panic fear.
    • Spread infections. Cockroaches, like many other insects, not only spoil food, but also spread dangerous infectious diseases. Fear of contracting a serious illness can cause fear.

    Symptoms of blatophobia

    The phobia of cockroaches manifests itself in the form of a whole complex of symptoms. Blattophobes are not just afraid of these creatures, but experience the strongest uncontrollable horror at the sight of them. In addition, there are other symptoms of the disorder:

    • a feeling of panic, a desire to scream, to run away at the sight of one or more cockroaches;
    • trembling in the hands, weakness in the legs, dry throat, dizziness, rapid heartbeat;
    • inadequate behavior, inability to control their actions when confronted with a cockroach.

    It is noteworthy that blattofobes can be quite calm about other insects, as well as snakes, lizards, spiders. They experience panic horror only in relation to cockroaches.

    A person suffering from a fear of cockroaches may experience fear even at the sight of a photograph or drawing of an insect. Many blattophobes try to keep their home in perfect cleanliness in order to protect themselves from the invasion of cockroaches. They acquire and keep on hand all kinds of pesticides against domestic insects.

    Methods of dealing with a phobia

    Real blatophobia prevents a person from leading a normal life. Cockroaches are found everywhere, so a person suffering from a phobia is in constant tension, knowing that at any moment he can encounter a frightening creature.

    As a rule, a person is not able to overcome fear on his own. This requires the help of an experienced psychotherapist. The specialist will understand the causes of the disease and select the most effective method of treatment.

    Hypnotherapy has proven itself in the treatment of various phobias. The essence of the method is as follows: the patient is introduced into an altered state of consciousness and work with his fears. By removing destructive programs from the subconscious, the hypnotherapist helps the patient, and he ceases to be afraid.

    Another method that gives good results is cognitive therapy. The psychotherapist teaches the patient new patterns of behavior, thereby helping him to take control of his fear, learn to manage it, and then completely get rid of it.

    Exposure therapy or desensitization method involves the impact of the object of fear on the patient. Naturally, this happens under the strict supervision of a specialist. First, an indirect effect is used, and when the patient adapts to it, then a direct effect is used, that is, contact with the object of fear. The patient learns to manage his emotions, control the manifestations of the phobia and gradually overcome his fear.

    According to psychologists, blatophobia is one of the phobias that are difficult to treat. Some patients are never completely cured, although their fear is greatly reduced after psychotherapeutic work.

    The fear of cockroaches complicates life and can provoke the development of other mental disorders, so the disease should be treated as early as possible.

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