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Obsessive Compulsive Syndrome- a mental disorder that is episodic, progressive or chronic. This state is accompanied by the presence of disturbing and obsessive ideas, and special actions that allow these thoughts to be briefly driven away.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is accompanied by disturbing ideas that disappear immediately

Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Syndrome

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder, manifests itself in alternating obsessions and compulsions. It is important that both of these signs of the disease are present.

The term "obsession" comes from the Latin word "obsessio", which means "siege, envelopment". So called obsessive, constantly recurring thoughts that cause anxiety in the patient.

Among the frequent topics that appear in patients during an obsession, there are:

  • fear of infection or pollution;
  • cruel, bloodthirsty thoughts and images;
  • an obsession with order and symmetry;
  • fear of losing or not having the right thing;
  • fear of harming oneself or others;
  • religious and moral ideas;
  • superstitious thoughts and beliefs;
  • erotic fantasies directed at a specific person.

The occurrence of an obsessive state causes anxiety in the patient, acute resistance. Trying to resist obsession, a person begins to perform compulsive actions.

The term "compulsion" comes from the Latin word "compulsio", and is translated as "compulsion". This is the name of special actions, rituals that help a person to distract from obsessive thoughts, images or ideas. Rituals can be both physical (example: constantly washing hands for fear of contamination) and mental (example: reciting prayers or spells to yourself).

Obsessions and compulsions manifest themselves in varying degrees in patients.

There are 3 main options for combining them:

  • predominantly obsessive ideas (ICD-10 number F42.0);
  • predominantly compulsive actions (ICD-10 number F42.1);
  • mixed obsessive thoughts and actions (ICD-10 number F42.2).

Other symptoms of OCD, in addition to obsessions and compulsions, include:

  • pain and tingling in the chest;
  • fatigue, chronic fatigue;
  • complete or partial loss of appetite;
  • severe swelling of the legs;
  • persistent colds;
  • sleep problems;
  • memory impairment;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

One of the symptoms of OCD is memory loss.

Unlike schizophrenic states, which are accompanied by obsessions and thoughts, in OCD a person is clearly aware that obsessions come from himself. He also understands the pointlessness of compulsive rituals, but cannot fight them.

Causes of OCD

Obsessive compulsive disorder occurs as a result of 3 groups of factors:

  1. Physiological or medical reasons. These include heredity, head injuries, complications of infectious diseases, neurological abnormalities. Problems in the work of neurons, a reduced amount of neurotransmitters are also included in this group.
  2. psychological reasons. This group includes depression, phobias and psychoses, stressful conditions, traumatic memories in children and adults.
  3. social reasons. These factors include improper upbringing, difficult relationships with relatives and peers, pressure from society.

To exacerbate impulsive-compulsive disorder lead to:

  • overestimated or underestimated self-esteem;
  • tendency to perfectionism;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • problems in relationships with people.

Exacerbation of obsessive-compulsive disorder causes "magical realism". This is the name given to the patient's belief in the ability to influence the world through spells, prayers or "magical" rituals.

The diagnosis of OCD is more common in impressionable, vulnerable, suggestible people. For this reason, women are given it almost 2 times more often than men.

When to see a doctor?

It is impossible to completely cure obsessive-compulsive personality disorder at home. To smooth out this condition and reduce its manifestations on your own, you can try the following techniques:

  1. Accept your diagnosis as a feature of your psyche. Don't try to run away from him.
  2. Realize the unreality of your anxieties and fears. Understand for yourself the idea that nothing terrible will happen if you do not perform the ritual.
  3. Praise, reward and please yourself more often. Rewards for not doing the ritual will help you get used to the fact that compulsions can be avoided more quickly.

Maintain a calm and measured lifestyle to avoid seizures

Massage, swimming, relaxing baths will help reduce anxiety. Sports and yoga, listening to relaxing music work well.

If you cannot get rid of compulsions and obsessions on your own, and the manic obsession of rituals begins to interfere in everyday life, you need to immediately or a psychiatrist.

If you ignore the need for treatment, OCD can seriously complicate life.

Diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder

To establish the presence of OCD and determine what caused it, a psychotherapist or psychiatrist conducts the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Personal consultation with a specialist. The doctor talks with the patient, interrogates him, and during the conversation determines whether the person suffers from obsessions and compulsions.
  2. psychometric methods. They include filling out questionnaires and tests that identify symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The most popular option is the Yale-Brown test scale.
  3. Laboratory research, including general and hormonal blood tests, as well as a genetic study for schizophrenic disorders.
  4. Instrumental diagnostics with the help of special devices. This group includes CT and MRI of the brain, electroencephalogram, angiogram.

First, the diagnosis is clarified in consultation with a psychotherapist, and then additional examinations are prescribed.

After conducting all the groups of studies, the doctor can make a verdict, what caused the obsessive-compulsive disorder in a particular case, and whether the patient suffers from it at all.

Treatment for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is treated with nootropics, symptomatic antidepressants medicines and psychotherapy.

Medical therapy

To get rid of OCD, nootropics, antidepressants and psychostimulants are used. Symptomatic therapy is also used.

Drug groups Influence on obsessive states Tool examples
Nootropics Normalize blood circulation in the brain, improve memory, intelligence. They are used for organic brain lesions that cause an obsessive-compulsive state. Picamilon, Nootropil, Phenibut
Psychostimulants They neutralize organic lesions of the central nervous system, allow you to cope with organic pathologies of the brain that provoke OCD. Vivanse, Ritalin, Dexedrine
tranquilizers Relax, soothe, relieve stress, anxiety, fear and manifestations of depression. Phenazepam, Hydroxyzine
natural sedatives Relieve stress, soothe, deeply relax. Allows you to overcome the anxiety and fears that occur with OCD.

Used as a symptomatic therapy, they also help to reduce stress and depression.

Persen, Novo-passit, Valerian extract
Chemical sedatives Corvalol, Bromocamphor


Antipsychotic drugs Increase concentration, relieve stress and overexertion, reduce anxiety. Used as symptomatic therapy. Haloperidol, Quetiapine, Clozapine
Antidepressants Stimulate the production of neurotransmitters, help overcome depressive states, accompanied by obsessive neurosis. Melipramine, Trizadone, Fluoxetine
Vasodilator drugs Restore cerebral circulation, expanding the vessels of the brain. Helps to cope with dementia and neurological pathologies that cause OCD. Nitroglycerin, Lipoford, Mefacor
Potassium antagonists Strengthen arteries and vascular walls, improve blood circulation in the brain, stimulate metabolism. Help with neurological disorders associated with OCD. Nimodipine, Lomir, Cinnarizine
B vitamins Strengthen the nerves, help to cope with stress, depression, anxiety. Angiovit, Pentovit, Compligam B

Preparation for strengthening the nervous system


To correct obsessive-compulsive syndrome caused by psychological and social factors, the following methods are used in psychiatry and psychology:

  • supportive conversations with a psychotherapist;
  • deep psychological and behavioral therapy;
  • art therapy: drawing, modeling, origami;
  • game classes with playing certain roles.

Classes can be held individually, together with the family or in groups. Depending on the symptoms, these methods can be combined or carried out singly. Also, techniques can be supplemented with hypnotic influence.


Unlike many other mental disorders, the prognosis for OCD is very good. Obsessive-compulsive disorder responds well to treatment. 70% of patients who applied for treatment to a psychotherapist successfully got rid of their illness in the first year after visiting a doctor.

Despite the possibility of a quick cure, in the absence of professional help, OCD significantly ruins the lives of patients. It often causes discord in relationships with friends and family life, often provokes problems in career activities.

OCD responds well to treatment, but sufferers should forget about certain specialties when applying for a job

The presence of the record "OKR" deprives a person of the opportunity to get into the army, takes away some employment opportunities.

Examples of obsessive-compulsive disorder

More clearly and provide an understanding of the disease state will help examples.

Example 1

A typical example of an obsessive-compulsive state would be the fear of infection. In the obsessional idea, the patient experiences anxiety when in contact with objects of public use and other people. Compulsion in this case is manifested by constant washing of hands, which each time lasts longer and longer.

Example 2

Another variant of obsession can be an obsession with the “correct” arrangement of things. Asymmetry, lack of order, or discrepancy between the current arrangement of objects and the one that the patient considers “correct” causes him fear and discomfort. Compulsion in such cases is the “correct” arrangement of things.

Example 3

In children, the disease often manifests itself in an obsession with forgotten objects and school supplies. Feeling constantly anxious about this, the child checks his backpack again and again to make sure that everything he needs is in place.

Strange thoughts come to mind with OCD

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder suffer from obsessive thoughts, which they try to drown out with no less obsessive actions. Used to get rid of OCD drug treatment and psychological therapy.

famous german philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer claimed that nine-tenths of our happiness depended on health. Without health, there is no happiness! Only complete physical and mental well-being determines human health, helps us successfully cope with illnesses, adversities, lead an active social life, reproduce offspring, and achieve our goals. Human health is the key to a happy full life. Only a person who is healthy in all respects can be truly happy and capable ofto fully experience the fullness and diversity of life, to experience the joy of communicating with the world.

They talk about cholesterol so unflatteringly that it is just right for them to scare children. Do not think that this is a poison that only does what destroys the body. Of course, it can be harmful, and even dangerous to health. However, in some cases, cholesterol is extremely necessary for our body.

The legendary asterisk balm appeared in Soviet pharmacies in the 70s of the last century. It was in many ways an indispensable, effective and affordable drug. "Asterisk" They tried to treat everything in the world: both acute respiratory infections, and insect bites, and pains of various origins.

Language is an important human organ that can not only chat incessantly, but without saying anything, can tell a lot. And there is something to tell him, especially about health.Despite its small size, the tongue performs a number of vital functions.

Over the past few decades, the prevalence of allergic diseases (AD) has received the status of an epidemic. According to the latest data, more than 600 million people worldwide suffer from allergic rhinitis (AR), approximately 25% of them in Europe.

For many people, there is an equal sign between a bath and a sauna. And a very small number of those who are aware that there is a difference can clearly explain what this difference is. Having considered this issue in more detail, we can say that there is a significant difference between these pairs.

Late autumn, early spring, periods of thaw in winter are a period of frequent colds both adults and children. From year to year the situation repeats itself: one member of the family falls ill and after him, as in a chain, everyone suffers a respiratory viral infection.

Salu odes can be read in some popular medical weeklies. It turns out that it has the same properties as olive oil, and therefore you can use it without any reservations. At the same time, many argue that it is possible to help the body "purify itself" only by fasting.

In the 21st century, thanks to vaccination, the prevalence infectious diseases. According to the WHO, vaccination prevents two to three million deaths a year! But, despite the obvious benefits, immunization is shrouded in many myths that are actively discussed in the media, and in general in society.

Any mental disorder has an extremely negative effect on the state of the nervous system as a whole, such a disease quickly “looses” the stability of neuronal connections and affects all levels of the psyche.

Modern methods of treating neurotic disorders, including drug therapy, psychotherapy and auxiliary methods, can achieve a cure or significantly improve the condition of almost any mental illness, but for this it is extremely important to apply for medical care and strictly adhere to medical recommendations. It is especially important to start treatment in a timely manner for a disease such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or.

Or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental disorder in which patients periodically experience obsessive thoughts or actions.

Most often, they feel fear, anxiety and anxiety when certain thoughts arise and try to get rid of unpleasant experiences with the help of certain actions.

The severity of the patient's condition can vary significantly - from mild anxiety, which makes you come back and check whether the door is locked or whether the iron is turned off, to constant obsessive movements or the creation of complex rituals designed to protect from evil spirits.

Usually this disease develops from nervous exhaustion, stress, severe somatic illness or a long-term traumatic situation.

The risk factors for development also include heredity and character traits.

There are 3 forms of the disease:

For all forms of disorders, the patient is characterized by the inability to control his thoughts or behavior, increased anxiety, suspiciousness. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is equally common in both sexes and can develop in children older than 10 years.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of obsessive convulsive disorder should be carried out only by specialists. Often patients do not understand the severity of their condition or do not want to seek help from psychiatrists, preferring to be treated on their own or with the help of folk methods treatment. But such treatment can cause a sharp aggravation of the patient's condition or cause the development of a more severe nervous breakdown.

These methods can be used only in the mildest forms of the disorder, and if the patient has sufficient willpower and is able to control the treatment process himself. To do this, the patient must independently find out what exactly caused the development, clearly control his condition, noting when and why he has obsessive thoughts or movements, and also learn to “switch”, gradually crowding out these symptoms.

For the treatment and prevention of OCD, it is very important to improve the condition of the nervous system and the body as a whole. To this end, a number of activities are recommended. In addition to changing lifestyle, increasing sleep and rest time, proper nutrition and refusal bad habits, patients must learn to control the flow of their thoughts and clearly delineate responsibilities.

To do this, it is recommended to make a daily list of what needs to be done (it is necessary to make sure that the list does not turn into an obsession), be sure to do some kind of sport - active physical activity helps to “switch” thoughts and get rid of obsessive-compulsive movement neurosis and learn to relax .

Every patient suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder needs to spend 1-2 hours daily for an activity that helps relieve nervous tension and brings positive emotions. It can be dancing, listening to your favorite music, swimming, walking on fresh air, any hobby, the main thing is a complete switch and pleasure from the lesson.

Categorically not suitable for relaxation is watching TV or sitting at the computer. If patients do not have favorite activities and hobbies, it is recommended to simply spend an hour in the bathroom, lie down, listening to the sounds of nature, or take a walk in the nearest park.

Psychologist, psychotherapist.

obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive, unpleasant thoughts that occur against the will of the patient (obsessions) and actions, the purpose of which is to reduce the level of anxiety.

To determine the severity of obsessive and compulsive symptoms, the following is used: (ed. note)

The ICD-10 describes obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42) as follows:

"The essential feature of the condition is the presence of repetitive or compulsive actions. Intrusive thoughts are ideas, images, or urges that come to the patient's mind again and again in a stereotyped form. They are almost always upsetting, and the patient often tries unsuccessfully to resist them. However, the patient considers these thoughts his own, even if they are involuntary and disgusting.
, or rituals, are stereotyped mannerisms that the patient repeats over and over again. They are not a way to have fun or an attribute of useful tasks. These actions are a way to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant event that the patient fears might otherwise occur, harming him or them to another person. Usually such behavior is recognized by the patient as meaningless or ineffective and repeated attempts are made to resist it. Anxiety is almost always present. If compulsive actions are suppressed, anxiety becomes more pronounced.

Personal experience of Katerina Osipova. Katya is 24 years old, 13 of them she lives with a diagnosis of OCD: (ed. note)

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

  • The personality is preoccupied with the details, the list, the order to such an extent that life goals are lost sight of.
  • Shows perfectionism that interferes with the task of completion (unable to complete the project because his own standards are not met in this project).
  • Dedicates oneself excessively to work, productivity, productivity to the point of excluding rest and friendship when such amount of work is not justified economic necessity(Money is not the main interest).
  • The personality is superconscious, scrupulous and inflexible in matters of morality, ethics, values ​​that do not include cultural and religious identification (intolerant).
  • The personality is incapable of getting rid of spoiled or useless objects, even if they have no sentimental value.
  • Resists delegating or working with other people until they present a fit for her or his way of doing things (everything must be done as she sees fit, on her terms).
  • He is afraid to spend money on himself and other people, because. money should be kept for a rainy day to deal with future disasters.
  • Demonstrates rigidity and stubbornness.
If more than 4 characteristics are present (usually from 4 to 8), then with a high probability we can talk about obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

OCD develops around the age of 4-5 years, when parents place the main emphasis in education on the fact that if a child does something, then he must do it correctly. The emphasis is on achieving excellence. Such a child was supposed to be an example for other children and receive praise and approval from adults. Thus, from childhood, such a person is under the yoke of parental instructions about what she should do and what she should not do. She is overwhelmed with duty and responsibility, the need to follow the rules that were once laid down by the parent. We can notice children around us who think and act like adults. As if they are in a hurry to grow up and take on adult responsibility. Their childhood ends too soon. From childhood, they try to do more or do better than other people have already done. And this way of acting and thinking remains with them into adulthood. Such children did not learn to play, they were always busy with business. Becoming adults, they do not know how to relax, rest, take care of their needs and desires. It often happens that one of the parents (or both) themselves had OCD, did not know how to relax and rest, devoting themselves to work or household chores. The child learns such behavior from them, tries to imitate his parents, considering this a kind of norm, "because it was customary in our family."

Obsessive-compulsive individuals are very sensitive to criticism. Because if they are criticized, it means that they failed to do faster, better, more, and therefore they cannot treat themselves well, feel good. They are perfectionists. They are very tense in order to have time to do everything that they have planned, and experience anxiety as soon as they realize that they have stopped doing something. important matter. They are especially anxious and guilty if they have any negative thoughts and reactions invading their work routine, and, of course, sexual thoughts, feelings and needs. They then use small rituals, such as starting to count to get away from invading thoughts, or doing their tasks in a certain order so that they gain control and alleviate their anxiety. Individuals with OCD expect equally high standards and excellence from other people, and can easily become critical when other people do not meet their high standards. These expectations and frequent criticism can cause great difficulties in personal relationships. Some relationship partners perceive OCD personalities as boring because they focus on work and have great difficulty relaxing, relaxing, enjoying themselves.

Causes of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

  • Personality features ( hypersensitivity, anxiety, a tendency to think more than feel);
  • Education with an emphasis on a sense of duty, responsibility;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • neurological problems;
  • Stress and trauma can also trigger the OCD process in people who are prone to developing the condition.

Examples of obsessive-compulsive disorder

The most common concerns are cleanliness (such as fear of dirt, germs, and infections), safety (such as worrying about leaving the iron on in the house, which could start a fire), inappropriate sexual or religious thoughts (such as wanting to have sex with "forbidden" partner - someone else's spouse, etc.). Striving for symmetry, precision, accuracy.

Frequent hand washing or the desire to constantly rub and wash something in the house; rituals to test and protect oneself from imaginary danger, which may include whole chains of actions (for example, to enter and exit the room correctly, touch something with the hand, take three sips of water, etc.) are also fairly common examples obsessive-compulsive disorder.

An obsessive-compulsive personality should be distinguished from a person with OCD, i.e. which one obsessive-compulsive disorder(compulsive disorder).

Because in the first, somewhat obsessive and ritualistic thinking and behavior may look like an anxious and suspicious trait of character and temperament, and especially not interfere with himself and those around him, close people.

In the second, overly obsessive OCD symptoms, such as fear of infection and frequent washing of hands, can significantly interfere with a person, both in personal and in public life. That, too, can negatively affect the immediate environment.

However, it should be remembered that the first can easily become the second.

obsessive-compulsive personality

The obsessive-compulsive personality type is characterized by the following features:
  • Them keywords: "Control" and "Must"
  • Perfectionism (striving for perfection)
  • Consider themselves responsible for themselves and others
  • Others for them are frivolous, irresponsible and incompetent
  • Beliefs: “I must manage the situation”, “I must only do everything right”, “I know what is best ....”, “You must do it my way”, “People and yourself need to be criticized to prevent mistakes” ...
  • Catastrophic thoughts that the situation will get out of hand
  • They control the behavior of others by excessive control, or by disapproval and punishment (up to the use of force and enslavement).
  • Prone to regret, disappointment, punishment of themselves and others.
  • Often experiencing anxiety, with failures can become depressed

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Symptoms

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCD) is characterized by: symptoms:
  • Repetitive obsessive thoughts and forced actions that interfere with a normal life
  • Repetitive obsessive, ritualistic behavior (or imagination) to relieve anxiety and distress caused by obsessive thoughts
  • A person with OCD may or may not be aware of the meaninglessness of their thoughts and behaviors.
  • Thoughts and rituals take a lot of time and interfere with normal functioning, causing psychological discomfort, including in the immediate environment
  • Impossibility of independent, volitional control and opposition to automatic thoughts and ritual behavior

OCD related symptoms:
Depressive disorder, anxiety and panic disorder, social phobias, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia)…

The listed accompanying symptoms may be similar to OCD, therefore, a differential diagnosis is made, distinguishing other personality disorders.

obsessional disorder

Persistent (frequent) intrusive thoughts are ideas, images, beliefs, and ruminations that cause anxiety and distress and constitute obsessive personality disorder.

The most common obsessive thoughts are fear of infection, pollution or poisoning, harm to others, doubts about closing the door, turning off household appliances ... and so on.

Compulsive disorder

Obsessive behavior, or ritual behavior (ritual can be mental) is a stereotyped behavior by which a person with a compulsive disorder tries to relieve anxiety or relieve distress.

The most common ritual behaviors are washing hands and/or objects, counting aloud or to oneself, and checking the correctness of one's actions...etc.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Treatment

For the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, drug therapy and psychotherapy are used, in particular, cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy and psychoanalysis.

Usually, with severe OCD and with little motivation for a person to get rid of it, drug treatment is used, in the form of taking antidepressants and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, non-selective serotonergic drugs and placebo pills. (effect, usually short-lived, besides, pharmacology is not harmless)

For OCD sufferers for a long time, and usually highly motivated to cure, the best option there will be a psychotherapeutic intervention without medication (drugs, in some difficult cases, can be used at the beginning of psychotherapy).

However, those wishing to get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder and its accompanying emotional and psychological problems should be aware that psychotherapeutic intervention is time-consuming, slow and expensive.

But those who have the desire, after a month of intensive psychotherapy, will be able to improve their condition to normal. In the future, to avoid relapses and to consolidate the results, supportive therapeutic meetings may be necessary.

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