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For every person, memory is the main component that allows us to survive. After all, dangerous moments are stored in the storehouse of mental functions; we keep within ourselves the fear of threats, we remember best moments in your life, the faces of your relatives, loved ones, loved ones. But there comes a time when memory cannot be controlled, everything seems to be erased. This symptom indicates a phenomenon such as Alzheimer's disease, the treatment of which is still difficult to treat.

In order to effectively influence the development of mental illness, it is necessary to understand what factors influence the disease, and what is evidenced by the history of the study of the disease. Memory loss—partial or complete—occurs due to neurodegenerative processes in the cerebral cortex and impaired cognitive functions. Following this, naturally, the person changes in terms of emotions, his consciousness is in a depressed state. Many of us are confident that the signs of Alzheimer's are a natural manifestation of the aging of the body.

Yes, there is some truth in this. Chronic diseases and genetic predisposition affect certain resources of the human body, which leads to disturbances in mental and mental functions. But there are many factors that influence the development of dementia, and if prevention is carried out in time, the deterioration of mental state can be minimized.

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease involves taking steps to prevent its further development.

Alzheimer's syndrome can affect anyone. Basically, memory loss and other mental dysfunctions affect the consciousness of older people, approximately 65 years of age and older. However, the research data is more than deplorable. The disease is “getting younger”; very young people suffer from short-term memory loss; over time, the problem develops into cognitive impairment, speech and movement disorders. Psychiatrists say the syndrome is a ticking time bomb, and most doctors don't know how to treat severe forms.

It all starts with mild disorders that few people pay attention to. Often, symptoms are associated with stress or trauma. But the main threat of the disease is the progression of impairment of cognitive reflexes, and if you do not know how to treat Alzheimer’s disease in time, the problem will worsen and take on dangerous contours.

Main factors influencing the development of dementia

It would seem that medicine has made a number of incredible discoveries, thanks to which a large number of pathologies are treated. But the syndrome, discovered by Alois Alzheimer at the beginning of the 20th century, still causes heated debate among specialists. The fact that the disease mainly manifests itself in old age indicates that main reason is age.

The second most popular factor influencing the development of the disease is genetic predisposition. Long-term studies have shown that the disorder is more often transmitted through the mother, as well as migraines and problems with the vascular system. If there was a person in the family who suffered from senile dementia, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance to eliminate the first signs of the disease.

Additionally, factors for the development of Alzheimer's disease are:

  • head injuries: concussions, bruises, hematomas;
  • infectious diseases: meningitis, encephalitis, etc.;
  • pathologies of the cardiac and vascular system: heart attacks, strokes, damage to capillaries, veins, arteries;
  • thyroid diseases:
  • living in radiation zones, near toxic enterprises;
  • late birth;
  • undergone operations.

One of the predisposing factors may be head trauma

Experts also drew attention to the fact that people with a low level of literacy, a narrow outlook, and a limited range of interests are more likely to suffer from dementia than people with education and varied interests and hobbies. This means that with proper feeding of the mind, development fine motor skills the risk of Alzheimer's disease is reduced significantly.

Is it possible to cure Alzheimer's disease?

In order to recognize dangerous signs of the disease in time, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • the person stopped expressing his thoughts normally;
  • the patient becomes touchy, whiny, irritated, sudden aggression occurs;
  • the late stage of the disease is manifested by a lack of will, apathy, and refusal to perform usual actions;
  • speech is disrupted, delirium occurs, forgotten moments are replaced by non-existent episodes;
  • lack of basic skills, forgetting familiar words: names of household items, names, faces of loved ones.

For a more detailed understanding of what this disease is and what its manifestations are, we recommend watching videos of patients with Alzheimer's syndrome.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is observed, you should immediately consult a specialist for adequate treatment.

How to cure Alzheimer's disease

A patient with this disease or his relatives, first of all, needs to prepare for the fact that even the best specialist will not be able to give a 100% guarantee of a complete recovery. The problem of senile dementia is dealt with by neurologists, therapists, psychiatrists, and psychologists. Additionally, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, cardiologist, or vascular specialist. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease, interviews the patient and his relatives about the behavior of the person suffering from mental disorders, and also conducts a number of the following studies:

  • blood test for general chemistry;
  • cerebrospinal fluid puncture;
  • computed tomography of the head;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels;

To determine the severity of the disease, the patient is given tests, the answers to which will directly indicate the depth of the problem.

Thanks to a detailed analysis, the doctor can present a picture of the disease, plan treatment methods, and identify whether the symptoms indicate other types of mental disorders.

Important: Alzheimer's disease is often confused with Parkinson's syndrome, Huntington's syndrome, atherosclerotic pathologies, brain tumors, and thyroid dysfunction. Therefore, an experienced specialist carries out differential diagnosis.

For treatment, drugs of sedative, sedative, and hypnotic effects are used. In the later stages, to suppress aggression and deep depressive states, neuroleptics and nootropics are used: Lorazepam, Gidazepam, Kvetiron, Prozac, Sertraline, Donesepil, Cognex, Namenda, Aricept, etc.

New in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Considering the fact that a panacea for mental disorders, memory loss and other important cognitive reflexes has not yet been found, experts continue to work on creating an effective treatment method. Most serious diseases can be prevented thanks to a 19th-century discovery: vaccination. Scientists also decided to create a drug that, when administered, protects the brain from serious pathological processes.

A vaccine against Alzheimer's disease has been developed in the United States.

Vaccination against dementia

A vaccine against Alzheimer's and other mental disorders has been developed by scientists from the United States. The main component of the vaccine is aimed at strengthening the immune system, which prevents destructive processes due to the death of abnormal protein cells. The work continues, leading research institutes in Europe and Asia have joined in.

A tablet a day and no pathologies

Recently, a drug was created in the UK that can stop destructive processes in the brain by blocking and reducing amyloid levels by 92%. More than 200 people suffering from Alzheimer's syndrome took part in the research. The results were more than optimistic.

Aerosol for memory loss

Through the respiratory system, the components of the product penetrate the human brain, which stimulates the growth of young cells. At the same time, the components easily pass through amyloid proteins and help improve thinking and memory.

Stem cells guard thinking

The newest technique allows you to replace dead and modified cells with healthy cells. When they enter the brain, stem materials produce new ones, which contributes to the activation and restoration of nerve impulses and metabolic processes. With proper therapy, signs of mental illness completely disappear. A method for replacing mutated genes was created by Israeli scientists.

New patch

Reception medicines always fraught with manifestation side effects, chemical components have contraindications, cause allergic reactions, etc. To ensure a stable level of the desired substance in the body, patches are used, in which the optimal dose of the useful medicine is stored.

Trazodone for Alzheimer's disease

A unique drug was developed in the 60s of the 20th century by scientists from Cambridge. First of all, it was aimed at eliminating depression, psychosis, without any contraindications and side effects. The main component of the drug affects the protective mechanism of brain cells, which makes it possible to cure the primary symptoms of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Alzheimer's disease: treatment with folk remedies

There are many ways to improve a person’s memory using available means. This includes infusions, decoctions, and physical procedures.

Important: before treating Alzheimer’s at home, you should remember that complex therapy is required. Only folk recipes are not able to cause improvement; it is necessary to take medications, physiotherapy, etc.

It is a known fact that any disease can be prevented, the same applies to senile dementia. There are six treatments for Alzheimer's disease, which include:

  1. Strong black tea. Drink early in the morning on an empty stomach. At the same time, consumption of coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks is strictly prohibited.
  2. Infusion of ginseng root. Grate 5 grams of root, add the same amount of lemongrass pulp, pour boiling water (1 liter) and boil for 15-20 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass when cooled instead of tea.
  3. Grind withania root and boil in 250 grams of water, drink in small doses.
  4. Take lecithin (soy) once a day in minimal doses (3 grams).
  5. Drink gingko biloba infusion (1/3) glass daily.
  6. Motherwort tincture - 15 drops 2 times a day.

Diet for Alzheimer's disease

There is no special diet for people suffering from senile dementia. All recommendations apply to healthy image nutrition. To improve the functioning of blood vessels, strengthen their walls, and regulate metabolic processes, it is necessary to include:

  • vegetables, fruits, fresh, steamed, baked;
  • white meat: rabbit, chicken, turkey;
  • seafood: fish, crabs, squid, shrimp;
  • nuts: cashews, walnuts, almonds, peanuts.

Nutrition for Alzheimer's disease should not include baked goods, flour, sweet products, dairy products.

Important: smoking and alcohol, fatty, spicy, smoked, fried foods cause pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. It is important to refuse bad habits, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole organism.

Massage for senile dementia

A targeted effect on certain areas of the body leads to improved blood circulation and allows you to get rid of spasms and pain.

Important: it is better to undergo the first massage sessions with an experienced specialist, then follow his recommendations and carry out the procedure at home every day. You can also watch the procedure on video, where the exact stages and methods of massage are indicated.

  1. First stage. Place the patient on his stomach (place a pillow), bend his legs at the knees, and extend his arms along the body. Using stroking movements, go over the entire vertebra, each repetition increasing the pressure. Run along the vertebrae with the back of your palm, bending the phalanges of your fingers.
  2. Second phase. Use the pads of your fingers in spiral movements, then use the base of your palm to “saw” your back, bringing it to warmness. Then, in the same way, perform “planing” and “shading” manipulations along the longest back muscles.
  3. Final stage. Rub the entire surface of the back, including the spine, with a “stroking” motion, then knead with small and light tucks. Massage transversely by moving the muscles, using a roller, or pressing. Finish with light stroking until it turns pink. During the procedure, you can use olive, lavender, and tea tree oil.

Water is an important component in the human diet. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, which helps cleanse blood vessels, metabolism and maintain water balance.

Therapeutic massage also helps to achieve positive results

No one can bypass old age, and with it, the negative companions in the form of chronic diseases. To prevent your body from malfunctioning in old age, you need to take care of it in advance and lead a correct lifestyle.

Mechanism of neuronal disease in Alzheimer's disease

Is the disease curable?

Currently, scientists are developing Alzheimer's disease. Doctors have tools in their arsenal that inhibit the development of symptoms and improve certain brain functions. By taking the pills, the patient will be able to delay the onset of severe dementia and maintain the ability to self-care.

But it is impossible to cure or reverse the disease. Therefore, both the patient and his relatives need to prepare for the development of the process. It is important to study medical and psychological issues and become familiar with legal documents regarding Alzheimer's disease.

How is Alzheimer's disease treated?

There are three stages that Alzheimer's disease goes through. depends on the phase of the process. There are several treatment strategies for the disease. These are the following directions:

  • Cholinergic therapy;
  • Glutamatergic therapy;
  • Neurotrophic therapy.

Cholinergic treatment based on identifying acetylcholine deficiency in a patient with Alzheimer's disease. It is a transmitter (chemical molecule) that transmits a signal between neurons. As a result of its decrease, a person loses cognitive functions and dementia accelerates. The drugs Rivastigmine, Donepezil, Galantamine, and Choline Alfoscerate are used in therapy.

It has been proven that when the disease occurs in the hippocampus, the amount of NMDA glutamate receptors. The fewer there are, the more severe the Alzheimer's disease. This condition is treated with the drug Memantine. It helps improve cognitive functions and reduces a person’s dependence on the care of strangers.

Neurotrophic treatment is aimed at eliminating the deficiency of neuronal growth factors and slowing down their degeneration. The drug Cerebrolysin, nootropics, and neuroprotectors are used.

Stem cells

Stem cell treatments for Alzheimer's are currently in clinical trials. First, the technique is tested on animal models. In studies on mice, scientists have noted significant success with such implantation.

The animals were injected with brain stem cells. At the same time, cognitive function improved in mice with dementia. But the number of amyloid plaques did not change. The amount of neuronal growth factor increased, thanks to which brain cells can recover.

In Hong Kong in 2017, doctors announced their readiness to begin human trials. Information about using the method is available on the website of Israeli clinics. But the test results have not yet been published.

Beta amyloid

It is known that in dementia, pathological amyloid proteins accumulate in the brain. Scientists from the United States published a report in January 2019 that a substance had been found that could block their formation. The model was tested on mice. Research will soon be conducted on people with Alzheimer's disease.

New drugs

Every year more information about Alzheimer's disease becomes available. The 2019 drugs differ from previous ones in fewer side effects.

Rivastigmine was previously used in capsule form. However, patients with dementia often violate the dosage regimen and confuse the dosage of medications. For patients who live alone, this dosage form is not very convenient. In addition, oral use of the drug is associated with a high risk of side effects.

Novartis recently launched a transdermal therapeutic system with Rivastigmine (Exelon). This is a patch that is applied to the skin once a day. The system has fewer side effects and does not cause concern to the patient. Thanks to this form, patient compliance is enhanced. Elderly people do not miss taking the drug, and it is easier for relatives to control the therapy.

Free medicines

Types of drugs

  1. The first group is cholinesterase inhibitors. The drugs increase the content of acetylcholine in neuron synapses. Consequently, the conductivity of the nerve impulse improves. These drugs have evidence class A. This means that the positive effect of these drugs was noted in “large” clinical trials. The first class of ChEIs include galantamine and donepezil. To the second class - rivastigmine.
  2. The second group is drugs that antagonistize NMDA-glutamate receptors (Memantine).
  3. The third is neurotrophic drugs, nootropics (Phenibut, Adaptol, Afabazol), neuroprotectors. They have a low level of evidence and are rarely used in Europe and the USA.

AChE drugs

Substance galantamine refers to cholinesterase inhibitors. Used for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Available in the form of tablets, capsules and injections. It is contraindicated in patients with epilepsy, bronchial asthma, chronic heart and pulmonary failure, arterial hypertension, after operations on gastrointestinal tract. The presence of such contraindications may complicate the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's. After all, older people often have concomitant pathologies.

Donepezil taken only internally. The treatment is supervised by a doctor. During the period of admission you will have to give up alcohol. Contraindications for the drug are similar to the previous drug: gastric ulcer, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, COPD. Concomitant use of painkillers (NSAIDs) and donepezil is not recommended.

Rivastigmine is a second class IChE drug. However, its side effects are similar to previous drugs. But their severity is less. There are oral and transdermal forms that greatly facilitate the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Prescribed to patients with Alzheimer's disease for acute pain syndrome. Due to the severity of side effects, the course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. NSAIDs do not combine well with primary treatment. They increase gastrotoxicity and can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

Drugs that interact with NMDA receptors

Memantine used for moderate and severe forms of the disease. Used to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The drug should not be used for epilepsy and thyrotoxicosis, the subacute period of myocardial infarction. Available in the form of film-coated tablets.

List of drugs for dementia

We will publish the names of anti-dementia pills. List of popular medicines:


  • — Exelon;
  • - Alcenorm.


  • Nivalin;
  • Reminyl;
  • Galnora.


  • Alzepil;
  • Aricept;
  • Got it.


  • Akatinol memantine;
  • Memantinol;
  • Memorel;
  • Tingrex.

Treatment of Alzheimer's in older people

Features of therapy in old age:

  • Starting treatment with a minimum dose of the drug;

The patient’s body after 75 years has peculiarities of functioning. For example, the function of the kidneys, through which most drugs are eliminated, is reduced. Therefore, the usual doses of medications can become toxic for the elderly. Initial therapy begins with 1/6 or ¼ of the standard dose.

  • Assessment of comorbidity (concomitant diseases);

Older people have a “load” of somatic diseases. In some cases, Alzheimer's medications make the condition worse. Therefore, the psychiatrist must carefully review the patient's medical history to detect possible contraindications for medicines.

  • Compatibility with other drugs;

Before seeing a psychiatrist, make a list of medications that your sick relative uses. This will make the work of the psychiatrist easier.


Who treats Alzheimer's disease?

The signs of dementia should be known to every doctor. But the diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a psychiatrist. He conducts and determines symptoms of problems with memory, intelligence, and mood disorders.

How can a neurologist help? He needs to be examined. A specialist should examine brain function and vascular disorders. Differential diagnosis of dementia is extremely important.

Before visiting a doctor, collect epicrisis and advisory reports that you have at home. Make a list of the medications you take daily.

List of Moscow psychiatrists

So, Alzheimer's disease is a pathology of psychiatry. Who can I contact with a problem in Moscow? Here is a list of doctors who specialize in treating Alzheimer's.

  • Uvarov Vladimir Viktorovich;

Accepted at clinic No. 5 at Plyushchikha St., 14.

  • Plyukhina Yulia Alexandrovna;

Consults at clinic No. 5 at st. Plyushchikha, 14.

  • Filashikhin Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich;

Conducts receptions at the Rosa medical center on Gvozdeva, 5.

  • Pyatnitsky Nikolay Yurievich;

Receives in the Sokolniki district at the address per. Krasnoselsky 7/9a (psychotherapeutic center Granat).

  • Gromov Stanislav Yurievich.

Conducts receptions at the Rosa medical center on Gvozdeva, 5.


A psychologist works with a mood disorder in a sick person. It helps patients accept the disease at an early stage. This specialist will help you cope with anxiety, insomnia and stress.

Psychologists will help you choose relaxation techniques and train your mental skills. Cognitive therapy can be conducted in sessions with a psychologist. The patient is taught how to navigate and perform daily activities.

Speech therapists

Speech therapists help patients with Alzheimer's when communication problems begin. The patient forgets the names of ordinary objects and cannot tell loved ones about his needs. During speech therapy sessions, finger exercises are performed. This technique is used in young children to teach speech. The exercises can also be done at home with relatives. They stimulate the patient's speaking function.

Where to treat Alzheimer's disease?

Boarding houses

Specialized boarding houses are located in many areas. These are commercial institutions, and staying there is expensive for the patient (about 50,000 per month). In boarding houses, a rehabilitation program is developed for each patient. Many institutions have a physiotherapy department where you can undergo procedures and get massages.

A prerequisite is a balanced diet, daily walks, acceptable physical exercise. Patients are advised by psychiatrists, psychologists, and speech therapists. The patient's condition is monitored by a general practitioner.


You can take a planned course of intravenous medications or treat an exacerbation of the disease (often during “spikes” in pressure, patients experience delusional disorder or delirium) in psychiatric clinics or psychoneurological dispensaries (for example, a scientific center mental health) in Moscow on Kashirskoye Shosse, 34.

Hospitalization to inpatient facilities is carried out if there is a referral from the PND, where the patient is registered. In some cases, paid inpatient treatment of patients is possible.

Private centers

Hospitalization of patients with Alzheimer's disease is carried out by private clinics. They provide a full range of diagnostic and treatment services. The price is several times higher than inpatient treatment in public clinics.


Alzheimer's treatment is offered at the Altai Castle sanatorium. The course is aimed at slowing down the progression of the patient’s intellectual functions and combines physiotherapy, balneotherapy, classes with a speech therapist and psychologist. Also important for a sick person is a daily routine, lack of stress, a balanced diet, daily walks and moderate physical activity.

It should be noted that sanatorium treatment is acceptable in the stage of pre-dementia or mild Alzheimer's disease. In the moderate and severe phases of the disease, it is not recommended to change the patient’s usual environment.

Such “novelty” will be hard on the memory and cause an aggravation of the condition. A change of residence at a moderate or severe stage of pathology can lead to delirium, acute psychosis, delusions and hallucinations.

Israeli clinics

Israeli medicine is considered one of the most progressive in the world. Israeli clinics offer the following program for the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's:

  1. Drug therapy - clinics use second-generation AChE inhibitors, selegelins, memantine, vitamin E;
  2. As maintenance therapy, the patient has daily exercise therapy;
  3. The Savion computer program allows you to stimulate the patient’s brain, influence individual loci and zones, and restore lost memories.

In addition, the clinics use innovative technologies:

  1. Electromagnetic therapy with the Neuro AD device. Pulses of a certain frequency affect the brain, allowing you to restore memory and spoken language. Treatment consists of 30 sessions of 1 hour each;
  2. Deep electromagnetic brain stimulation;
  3. A nasal spray that destroys is in clinical trials. Israeli clinics are also participating in testing;
  4. The Ichilov Clinic uses stem cell treatment.

Here is a list of Israeli clinics that provide treatment for Alzheimer's disease:

— Ikhilov;
— Rambam Medical Center (Haifa);
— Assuta Clinic (Tel Aviv);
— Beilison Clinic (Petah Tikva);
- Clinic named after. Chaima Shiba (Ramat Gan).

Moscow clinics

— Scientific Center for Mental Health;
— Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Alekseev;
— Psychiatric Hospital No. 15;
— Treatment and rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
— Psychological Clinic “Salvation”;
- Yusupov Hospital.

Treatment with folk remedies

Neumyvakin method

This professor suggested using 3% hydrogen peroxide to prevent age-related diseases. The solution was administered orally, starting with one drop per day, gradually increasing the dose to 10 drops. Then you need to take a break. This technique was justified by the lack of oxygen in the body, which can be obtained by consuming peroxide.

Unfortunately, there is no medical basis for this technique. But if it enters the body, peroxide can cause burns to the esophagus and stomach. People with chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers and intestinal ulcers should not take risks by testing this technique.

At home

People with Alzheimer's are recommended to use tinctures of Ginseng and Eleutherococcus. For excitability and aggression, you can brew soothing teas with valerian, hawthorn, and mint. In case of loss of strength or depressive disorder, decoctions of rose hips and hibiscus will help.


There is no specific diet for patients with Alzheimer's. It is recommended to prepare food at home. Use boiling, baking, steaming methods. As the disease progresses, it becomes difficult for the patient to chew. In this case, ready-made dishes can be pureed. And prepare meat products in the form of cutlets, meatballs, soufflés.

New in Alzheimer's Treatment 2019


Nasal vaccine CD 106 is aimed at preventive treatment. The drug should destroy the formation in the brain. Phase 2/3 clinical trials began in November 2015 and will continue until 2023. The drug is administered to “potential” patients with Alzheimer’s aged 65-70 years who are intellectually healthy. All representatives of the study are homozygous for APOe4, their risk of getting the disease is more than 90%.


A new acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, Ladostigil, is being tested. It will help patients with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and other dementias. It has neuroprotective and antidepressant effects. Phase 2 trials ended in 2016. The company said improvements in patients were significant, but trials will continue.


The drug davunetide is claimed to be the first drug that destroys neurofibrillary tangles and can restore memory to the patient. In 2012, the results of the second and third phases were published, which did not bring success to the drug. The results were for a nasal spray. But there is an injectable form of the substance, which was tested in 2006-2008. The results of this test were positive.


Israeli clinics actively use electromagnetic pulse devices that stimulate the brain. These units were developed by local scientists and are not used in world practice. After the testing period, the results of such therapy will be published and, perhaps, this technique will become more popular throughout the world.

Celebrities with Alzheimer's

Margarita Terekhova , a famous actress, has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease for several years. Her daughter said that the movie star had memory problems about 10 years ago. Needs help from loved ones and does not appear in public.

Prince Charles . There were reports in the press about memory problems in the eldest son of Elizabeth II in 2011. The heir to the throne may be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Now Prince Charles remains active and is the first and oldest contender for the British throne.

Monica Viti - the Italian actress, known for the films “Adventure”, “Eclipse”, “Don’t Miss, Assunta”, also has a similar diagnosis. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2011, at the age of 79. Now she needs care and does not go out in public. Fortunately, facilities for the elderly in Italy make it possible to provide the actress with decent care.

List of forums

For patients

  • After starting treatment for a mild stage of the disease, you should keep a patient diary. An excellent option is for the patient to work independently. If a person cannot cope, his loved ones help him. Example diary .
  • At the onset of the disease, the patient should sort out the documents and draw up a will. You should talk to your doctors about your possible disability group. After all, the disease will progress quickly. You can read about planning, a summary of recommendations can also be found familiarization .

For families

Unfortunately, in our country, care for a sick person is organized by relatives. And as a rule, they are left alone with this problem. Important information about care, legal and medical aspects of the disease can be found on this website.

Relatives communicate on forums. For example, here is the most popular one, there is a page in

Alzheimer's disease is an age-related disease, the symptoms of which are characterized by the gradual decline of mental abilities, namely: memory loss, changes in speech, and lack of logical thinking. Manifestations of the disease are observed in people over 65 years of age.

Experts say that most often the development of Alzheimer's disease occurs in people with a low intellectual level of development who perform unskilled work. The presence of developed intelligence reduces the likelihood of this disease occurring, since in this case there are a greater number of connections between nerve cells. In this case, the functions performed by the dead cells are transferred to others that were not previously involved. However, there are also many cases of this disease among the smartest people of their time. Former US President Ronald Reagan, Irish writer Iris Murdoch, writer Terry Pratchett, former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, actors Peter Falk, Annie Girardot, Charlton Heston and others suffered from this disease.

Most often, symptoms of Alzheimer's disease occur in females. According to experts, this is due to their longer life expectancy. It is known that most men die earlier, even before the possible onset of age-related dementia.

As this disease develops, so-called senile plaques are deposited in the brain and neurofibrillary tangles are formed. These processes destroy nerve pathways in brain tissue.

What is the true cause of Alzheimer's disease is still unknown. However, researchers have found genes responsible for predisposition to this disease. It has been proven that extensive destruction of nerve cells in the brain leads to loss of mental abilities.

People at risk include:

  • prone to;
  • having a genetic predisposition;
  • caring for a person with Alzheimer's disease.

A person who has been engaged in active mental activity all his life is less susceptible to developing age-related dementia. There is an opinion that the disease occurs due to a lack of special substances responsible for nerve impulses, as well as due to hypothyroidism, head injuries, tumors and much more.

Signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

It is very difficult to detect this disease when it just begins to appear. Often, the relatives of the sick person do not take the first “bells” seriously and classify them as age-related phenomena.

The main signs of early Alzheimer's disease include:

Note: The main sign of the development of the disease is complaints about the inability to do simple calculations. Handwriting becomes different, hallucinations appear, and the person begins to delusion. However, only a specialist, taking into account the whole picture of what is happening, symptoms and additional examination, can make an appropriate diagnosis.

The development of the disease begins with increasing memory loss. At an early stage, the disease is invisible to others, since people try to hide such phenomena. Then the patient forgets everything that happened to him earlier. Over time, he ceases to navigate in space and forgets everything he has learned. At first, a person simply cannot remember recent events, and over time and as the disease progresses, he loses old memories. He stops recognizing faces and forgets the difference between color and shape. Speech becomes slurred.

The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can worsen:

  • loneliness for a long time;
  • a crowd of strangers;
  • unfamiliar objects and surroundings;
  • darkness;
  • heat;
  • infections;
  • taking medications in large quantities.

The active development of the disease reduces a person’s ability to think independently and move. Patients with Alzheimer's disease stop recognizing loved ones, do not remember their age and key life moments. They seem to be stuck in the past and can imagine themselves still young. In addition, at this stage of Alzheimer's disease, there is a violation of everyday skills.

A person forgets how:

  • dress;
  • use cutlery;
  • perform toilet and hygiene procedures;
  • Eating.

The patient loses the ability to read, write, count, forgets words, limiting himself to a stereotypical set of them, loses orientation to the time of day, and the ability to swallow food. Such a person may experience severe apathy or, conversely, aggression.

Note: at a deep stage of the disease, the patient is not able to exist independently and needs care and feeding. It is not possible to cure this disease.

How long do people with Alzheimer's disease live? According to statistics, the average life expectancy from the moment of diagnosis does not exceed seven years. However, some patients can live up to twenty years.

It is important to know that complications of the disease can cause:

  • malnutrition;
  • all kinds of injuries;
  • infectious diseases.

Therefore, diagnosis at the beginning of the development of the disease is a very important point. It is necessary to ensure that an elderly relative is regularly examined and, at the first suspicion, immediately contacts a specialist.

Note: as the disease progresses, it is important to take measures and support the patient’s self-care skills, surround him with attention and prevent the development of depressive conditions.

If the first signs of Alzheimer's disease appear, you should urgently undergo an appropriate examination. For diagnosis, questionnaires have been developed that help determine the presence of the disease. In addition, you will need to undergo additional tests, undergo a tomography, cardiogram, examine the thyroid gland, and do encelography. A specialist may also prescribe a PET scan of the brain.

The diagnosis is established taking into account the patient’s life history, stories from his relatives, based on test results, hereditary data, and also by excluding alternative diseases. All existing methods for diagnosing the disease allow us to give the most accurate assessment of the patient’s current condition. Sometimes the final diagnosis is established only through a biopsy of brain tissue or posthumously.

Unfortunately, there is no therapy yet that can cope with this disease. However, there are many ways to prevent it and slow down its development, allowing you to prolong a person’s life, support his social functioning, facilitate his care, and also partially compensate for the violation of his psychological state.

The essence of therapy for Alzheimer's disease lies in the precise selection of effective medications, in accordance with the individual characteristics of a person.

Note: Attentive care of the patient at home is very important. The need for a hospital is justified only in the presence of dangerous mental disorders and inappropriate behavior. In other cases, it can harm the patient.

Medicines that can be used to alleviate the condition are very expensive. In addition, they have a lot of side effects and are not always effective. Remember that there are no special drugs to treat this disease.

Important: At the first symptoms of the disease, you should contact a neurologist.

How a specialist can help:

  1. Examines the patient.
  2. Consult relatives about the rules of caring for him.
  3. Prescribe treatment with drugs that slow down the development of the disease.
  4. Will refer you to a psychiatrist, gerontologist and other doctors for additional examinations.

Medicines and drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

There are several drugs that alleviate the condition of patients. They are approved by renowned regulatory agencies EMEA and FDA. With the help of these medications, therapy is carried out aimed at improving memory and spatial orientation. However, none of them can stop the progression of the disease.

In modern medicine, medications such as Galantamine, Donepezil and Rivastigmine are used. Their positive effect is observed only at the beginning of the disease and in the moderate stage. In the presence of a highly developed disease, Donepezil is prescribed.

Note: Doses of drugs are selected individually by the attending physician. All medications have contraindications and side effects.

The well-known drug “Memantine” is prescribed for moderate and severe stages of the disease. However, it can cause dizziness, hallucinations, fatigue and migraines. If it is used in combination with Donepezil, you can get a barely noticeable positive result: memory improves, and the ability to take care of yourself appears.

The use of antipsychotics for acute aggression improves the patient's condition, but impairs motor abilities and worsens the level of social functioning. Regular use of these drugs is not recommended.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes will not help eradicate the disease, but they will significantly reduce its manifestations, alleviating the patient’s condition.

It is worth introducing black tea into your diet. These drinks stimulate brain activity. You can also take soy lecithin. The dosage is up to 3 grams per day.

The following decoctions can be used in complex therapy:

Motherwort is also taken in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. It normalizes the activity of the nervous system and lowers blood pressure.

Recent research has shown that curcumin may help prevent certain changes in the brain. This substance is part of the root of the famous plant. This seasoning is popular not only in eastern countries, but also in Russia. It can be added to first and second courses, baked meat with it, and seasoned pilaf. There are preparations containing turmeric root extract. The advisability of taking them should be discussed with your doctor.

Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

The best ways to prevent disease are considered:

  • intellectual activity;
  • reading;
  • game of chess;
  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • regular communication with people.

However, according to medical observations, no clear evidence of the effectiveness of such measures was identified. Epidemiological studies have shown that a special diet, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and active thought processes can also prevent the onset of the disease.

When symptoms of Alzheimer's appear, as well as in order to prevent its development, experts recommend following a Mediterranean diet. It is necessary to introduce vegetables, cereals, fruits, red wine and fish dishes into the diet. Vitamins, especially B3 and B12, ascorbic acid and folic acid, also reduce the risk of disease.

Smoking and drinking alcohol are strictly prohibited (except large quantity red wine). It is necessary to focus on citrus fruits, as well as seafood rich in folic acid.

The amount of liquid consumed should be controlled. The normal volume should not be less than 1.5 liters per day.

Bee products are very effective for the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The patient should eat at least 3 tablespoons of honey per day, which leads to improved memory and slower brain inhibition functions.

Trofimova Yaroslava, medical observer

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an attempt to preserve the patient's memory and activity for as long as possible. BA is a multifactorial type, and a whole team of doctors is involved in its diagnosis and therapy: , . Treatment consists of correcting the daily routine and nutrition, proper care, medications and physiotherapy. Compliance with all treatment standards gives the patient a chance for a longer and more fulfilling life.

Is the disease curable?

Alzheimer's type dementia is incurable. Alzheimer's disease is the gradual death of neurons in the brain. Due to the accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain tissue, consisting of amyloid in the cells and intercellular space, neurons die. This process cannot be stopped completely. It begins long before the first manifestations of the disease and still progresses over time. But it is possible to slow down the degradation.

The study of the disease has borne fruit: we know how to reduce the risk of the disease and prolong the intellectual activity of patients. Treatment for AD aims to preserve cognitive abilities for as long as possible. As part of the therapy, all healing methods are used: medications, folk remedies, strengthening procedures. This helps remove or reduce symptoms and slow down the degradation process. For the patient’s condition, it is important to educate the relatives who will care for him.

Traditional methods

The most important goal of therapy is to stop the process of neuron death and preserve brain function. This cannot be done without medications and medical procedures. Although all the drugs used do not give 100% results, they significantly improve the condition and consciousness of patients. Achieve best result It is possible if you combine traditional and non-traditional methods of therapy. Among traditional ones, pharmacology occupies the main place.


For quality treatment, medications are prescribed to suppress symptoms and drugs that can affect the cause of these symptoms. Their use preserves brain function: memory, orientation, ability to read and recognize speech. Also, for therapeutic purposes, sedatives and vitamins are prescribed to help support the nervous system.

Tablets for Alzheimer's disease
Tradename Pharmaceutical group Active substance Effect of the drug
Azaleptin Neuroleptics Clozapine Eliminates psychopathic and neurotic conditions, relieves anxiety and aggression
Memantine Neurotropic agents Memantine Supports cognitive function, prolongs the ability to communicate and think logically
Risperidone Neuroleptics Risperidone Sedative, antiemetic, antipsychotic effect. Suppresses feelings of fear, aggression,
Sonapax Neuroleptics Thioridazine Removes feelings of anxiety and fear, suppresses aggression and psychosis.
Eufillin Adenosinergic drugs Aminophylline Prescribed to improve blood circulation and oxygen saturation. The drug improves respiratory function
Arisept Cholinomimetics Donepezil Inhibits acetylcholinesterase in the brain: speech, thinking, spatial orientation, and memory improve
Cholinesterase inhibitor Rivastigmine Improves the transmission of impulses in synapses. Patients' abstract and logical thinking, memory and motor skills are preserved

Aricept and Exelon are among the most popular drugs. Their action is aimed not just at combating symptoms, but at the cause of the patient’s degradation. Exelon is also available in the form of a patch. This is a convenient system that gradually delivers the active substance to the body. In addition to antipsychotics, patients need tranquilizers and sedatives. They help cope with anxiety and depression at the initial stage of the disease.

Alzheimer's disease progresses faster in people with high blood sugar levels. That's why You need to monitor your blood glucose and insulin levels very carefully. Sleeping pills, antidepressants and vitamins also help maintain the quality of life of people with dementia. Glycine, Carbamazepine, and Cerebrolysin are used as symptomatic treatment. These drugs help restore interest in life, increase intellectual activity and mood.

BA is a disease of the older age group. Most patients with this diagnosis encountered after 60 years of age. According to statistics, women suffer from dementia up to 3 times more often than men. As a rule, this group of patients has other health problems, so therapy for concomitant diseases is usually added to the treatment of asthma.

It is strictly contraindicated to “prescribe” any medications on your own. All of the medications listed have side effects and contraindications. Relatives who look after a sick father, mother or grandmother need to monitor the well-being of their ward. If there is a sharp deterioration, the doctor must make sure that the chosen treatment regimen is correct.

Maintenance therapy

Medicines play a major role in treatment, but without supportive care they are less effective. Herbal medicine, work with a psychotherapist, ultrasound therapy and other therapeutic procedures help slow down degradation, at least temporarily. Herbal preparations can sometimes replace medications with initial stages BA. These remedies are based on herbs that are beneficial for the nervous and circulatory systems and the brain.

Popular herbal remedies for dementia:

  1. "Ginkgo biloba". Contains the plant of the same name and auxiliary components. Prescribed in the early stages and for moderate dementia. Normalizes the tone of blood vessels, calms. Patients experience increased memory, clarity of consciousness, and increased learning ability.
  2. "Memoplant". Based on the same Ginkgo biloba. The drug improves blood circulation and stimulates the production of neurotransmitters. Result: improved concentration, ability to learn, and logical thinking.

Together with these remedies, tinctures and herbal decoctions are recommended. A set of such drugs is selected depending on the symptoms and stage of the disease:

  1. For anxiety and depression - tinctures of valerian, dissected hogweed roots. The plants are finely chopped, left for 12 hours and taken as recommended by a doctor.
  2. For frequent headaches, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, purslane helps.
  3. , and muscular dystrophy - , fruits of Echinops, hemlock.
  4. To assimilate information and improve memory - alcohol tinctures Ginkgo Biloba and .
  5. For general tone - ginseng root, lemongrass, black and green tea.

You cannot use herbal medicine on your own. The types of drugs, decoctions or herbs are selected individually, as they can cause side effects. In addition to herbal remedies, supportive therapy offers ultrasound treatment. This is a relatively new and promising technique. The Japanese and Australians were the first to try it; the essence of the method is repeated exposure of the brain to ultrasonic waves.

IN laboratory research Using mice, scientists managed to achieve complete breakdown of amyloid plaques in the brains of sick mice. Of all the subjects, 75% got rid of protein accumulation in brain cells. This gives hope that dementia will soon be completely cured. Physiotherapeutic treatment improves the effect of using drugs. Patients are shown inhalations with medicinal compounds, heat therapy, diadynamic therapy (DDT) - low electrical discharges, physical therapy, galvanization and medicinal therapy, amplipulse therapy (SMT), oxygen cocktails.

These procedures must also be prescribed by a doctor. You can take them at your place of residence in clinics or sanatoriums. Also among traditional methods – individual work with a psychotherapist and in groups. During the trainings, planning, communication, spatial orientation, reading and writing skills are developed.

Treatment at home

In the initial stages of the disease, patients almost always remain under the supervision of relatives or specialists. At home, the patient must take medications prescribed by the doctor. In addition, some exercises to develop thinking can be done at home. Music and art therapy help with dementia; aromatherapy stimulates receptors and creates new ones neural connections in the brain; mental stress; gymnastics and yoga; massages and self-massages.

It is necessary to “force” the brain to work so that it can better resist the attack. Puzzles, chess games, solving crosswords.

But the most effective thing is to master something new. It is recommended to study computers and phones, new applications and programs. Dementia progresses with persistent disorders, depression, and nervous breakdowns. Therefore, it is useful for the patient to walk in the park or in a quiet place, and to avoid stressful situations.

Correct behavior of relatives and support are the basis of home treatment. A psychiatrist or neurologist should give recommendations to loved ones on how to behave with the patient. Relatives also need to monitor changes in the well-being and behavior of a person with dementia. If there is a sharp deterioration or noticeable improvement, you need to report this to your doctor. It is necessary to monitor the physical condition and prevent bedsores if the patient no longer moves much.

Folk remedies

TO traditional methods The fight against dementia includes herbal medicine. Herbal tinctures, decoctions and tablets are taken at home, but strictly as directed by a doctor. It is recommended to drink a cup daily. The drink tones and prolongs the “youth” of the brain. Instead of tea, you can brew leaves, she has beneficial features and a decent supply. At the same time, it is a prohibited product.

With the doctor's permission, it is useful to take a contrast shower. This increases vascular tone, reduces the likelihood of depression and stress. But for some diseases of cardio-vascular system This cannot be done, so you should definitely consult a doctor. Among the “bath” procedures, foot baths made from fern root are recommended. You can find it in a pharmacy or from herbalists; it helps with muscular dystrophy and cramps, and interrupted sleep.

In older people, the number of beneficial microbes on the surface of the skin decreases. In conditions of low mobility, this is especially dangerous, so wiping with a small amount is recommended. In the initial stages of the disease, take it with juice. To do this, grind it on a fine grater, separate the juice, and mix it in equal parts with honey. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day. This recipe in folk medicine is considered universal for maintaining vitality.


The right set of products, like medications, can improve concentration, memory, and mental stability. The patient's menu should include fortified foods. Such nutrition will support intellectual and muscular youth and human activity.

When the intestinal microflora is disrupted, synthesis decreases, which are very important for the functioning of the nervous system.

To maintain normal intestinal function, you need to introduce fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables into your diet. To replenish vitamin B reserves in the patient's diet should be: meat, eggs, cereals.

Disturbances in the hematopoietic system are one of the factors in the development of asthma. To support normal blood circulation, you need to eat foods with. They are found in fish and nuts. Great with lots of fish and seafood.

Choline acetylase deficiency is another hypothesis for dementia in old age. To prolong brain activity and function, you need to eat whole grains. They contain choline and acetylcholine precursors.

Antioxidants help remove free radicals and metals that lead to premature aging. Antioxidant products: , honey and. It is especially useful to use as a seasoning, as its beneficial effects on brain function have been proven. Diet: small portions 4-5 times a day. It is important that the menu is varied and consists of fresh products.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • , coffee;
  • hot spices;
  • flour products;
  • fat meat;
  • synthetic seasonings and semi-finished products.

Great importance is given to the drinking regime, since a lack of water very quickly affects cognitive functions. It is recommended to drink 2-2.5 liters of pure still water. , herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices replenish both fluids and vitamins.


When caring for a patient, the first thing you need is patience. For dementia there is a gradual disintegration personality of a person, he can become whiny, aggressive, and suspicious. It is worth treating it with maximum understanding: a person simply does not understand what is happening around him. It is important for his condition to hear words of support and participation in his life. Daily concerns will include taking care of body hygiene, clothing, nutrition, and taking medications.

Rules of care:

  1. Hygiene. Bathing most often makes patients angry or extremely resentful. The patient does not understand why he should bathe if he has already done it. In severe stages of dementia, the process of bathing causes discomfort from cold, awkward position, and feeling wet. Using the trial method, you need to establish what causes less aggression: a bath or a shower. You need to prepare everything in advance and not leave the patient alone. It is better to have handrails installed in the bathroom. There must be anti-slip mats on the floor.
  2. Teeth cleaning. If a person still understands speech, you need to correctly explain to him how to brush his teeth. He may not understand the phrase “brush his teeth”; he needs step-by-step hints. For example, "take toothbrush", "take the pasta", etc. It is better to show by your own example.
  3. Nutrition. You need to set the table with a minimum of cutlery; it is better to avoid forks and knives. There should be a maximum of two types of food on the plate; the variety often leads to confusion. The diet should include foods that are easy to chew.
  4. Toilet. From taking medications and due to the disease itself, patients often experience incontinence and. The bed should be covered with a diaper or diapers for adults should be used, and the person should be reminded to go to the toilet. You can hang a bright sign on the door. With incontinence, it will take time for the caregiver to determine the intervals. Later it will be possible to determine that acts of urination or defecation occur every two or three hours. At night, you need to set an alarm to take your ward to the toilet.

Another important point is clothing. You need to get rid of all unnecessary wardrobe items, clothes should be comfortable and simple. It should also be easily removable so as not to create unnecessary delays when going to the toilet. It is better if a person chooses what to wear. You should not offer him too much variety, as this may cause panic. Wardrobe items should be placed or served in the order in which they are worn: first underwear, pants, shirt. It is better to voice every detail and not rush the process.

How to behave with a sick person

It is important that a person uses all his skills for as long as possible. He must eat, dress, take off clothes, brush his teeth himself. If the patient categorically refuses or is no longer able to care for himself, only then should it be done for him. The caregiver should be aware that patients often do not understand common phrases and calls, for example, “get dressed,” “eat,” “bathe.” They need to explain the procedure step by step.

You cannot rush them, this will cause resentment or irritation. Often, when dressing themselves, they can wear two shirts or a T-shirt over a sweater. There is no need to force him to change clothes, the main thing is that he does not freeze or overheat. It happens that a person wants to wear only one set of underwear - just prepare several similar sets, and do not force him to wear what he does not like.

Anger, anger or tears are a manifestation. You need to react to all the patient’s “attacks” only in a positive way, praise him, and encourage him. Proving your point of view or trying to explain something complex will not work. The person most likely will not believe it or simply will not understand. The most important thing is to maintain his sense of self-worth, need and importance. Those caring for people with dementia also need rest. If possible, it is better to involve relatives or specialists on call so that you can relax and not be disrupted.

What to do in case of aggression

You will have to face aggression even with very proper care. Patients may become enraged and angry from fear, confusion,... This often happens in crowded places, when you need to decide something, out of awareness of your own helplessness. The first thing you need to learn to do is not to take attacks of aggression personally. Usually it “hits” someone who just happened to be nearby.

At the moment of aggression:

  1. You need to exhale, move away from the patient and count to 10. This is a technique for all conflict situations; it will allow you to react calmly, without emotional attacks.
  2. You cannot argue, show anger, or punish. Instead, you should always demonstrate friendliness. It is important for the patient to see that he is understood, not judged, and ready to help.
  3. You need to divert your attention from the situation that caused your anger. Since the concentration of attention in people with dementia is very weakened, this “trick” often works.

If attacks of anger are constantly recurring, it is better to contact a psychiatrist. Antidepressants and sedatives used reduce the frequency of such attacks. But for general condition It is better for the patient to look for more gentle methods. After another unpleasant episode, act as if nothing happened.

Demonstration of dissatisfaction or attempts to refuse communication will lead to new grievances, as the patient quickly forgets about the recent quarrel.

Application of stem cells

Cell therapy is a powerful weapon against many pathologies, including AD. She refutes the claim that nerve cells are not restored, as with the implantation of stem cells - completely. The essence of the treatment is to transplant immature cells into a sick person. In the body, they replace destroyed brain cells, and the brain can work in the same way as before the disease manifested itself.

The use of cell therapy in the early stages virtually stops or greatly slows down the development of symptoms. For severe dementia, such treatment provides a noticeable improvement in the person’s well-being and behavior. The difficulty is that dementia may not manifest itself for a long time. Also, the technique of implanting stem cells is an expensive service and not everyone can afford it.

Features of treatment at different stages

If asthma is detected and treated at an early stage, the chance of prolonging the patient's activity and consciousness increases. During this period, the patient undergoes brain diagnostics, psycho-emotional tests, and general tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, medications are prescribed, work with a psychotherapist and home care. At an early stage, they try not to use heavy antipsychotics, since they have many side effects. Intensive prophylaxis is prescribed disease progression, sedatives, vitamins, physiotherapy.

With further development of symptoms, the patient must take drug treatment. There are 2 main types of drugs used: Memantine and cholinesterase inhibitors. This helps slow down the process of personality decay and cognitive impairment. Hormonal pills are sometimes added to them to normalize sleep and wakefulness. These stages can take place at home. The patient must follow a diet, walk, and maintain brain activity.

If the disease occurs with frequent attacks of aggression or depression, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed.

Treatment for moderate and late stages includes symptomatic therapy. On the last stage of the disease It is not possible to significantly influence the process of brain death. Care comes down to maintaining a normal standard of living. At this stage, it is important to prevent infections, since the patient is already very weakened and lies down a lot. Taking psychoactive substances is often pointless. Memantine or Aricept are prescribed.

Where to identify the patient

People with incurable brain diseases are admitted to nursing homes for the elderly and/or psychoneurological boarding schools. If a person is still sane and can be responsible for his actions, he himself signs an application for registration in a special institution. If the patient is already insane, relatives do this.

Government agencies usually require a waiting list, which can take anywhere from several months to several years. Private institutions in this area of ​​medicine will not keep you waiting, but maintenance will cost an average of 1500-2000 thousand dollars a month. If care takes place at home, you can call from such institutions to your home.

Who to contact

At the first signs of dementia (memory loss, disorientation, hallucinations), you need to be examined by a neurologist and psychiatrist. Further, if you suspect dementia, you will have to consult with many doctors to accurately establish the diagnosis. You can be examined in any hospital near your place of residence, in dispensaries or private clinics. If you need to send a relative to a boarding school, the first place to turn is: social Security(social security).

Treatment abroad

Clinics abroad can offer new approaches to treatment that remain unavailable here. The leading countries for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease are Germany, Israel and Thailand. The largest flow of patients comes to Israel, since the medicine here is advanced. Treatment uses complex drug therapy, electromagnetic brain stimulation, and stem cells. In addition, patients can, if they wish, participate in testing new techniques.

Education:1990-1996, North Ossetian State Medical Academy.


1. In 2016, at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, she underwent advanced training in the additional professional program “Therapy” and was admitted to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty of therapy.

2. In 2017, by the decision of the examination commission at a private institution of additional vocational education The Institute for Advanced Training of Medical Personnel is admitted to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty of radiology.

Experience: general practitioner – 18 years, radiologist – 2 years.

Alzheimer's disease is a type of neuronal disease that occurs due to dysfunction of cells in the temporal and parietal regions of the brain. The disease manifests itself in old age and eventually causes dementia, as well as a variety of cognitive impairment. The symptoms of this pathology vary from a mild stage to a very serious condition of the patient, in which he requires daily help from a caregiver. The etiological factors of Alzheimer's disease can be chronic infections, inflammatory processes in the body, development diabetes mellitus and abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.

Speaking about a brief description of the symptoms, we can highlight the main signs that characterize Alzheimer's disease:

This list contains only the leading part of the symptoms reflecting Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, senile disease is not completely curable and inevitably leads to death. However, it is within our power to do everything to prolong the peaceful life of a loved one as much as possible. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the list of methods for treating the disease.

Drug treatment

The pharmaceutical industry today offers several effective therapy options to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease and partially relieve symptoms. Therapeutic approaches contain several stages:

  • Replacement therapy. Aimed at eliminating neurotransmitter deficits in the body’s neural systems, which primarily contribute to the development of the disease;
  • Neuroprotective. Increases the vital activity of neurons and neural plasticity;
  • Vasoactive;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Hormonal.

Various types of therapeutic methods combined with approved medications will help slow down the progression of cognitive impairment in the body. To date, there are four official drugs to combat Alzheimer's disease: memantine, three acetylcholine inhibitors and an NMDA-glutamate receptor antagonist.

Representatives of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) conducted a number of studies, based on numerous analyzes of patient histories, the results of scientists’ experiments and clinical trials. They concluded that during the mild stage of Alzheimer's disease, the most effective drugs are cholinesterase inhibitors. At a moderately severe and final stage, treatment is carried out with the help of memantine, which can ease the patient’s dementia. These drugs can also be used in combination, as they are aimed at eliminating the general complex of symptoms of the disease.

A variety of medical research has led to the development of vaccines to combat accumulations of beta-amyloid, the protein that causes Alzheimer's disease at the gene level. Under the influence of the vaccine, the body’s immune system is obliged to control the amount of protein produced in the body, reduce it and thereby ease the course of the disease. The drug MDA7 can cure not only neuropathic syndrome, but also slow down Alzheimer's disease - manifestations of dementia in the early and late stages. As a result of experiments on animals, a group of scientists also proved that this drug restores the individual’s cognitive functions, memory and synoptic plasticity. It has a disinfecting effect on the immune system, thereby protecting the body from inflammatory processes. The drug MDA7 does not cause side effects.

Many experts find a relationship between Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, since both diseases have the same source. Treatment of insulin-dependent people occurs due to the effect of the drug on certain receptors in the body. During animal testing, it was found that the drug also regulates the functioning of genes, thereby restoring memory and learning ability. Alzheimer's disease is much more complex than the symptoms induced artificially in animals, but diabetes medications have been clinically proven to have a positive effect on memory regeneration.

Alzheimer's disease at a severe stage can be characterized by psycho-emotional disorders of a person. In order to normalize the nervous system, treatment with complex antipsychotic drugs is used, which reduce the level of aggression and eliminate signs of psychosis. A harmonious state of mind is a big step towards slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

Drug treatment can affect the underlying structure of the disease, but it alone is not enough to maintain a healthy physical and emotional spirit. The people have a lot of proven recipes that strengthen the body’s immune system and act as a preventive measure not only for Alzheimer’s disease, but also for other chronic and infectious diseases.

First of all, you should pay attention to a special diet. It is recommended to diversify your daily diet with Mediterranean cuisine: fish, seafood, seaweed. Fresh fruits and vegetables in abundance, as well as fresh juices, normalize the balance of vitamins in the body and help strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to remember about B vitamins, which have the most powerful effect on the endocrine and neural systems of the body. This includes a variety of cereals, poultry, dairy products, onions, garlic, etc. If there is a lack of vitamins of groups A, C, E, zinc and selenium in the body, it is necessary to replenish them with special preparations.

Folk remedies have been used for a long time, and many of them are truly effective in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. The most effective is motherwort tincture, which must be taken daily to maintain normal blood pressure. Acai berries from South and Central America, Tibetan Goji berries and mangosteen have amazing healing properties.

During a consultation with your doctor, you can consult about taking Ginkgo biloba tincture - the specialist will prescribe the required daily therapeutic dose. The tincture affects brain cells, stimulating their active work. Accelerators of the process of memory and brain regeneration are healing herbs brahmi (Indian shieldwort), preparations based on mandookparni, shankpushpi and shatavri.

Other folk remedies:

Other methods of treatment and prevention

Alzheimer's disease can cripple even the most resilient person. Very often, against the background of general physical weakness, mental disorders occur, accompanied by emotional stress, hallucinations, unconscious thoughts, and manic-depressive psychosis. In order to heal a person's nervous system, constant support and understanding is necessary. The patient should feel safe, comfortable, and see care and love from loved ones.

Alzheimer's disease is slowed by constant mental activity individual. For this purpose, the caregiver provides him maximum number available activities and hobbies. These can be crosswords, books with large letters and pictures, funny and educational newspapers and magazines. The patient must decide for himself which type of hobby to choose. It is very important not to overload the patient with complex, abstract and depressive information, and to constantly monitor the state of his emotional background.

Light physical activity improves blood circulation throughout the body and the functioning of the vascular parts of the brain. They help activate all muscles and joints in the body, which is especially important in advanced age. Special exercises will help keep the entire musculoskeletal system in good shape and control motor skills.

It is necessary to exclude all irritating or frightening factors from the patient’s life. Experts strongly recommend leaving light lighting in the individual’s room around the clock, limiting his contacts with strangers, and constantly being close to the patient, because loneliness has a negative impact on dementia. Deterioration in health can be caused by excessive intake of various medications, surgery, anesthesia, infectious diseases, and loss of large amounts of fluid.

Alzheimer's disease causes cognitive impairment of the entire body, therefore, the patient needs daily care. The main task of loved ones is to provide a person with everything necessary, including hygiene procedures and eating food. It is important to remember to have a friendly attitude towards the patient, to encourage him while putting on clothes or moving from one place to another.

As a preventive measure for Alzheimer's disease, it should be noted, again, a proper healthy diet, rich in vitamins, with a minimum amount of foods containing cholesterol, including flour, spicy, fried, and over-salted foods. The diet should contain all groups of vitamins, especially B and Omega-3, which contribute to normal functioning brain cells and memory support.

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